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Pinkie's Art Journal!

pleHfOdeeNnI October 25th, 2023

I am new here I paint and draw if anyone would like to see :D I have a few of My paintings and drawings to share c: I usually use art to vent or to just calm Myself I find it relaxing

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI hi yes I would love to see your art ❤ you can upload them to your thread by using the little box in the middle with a square and mountains in. I also do art and craft, it's a great way to express yourself ❤

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Amazing also I see it now I have it when I reply to threads

WorkingitThrough2 October 26th, 2023


Hi, I hear that you are having trouble posting your pictures. I think many of us do. The pictures have to be in a size 1080. For the size, you may have to resize them. I have to do that many times before it will go through. So please don't give up😊you can get a resize photo app that can help.

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 26th, 2023

Thanks for telling Me ^w^!

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

I would like to see Your art as well if You are comfortable with sharing Imma shoe too first imma give the app acces-

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI waiting to see your beautiful art ❤

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

It doesn't work I gave it acces but it says it keeps denying is there soemthing I am not doing right?

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI make sure there is nothing in your art like a weapon. Or low cut tops. Only decent pics will be able to upload

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Yes I know I do have more.... gorey vent arts but what I mean it won't let Me even acces the gallery thingy to select a picture and to make it clear I wasn't planning on sending any of the gorey art

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

all it says is that I need to grant acces but I regranted it around 6 times now-

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI does it say upload?

when you press the square

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

also no it doesn't say upload when I press the square it keeps saying I gotta give it acces to the app to the photo gallery app and that acces been denied and all I Can press it "Ok" when I press it it just clsoes the pop up I tried reopening the acces 6 times now

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI I'm really not sure hang on if I tag a forum supporter to your post maybe they can show you better

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11tagging @trueconfidant please help this member upload their art 

Tinywhisper11 October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI just wait for confidant reply. She's really nice, and will be able to help you with this better than me ❤

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Okai dokei thank YOu<3

RogueOne1983 October 26th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI do not use the app.

Use the website.

If you still have issues let us know.

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 26th, 2023

Thank You!:3 I am using the site now :>

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

1000010819_1698243839.jpgThis is from summer 2023 My second ever painting after a couple years :>I namemd it Pinkies-

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Yay! It worked the picture sent!

WorkingitThrough2 October 26th, 2023


I am so glad you got the help you needed and your picture is very lovely❤️😊

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 26th, 2023

Thank You:3 I am glad I Could share them in here! I really wanted to for longer now

MistyMagic October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI  Brilliant! Was that in watercolor?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023


pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

I wanna post more art but should I by making a new thread or in replies here?

MistyMagic October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI  Please can you add them here! Then they will all be in one place, I can change the title to you Art Journal if you like? Is it Pinkie's Art Journal?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Sure!:3 Thanks I'll add all of 'em here from oldest to newest

RogueOne1983 October 26th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI well look at that isn't that lovely!!

Tinywhisper11 October 26th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI awww wow!😍😍 that's beautiful you are very talented. And yay! You figured it out ❤❤

pleHfOdeeNnI OP November 3rd, 2023

💜Thank You:> and yis

MistyMagic October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI Hi there! Welcome to the Arts & Crafts Community. It's great that you want to share your art with us. Sometimes people do find it hard at first. Try and make sure the art is of a small size as we find bigger pics tend to be blocked.  You may also find it easier to use the browser version at on your phone as that will then have the image uploader option.




Listening - One Step At A Time!

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Oh Thanks! I am on phone Imma try now c:

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

20230618-205833_1698245932.jpgI tried painting some Roses This is what I got <3

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

20230626-163850_1698246112.jpgI started this painting right after the Roses

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

20230718-193015_1698246288.jpgThis one is a gift for someone Special to Me :3 I painted them as a butterfly

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

I started on this one with oil colors but I need smth for it it's a second version of the first one that is in water colors and it's not done yet (I am Sorry It's flipped I don't know why qvq)20230725-000914_1698246570.jpg

MistyMagic October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI yep sometimes the pictures do that and we can only fix it by rotating the pic before reloading lol but we can see.

What do you think of oil? I am trying but it is so much messier than watercolors lol


Listening - One Step At A Time!

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

Sorry I had to check on someone :3 And yeah they are a heck of a mess- and smell weird But they're not that bad especially once You get used to them

pleHfOdeeNnI OP October 25th, 2023

20231005-195417_1698246847.jpgI also have this painting of that Special someone I am Sorry again it flipped Idk why - and I can't make it stand properly also I know the hair and face looks weird but it is just for Me to work easier with it for now Imma fix it as I work on it :3

MistyMagic October 25th, 2023

@pleHfOdeeNnI The amazing thing about oil is that if you make a mistake you just paint over it! That stunned me! as it is so different to watercolor


Listening - One Step At A Time!