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At times I feel alone

moonligt July 22nd

Right now I feel That I had enough about everything that I'm not enough good for anyone, and If I'm that much "bad person" then I dont wanna live anymore😭😭😭😭😭

moonoquq July 23rd

It’s must be tough for you moonlight :, ( Im sure you’re not a bad person and it’s ok to take some time out or just a little moment to rest, try and find something that you could do to stop thinking about it! It does work. You are worthy alr! 🫂💗

RedWell July 24th


Would you try this one thing please? Get out your notebook or a piece of paper.

Write this:

I am (your name). I have made lots of mistakes, but I that's not the core of me. This is who I am...

Then write out 21 kind or caring or generous or loving things you've done in life for other people. Just small little things. Think back through your entire life. Don't stop until you've hit 21.

Then read it every morning when you wake up, and meet new people who see the best in you, and make you want to add #22!

moonligt OP July 24th

@RedWell thank you so much, I really appreciate your help, but I don't have self-love problem (I love myself, but Ik that I'm not saint, I'm not egoist.) my problem is that there was a lot almost the same experiments (with friends, relationships)

And there is 2 group most of the time from the people who I've met before

Number 1:1st day he or she texts me, next day they start ghosting and forget me.

2nd option: they have crush on me, and If I say no, then I will be automatically treated as a bad person, and evil, doesn't matter How much I tried to tell them that I don't have problem with them. I just feel that I had enough about everything

moonligt OP July 24th

And that's not the only reason I'm here. I also wanna make new friends, but I'm scared because of the bad experiences

Also I feel that I was unrespectful to you. But you only try to help. So I'm sorry If I really was 😔

RedWell July 24th


It's really OK. Now I understand a bit better.

I hope you will value face to face talking a big more and texting less. Face-to-face you can really tell with body language, you can see if someone is turning their body towards you somewhat when talking, whether they make eye contact with you when you're talking. Words can just be words and not mean much, look for someone who looks in your eyes with a slight smile when you talk. They are the ones with mutual crush potential. 

It sucks to have to turn someone down who likes you and then be hated just for being honest. It might feel so humiliating and cold to them, even though you just aren't interested and don't mean to be humiliating or cold.  Think of something good about the person who says they have a crush on you, some good quality or trait that many people find very attractive. Tell them something good about them that you like about them and that is likeable about them before saying that you're just not the right person to date them but you know they deserve a really good person to date. If they hear 2 good things about them along when they also hear 'no' from you, it will make them less likely to lash out. You don't deserve the guilt after you have tried your best to say 2 positive things about them. You are free to like whoever you like. 

Keep meeting new friends too... You will have alot more than 2 groups of friends in your life :)

moonligt OP July 24th

@Redwell look I have even an example about 1 situation. True It's long, but I tried to see It objective, that's the reason

That will be my earlier post.

Hi guys, I'm Moon!

I'm new here, and I decided that I should write about my experience with one of my friends, because I think then I could see this situation from multiple perspectives, so probably I would understand it better.

(To be honest I don't usually post anything anywhere, so I'm a little bit nervous, and ashamed, but I will try to explain.)It will be long, sorry!

So, I was around 15-16 years old, when I met him, (so we know his gender) he helped me when someone bullied me, he was kind, so we quickly became friends.

After a while, we stopped talking, and we haven't talked for around 2 years.

He texted me perivous month, and asked me If I remember him, and If I wanna talk with him again, I agreed.

In the first few days nothing special happened.

We just told each other what happened while we weren't talking.

So It was just simple "getting to know each other more" conversations.

Later he asked me, If I ever had boyfriend, and what kind of relationships I like, and the point is that I said I also prefer a long-distance relationship, but he doesn't like it.

I respect anyone's opinion, so not that was the problem. The problem was that he didn't respect mine, because he acted like If he wanted to decide my feelings, example he said that "Moon, you can't be in an online relationship" which hurted me, I hate the ex-bf topics anway, so he apogalised, and promised me that he will never talk about it again.

[ ] Soon he started calling me example "my love, darling, honey,sun, precious" and that "you are so beatuiful" , he asked me weird things like "Can I kiss your neck, what would you do If I were kiss your lips" when he called me "my love" for the first time I thought that he is joking, but when he called me the girl of his dreams, and even asked me that If I were met a boy like him, I would like to be the boy's gf, then I started to think about that he has a crush on me. And he also asked me If I wanna be in a relationship with anyone, I answered him I'm not ready for a few reasons,example 1-2 weeks are not enough to get know someone (after 2years people can change) , but NOT he is the problem If he wanted to ask me out. He became upset, so that day he went to sleep earlier. I ovbiously noticed later, so I told him that I don't have problem with him, he looks like good, he is smart etc., and I respect him. I even drew about him and I to my diary, I showed him and I told him that I didn't want to hurt him. He answered that he appreciates it, and anything happens he will support me. But compared to that, next day he asked me If my exes are better than him, I were ready for them, and I answered that I was 12-13-14 years old, and I couldn't think rationally, but I learned that good look is not enough for a relationship, we also need to know that person. And I asked him If he haven't told me before that online relationships are don't exist, and he said: "Then I said that. But for now, I say It's true." Then It made me confused, after It he random started that I'm lied something about one of my exes relationship, because I didn't mention It before, and he never heard similar situation, and that I don't have values, he is laughing at me, If I believe my fairytales then something is wrong in my mind, I'm a liar and he stops the conversation. I didn't lie, but I don't think It was fair from him that he accused me, but I could accuse him for more things: He doesn't trust me, he didn't take into account that I'm not ready, he promised he would never mention the ex-bf topic again but he did it second time. He started nitpicking with me, and made fun of me, insulted me. I know the "no " can be hurtable, and he had bad experiences, but he still doesn't have right to treat me like that. I really tried to be fair, but I ended up being the scapegoat. All of these things happened fast, when this arquing happened I couldn't tell my "accuses" to him. I'm still confused on some level about this. I still have unanswered questions. So yeah, that's my story. And I really didn't want to be unrespectful to anyone. Thank you If you read it!

Γεια σου, σε αγαπώ πάρα πολύ και ελπίζω να μη σε πλήγωσα χθες γιατί έφυγες τόσο ξαφνικά για ύπνο και δεν μου έστειλες ούτε φιλί όπως συνήθιζες. Και θέλω να ξέρεις ότι καθόλου δεν σε θεωρώ άσχημο, μάλλον είσαι πολύ καλής εμφάνισης και δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί οι ελληνίδες κορίτσια δεν το προσέχουν. Με βάση τον τρόπο που σε γνώρισα, αξίζεις την αγάπη, είσαι έξυπνος, στόχευσες, εργάτης, έχεις καλή αίσθηση του χιούμορ, είσαι όμορφος, μπορώ να βασίζομαι σε σας και σε πολλά άλλα. Είσαι ένας από τους καλύτερους φίλους μου και είσαι πολύ σημαντικός για μένα. Και θα ήταν ωραίο αν υπήρχε ένα αγόρι εδώ στην Ουγγαρία σαν εσένα.

And that was my good message for him in greek (example I wrote there that he is handsome, smart, has good sense of humour, one of my best friends.

I hope I didn't lose him.

moonligt OP July 24th

So the end of the day, I even have evidence

moonligt OP July 24th

What do you think about the story?