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Cracktholomeow my kitty boy

LovelyForever6990 August 20th

Just wanted everyone to meet my son.img-20240816-180941631-hdr_1724171532.jpg

winterbreeze0405 August 20th

@LovelyForever6990 hewo lovely kitten! whats your name? ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

LovelyForever6990 OP August 20th

@winterbreeze0405 Cracktholomeow but that's his government name, I just call him cracky or crack. Mr.crack. crackapotamus... He's a young man of many names 😂

competentTruth3079 August 22nd

@LovelyForever6990 Bartholomew was an apostle, how did the crack get involved with your furry friend? My cats always gun for the crack in the door when it opens, they're very opportunistic in climbing the corporate ladder, in finding the cat food inside so they can become corporate fat cats.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@competentTruth3079  i don't know I just thought it was different and unique

competentTruth3079 August 23rd

@LovelyForever6990 Well I love your creativity. Some of the best names come to us in such random fashion, a mark of a true artist. Maybe he'll begin his career in rap and hip hop. 

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@competentTruth3079 he's such a character I don't see why he could be as big and eazy e or Dr dre lol 😂

competentTruth3079 August 23rd

@LovelyForever6990 Get him some headphones, some beats. He'll be mixing the next bop, and spitting fire, cat spit. A little yowling in the alley like a feral Tom. 808 drums. He's super cute, 

RabidRaccoon August 21st

@LovelyForever6990 I love the name

hopefuloutlook August 21st

@LovelyForever6990 Handsome boy!

KindleMissie August 21st


Awww lovely Mr. Cracky *Meow Meow* 😺👋

Grace2300 August 21st

Awww he's adorable

TiffanyD33 August 21st


awnnn what a handsome boy!! 

trueconfidant123 August 22nd


Omg such a cutie! Okay since you're a cat parent, what does it mean when a cat tries to jump on you? I fed her once and now she won't leave me alone. (I'm scared of cats) 😺😂

LovelyForever6990 OP August 22nd

@trueconfidant123 well there's a lot of factors to be considered here what kind of jumping on you do you mean like jumping on your lap when you're sitting down jumping and trying to climb up your leg when you're walking or off the top of the cabinet onto your school 😂 I know it sounds crazy but that's typical cat stuff also how old is the cat? breed can also make a difference

LovelyForever6990 OP August 22nd

@LovelyForever6990 skull not school lol

trueconfidant123 August 22nd


It's a stray, so I'm not sure about the breed or age. I fed her some milk and now she shows up at my door and tries to break in lol. Like that -


LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@trueconfidant123 highly intelligent and uses all their faculties to get what they want lol 

trueconfidant123 August 23rd

Lol I shall be careful :D

competentTruth3079 August 22nd

@LovelyForever6990 Some live life perpendicular to the rest. Sometimes life feels as if we're on a vertical plane. Life turned sideways. Well your furry furiosa is very cute, no matter the angle. This is like on of those recaptcha, turn the animal, or it asks, "is this an animal?" And you say no, it's my son.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@competentTruth3079 😂😂😂

randomhappyness24 August 23rd

Aa wise cat omce said "mawa"

slowdecline48 3 minutes ago

@LovelyForever6990 I didn't know you were a cat owner... Cracky looks relatively harmless. That's good.