Answer Editing Requests
Hi everyone,
Please use this space to mention the Answer ID for answers that may be approved after editing, and mention any relevant comments!
241362- spelling in general
241386- spelling in general
241389- change "My contact" to "Eye contact" and "iContact" to "eye contact"
241392- change "Forgive him so you start to feel bad" to "Forgive him so you don't start to feel bad"
241435- punctuation!!!
241467- punctuation
241627- general spelling
241628- general grammar
241633- split sentences into two.
241637- split sentences into two.
241644- split sentences into two.
241660- great answer, just change 'wags' to 'always'
241664- general spelling
241672- punctuation!!!
#245534 - 1) Change "don't want to cheat anymore" to "doesn't want to cheat anymore. 2) Gives advice to move on and saying to block this guy.
#245829- slight grammatical errors
245535- minor spelling error
245539- spelling and grammar
245541- spelling
245528- could sound more empathetic
245549- spelling
245560- spelling
#245827- missing word and last line's sentence structure
#245823, #245822- slight grammatical and structure errors
#246476- just one missing letter
#247952 - general grammar/sentence structure changes required throughout,
#247954 - removal of "what a great answer" at the beginning.
#247972 - general grammar/sentence structure changes required throughout
#247994 - a few spelling mistakes to be amended
Fixed! Thanks for letting us know!
#249063 - spelling "technqiues"
#249065 should try to explore typos -hosue voleuntee imapct will(while)
#249139 under point 1 from
#249149 Add capitalization to sentences