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6) Ensuring Best Writing Practices

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

After understanding the general requirements to keep in mind whilst submitting your content articles for 7 Cups publication, this discussion highlights some general writing tips to keep in mind when writing content that relates to mental health.

Things to Do:

  • Make sure the article is empathetic, kind, helpful & informative (it fulfills the reader who found it), empowering. Replace mental “illness” or “disease” with “condition” or “issue” and soften any other mental health stigma language that might pop up. This helps ensure that your tone is supportive.

  • Think of story ideas that will be sharable in social media

  • Be concise

  • Be conversational and accessible in your writing

  • Back up statements with research or facts if applicable (cite sources) - try to confirm facts by ensuring at least 2 different sources mentioning them.

  • Include expert quotes and insights -- you can reach out to a psychologist or expert about your story and offer a quote and link to their practice for the collaboration. Make sure their title/expertise is attributed in the article

  • Be thorough, don’t gloss over specifics

  • Give the reader empathy and hope

  • Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: ask yourself what they need out of reading your piece and then deliver that

  • Try to combine personal experiences with expert insight to strengthen your piece.

  • Consider including friends and family members of people impacted by your topic in your audience.

For more tips on reporting mental health conditions and choosing words carefully, read the American Psychiatric Association’s article here

Other Tips:

The following are general guidelines to help find facts, help link things with 7 Cups as well as outreaching tips for personal stories and expert insight:

  • Always try to hyperlink some of your main sources.

  • Use authentic reporting websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization, or American Psychological Association, etc. for facts and up-to-date statistics. (Can be hyperlinked as mentioned above)

  • Use Google Scholar to search for relevant research work. Abstracts usually summarize research findings.

  • When outlining your article, consider asking yourself which information and what type of information can be added as a priority. For example, an article about mental health during the pandemic would likely report authentic global statistics and could use published research information.

  • When reviewing other resources that cover your topic or something close to it, always ask yourself what can help enhance that available content. How can you ensure you are providing a unique take on the topic? Consider thinking about what is missing that could be worth mentioning.

  • 7 Cups has lots of free services, including available self-help guides, subcommunities with forums, and other areas - generally, editorial assistants at 7 Cups help backlink to these resources, but you are welcome to directly mention them if it applies, for instance, mentioning how Sharing Circles can help users cope with loneliness or the lack of support in their daily lives.

  • Outreaching for both personal or expert quotes can be done via social media, contact forms of blog posts, or even email considering which information is available. You are welcome to PM @SoulfullyAButterfly if you think a 7 Cups Expert can help provide you the quote or required insight.

  • When outreaching for personal stories, introduce yourself and 7 Cups and explain your article topic briefly, and why you think their personal experience could help. Share how you can back-link (link back) to the person’s blog or other resources if they would like that in return for sharing their quote. Ensure that you ask them if they would like their name to be disclosed, or if they would like a pseudonym. Finally, let them know you will share the final published version so they can also share it with their acquaintances.

  • When requiring an expert quote, use the same procedure discussed, but consider asking for the expert’s availability. Mention how the expert’s work can aid your write-up and any questions you have. Ask for the expert’s professional practice page link and if they are interested, mention how they can have a published expert profile at 7 Cups (you can CC if needed).

Things To Avoid:

  • The overuse of cliches or corny language

  • Making it overly formal or using references most wouldn’t understand

  • Using extraneous words/phrases. For example, you don’t have to write, “it’s important to…” If you’re writing it, the reader will assume it’s important. Unless, of course, it really is a surprise that this piece of advice is important - in which case say that

  • Forgetting to explain the “why”

  • Repeating the same word or phrase often (unless intentional, i.e. in an article about a mantra you might repeat the mantra several times)

  • Overusing exclamation points


Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Bonus: Consider using previous discussions to research and use keywords.

Additionally, reply to at least one other student and highlight the strengths of their work as well as areas for improvement.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

February 1st, 2021

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ways To Combat Loneliness in Covid Times

We understand that you miss and long for face-to-face meetings and interactions, that you might have felt stuck at home in these covid times. Today, let's reflect a bit on how we can best take advantage of the current times. Here are some points to aid your positive thinking process-

1. When you miss something, you value it more. Today we are recognising the value of quality human meetups more than ever.

2. We have got some #solitude, some space, as the result of being more at home. This can boost the best out of ourselves.

3. An opportunity to talk to your peers/friends about their loneliness, and build quality relations.

4. Home environment, though, can make you feel more distracted and less focussed, compared to the work place environment. But, take this opportunity, to be clearer about your specific tasks and specific roles in your work team.

5. Source of the ideas presented in this mini-ariticle you read, is this article I discovered. As the last idea, discover such words and articles, that might help you think better and feel better.

blissart February 1st, 2021


surely the lockdown taht resulted in absence of social contacts in person left many feeling anxious . Ur words are motivating forsuch times and help to see positivity. U did well by including the article with it.

all good, for a pointer may be a few more empatetic lines would help them feel more connected , buts its ok for me like this too

magicalOcean594 March 21st, 2022

I really did like this paragraph

it supported the heading

i do like the list you wrote for the paragraph, i would try to refrain from a list numbered as it was soppose to be a 100 word paragraph and its important to remember its not a list, its more formal to the reader but good job overall!!!

calmKermit7178 August 28th, 2023

@magicalOcean594 I agree

calmKermit7178 August 28th, 2023

@blissart I agree

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@Fristo nice attempt to create a brief straight-forward list. I would recommend more facts/statistics.

SassyClassyBrunette February 19th, 2021


I like what you wrote, although I would recommend more facts, but good job!

QuietLotus March 4th, 2021


I enjoyed reading your article. It was very empathetic and the language was very simple and easy to understand. You might consider including more factual sources. Good job.

RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021


Hi @Fristo

Your article tone and content was good. I liked it.

However you can incorporate more facts.

calmKermit7178 August 28th, 2023

@RationalMe7 agree ❤️

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021


Thank you for sharing your article Fristo. Overall it was clear what you wanted to bring forward. Simple and sweet. The only thing I would say is that it can also be written in the form of a story so that the parts flow better together.

calmKermit7178 August 28th, 2023

@Lugi123 I agree

Iamanotheru August 1st, 2021

This looks really nice to me. The only recommendation I have is more facts would be better.

greatfulPassion August 5th, 2021

I like the steps pattern, by using a subtle way you have covered many points and soothes to read. Try to include more examples.

Damonchandio August 15th, 2021

@Fristo Good one. I would recommend using more facts and figures

MarinaLecubet November 12th, 2021


Hi Fristo great paragraph. Your weakness is outlining suggestions, you could of given a couple of tips and provided a source. Your strength was your writing, everything flowed nicely.

Zahraa000 January 15th, 2022

Thank you for touching on very important points that occurred to us during the pandemic. We have really known the value of the people around us and the importance of isolation, as it makes us focus more on ourselves and not get busy at work, in turn, which led to individuals resting in their homes from the pressures of work and doing other things that I consider important in the life of the individual Whoever meditates, reads, and also draws close to friends and peers.✨

calmKermit7178 August 28th, 2023

@Zahraa000 I agree ❤️

dreamRainbows3245 February 17th, 2022


Great article, it's easily readable and is concise, offering great tips. However, maybe as an improvement more sources and facts would help.

Other than that, great job

RideaRainbow May 1st, 2022

Nice insights.

plushMermaid2855 May 25th, 2022


Overall amazing work, good headings, use of lists and structure. Ideas were effectively presented and easy to understand for readers

PhoenixTears5972 June 14th, 2022


Nice work Fristo ! Its indeed very encouraging , concise and straightforward

PhoenixTears5972 June 14th, 2022


But it'll be really more informative and will show a greater shine of empathy if the content is a bit more detailed and elaborate

RideaRainbow June 25th, 2022

I think Fristo touched important issues but didn't elaborate.

Secondly he could have quoted some examples from personal experience.

easyMaple3687 August 2nd, 2022

@Fristo great responses, you did a great job reflecting on solutions to coping with loneliness during the pandemic. Remember to include sources to reference your work moving forward, Keep up the good work.

Jish07541 January 30th, 2023


You have given a meaningful heading, the scope of the content is clear and wide, use of numerical bullets has helped to go through the content easily. Good work.

Angelzz127 April 17th, 2023


strength: you have written it very well, it's very concise and the formatting makes it easier for readers to understand your points.

tip to improve: you could have given a subheading for each point and described a bit more on the topic.

InsightfulPhoenix March 25th


You did a really good job being super empathetic and moving about a difficult situation like the pandemic. keep up the good work. I enjoyed reading what I read from you!

InsightfulPhoenix March 25th

The only thing I would say is to be a tad bit more engaging other than that everything else was flawless @Fristo

It can really shows  you really care and trying to connect with readers.

 Try to make the list part more formal and writing it in way that connects with more readers.

blissart February 2nd, 2021


Staying Connected for “stranded employees”

The unseen, unexpected situations that the current pandemic put us into have affected us at various levels. In such times, my heart goes out to those who have been left alone may be away from homes for work, the ones who didn’t get a chance or for some reason couldn’t be with families or friends when this lockdown happened and are struggling with this new found loneliness. Speakers at “Coronavirus: The Road to Recovery,” a virtual symposium presented by Everbridge, told how their organizations are dealing with the psychological impact of isolation. These are times when response strategies have to lead with empathy and compassion. At one’s end too, it’s the need to keep oneself motivated, productive and self confident. Few coping up strategies can be learning some new skill, learning; local language, culture, finishing up some work in progress projects, staying connected with families, friends virtually, reuniting with old school friends or colleagues. (A survey by LinkedIn analyzed the impact of workplace relationships for 11,500 full-time professionals between the ages of 18 and 65 in 14 countries. Forty-six percent said that work friendships make them happier.)

Emotional support platforms like offer free, anonymous and confidential space to talk out to peers

Needless to say “Solitude is a skill, u can get better at it with practice"

SynSavory February 3rd, 2021


Wow, very expressive! I think this is well past the 100 word minimum, but that's okay because you really wanted your comforting voice to be emphasized here. :)

It's also informative!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 12th, 2021

@blissart good thinking to address workers/employees - the paragraph has a great balance of facts presentation, citations, as well as tips and solutions - I love the way you linked 7 Cups, as well as added a quote that suits the piece. If the quote is a saying, please also mention the author. Overall, I can see this topic to be an excellent strong article, and a very needed one! great work

Happy900 February 13th, 2021

@blissart Nicely done.

CaringBrit February 20th, 2021

@blissart Strengths : empathy , the graphic used , great tips

only improve cant really read the graphic all that well maybe needs to be much bigger or could have posted what was on there in plain and link to the graphic

KristinHelps March 9th, 2021

@blissart I love the tone and empathy coming from your paragraph, this is a great topic to speak on. The coping strategies are informative for someone who may not know what they can do to cope. I also did not know that LinkedIn conducted a survey on that, but that is great information to know!

Clarisse29 March 31st, 2021


Strength: The empathetic language used is on point!

Weakness: It could have been more concise and crisp

You did an awesome job nonetheless! proud of you <3

Excitingeasting May 26th, 2021


Strenghts: Very impressive and alot of relevant facts are mentioned which can make the person feel more assured.

Improvemens: More empathy could be added in the tone.

blindHeart12 June 4th, 2021


I love your style of writing article you keep all point noted which I usually forget. You included image, quote, source, and referring 7cups that seem such complete article. Great work.

Brinaa101 August 9th, 2021


I love your inclusion of a graphic! A graphic helps engage the reader on the information you are presenting. I would add though, the author of the quote you mentioned at the end of the text. But other than that, it was a well-written text!