4) Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy
In our introduction, we briefly understood an introduction to how social media-based marketing at 7 Cups uses a project called Team Lightship.
In this discussion, we will understand how the Lightship initiative works in terms of using tweets for spreading awareness, support, as well as 7 Cups content and other service information. We will also learn how the Twitter platform can be used to outreach to people requiring and in search of mental health support, in order to ensure that mental health is not ignored or stigmatized on social media.
(i) Using Tweets to Spread Awareness, Support, and Content/Service Information:
As previously discussed, the goal of Lightship is to use social media to reach out to those in need using kind and empathetic messages.
General tips include:
What you tweet about should reflect the compassionate, supportive, and kind community that 7 Cups is. Use your best judgment.
View your Team Lightship account as a force for good, and for spreading the 7 Cups mission and values.
Feel free to discuss emotions, situations, and topics that often occur on 7 Cups.
You might also want to post/retweet quotes or pictures, and that’s 100% okay! Just remember that reaching out to people should be a priority. Think of how social media graphics can be used in that sense, to engage people.
Note: Lightship uses referral links (found on your dashboard page under the list of chats) to direct users to the 7 Cups site.
Tips in regards to which areas or services of 7 Cups you can mention (apart from the general fact about 1:1 or group chats!): Self-Help Guides, Expert Articles, Free Mindfulness Exercises.
Sample Tweets:
Having a tough time? Don't keep it all inside. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups https://www.7cups.com/17156123 #MentalHealthMatters
Need inspiration from people who have overcome Postnatal Depression? Read these stories of women using their recovery to aid others! https://www.7cups.com/experts/postnatal-depression-recovery
(ii) Using Twitter to Outreach People Seeking Support:
The following steps are helpful ways to identify and respond to people seeking support:
Search for Keywords
Some keywords or hashtags can prominently help search for people in need of support.
Note: The following and other mental health-related tags on social media platforms can contain potentially triggering content.
Prominent Tags: need to vent, need a friend, feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed.
Other Tags Examples:
#depressed #anxious #depression #mentalhealth (high volume tags)
#chronicpain #chroniclife
Note: These keywords or hashtags can also be used in your own tweets to help ensure visibility and engagement.
Reply to Tweets
After your search for important hashtags and keywords, when you find someone who has tweeted using one of those tags, and looks to be in need of support, reach out to them! Respond to their tweet with a message that includes information about how 7 Cups can support them.
Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!
Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.
This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here
During times of #pandemic, congested parks or malls can boost your anxiousness level. We listeners at 7cups.com/@greatfulPassion can help you to alleviate your anxiety. #selfcare
1. Are you having a tough time? We're here to #support you. Connect with a listener at @7Cups for today.
2. Hey there! I can definitely understand the struggle - and the situation really bothers me too! If you ever need to vent about it, 7Cups has great listeners ready to listen to you 24/7. We're here for you! https://www.7cups.com/1538811
and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador
Need a friend to vent things out? #Talkwithus we are here for you on 7cups.com! #Youarenotalone!
@Iamanotheru Good use of hashtags :D Unique response.
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
I am sorry to hear that the #covid has harmed your mental health by causing anxiety, and watching other people not following the simple precautions like maintaining social distancing could be really sad. I can really understand how you feel, it is really stressful, but I would want to tell you that we are all together in this. You can talk to us anytime by signing up as a member at 7cups.com, we are trained listeners who can compassionately listen to you. Just talking really helps us calm down.
@Iamanotheru your response is really empathetic, that's lovely to see :D, you also used the hashtags well. I feel that the response would work better if it was a little bit shorter so it'd hit to the mark
@milkoreos thank you so much for your amazing feedback. *blushes* I will definitely keep the length shorter from next time! Thanks again🤗
@Iamanotheru you are amazingly empathetic to your response on this, i felt the sincerity and concern. however, we should limit the response since the platform we are using limits the number of characters.
ALL IN - YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Keep going. :)
Other I like the way you advertised 7 cups and how we as listeners can help. You were very empathic referring to the covid-19 situation. I felt comfortable with you.
Other also, you took his tone and replied well mentioning how other people are not following the covid ruls.
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Life is hard and scary, and we are here for you. We, here at 7 Cups, are here to listen to you. Resources and trained listeners can be found here for anything you might need, whether it be #anxiety, #depression, or any other #mentalhealth issue. https://www.7cups.com/
It's a very good tweet as it's short, uses a lot of relevant hashtags, and has a link to the website too. I really like it. I don't know how else you could have improved it.
It is a great example of effective usage of hashtags, they are on-trend, they are perfectly fit in the context of your message and they for sure align with what 7 Cups relates to. You masterfully provided a list of benefits by 'resources and..' this is a huge plus. For the future, you can try widening the audience by asking a question instead of starting with a statement, because with a statement everyone who disagrees will immediately move on. 'Life is hard and scary' is a strong statement, so to make it more inclusive we can soften it with 'Life is full of challenges or we can transform it into question 'Have you had a day when you feel like life is life is hard and scary?'.. This approach will make the emotion in the message more natural, so more people will be able to relate to it.
I think you have a great future in Twitter:) I hope you will Twitt with joy.💜
It was very original how you included the fact that 7 Cups includes not only listeners but also resources, really well done!
In my opinion "Life is hard and scary" might be too strong, maybe it could be replaced with something like "Life can get hard and scary", instead of just stating that it is.
Great job!
I liked this one there were three hashtags and the link to 7 cups finished it off. You mention all that 7 cups does for its members. This is quite good. I like it very much. Hope I would be able to write one as good.
@twilight000 Really nice work, maybe you could ellaborate more on the services provided by 7 cups, other than that it is awesome!
It's so unfortunate to hear about the #anxiety you're suffering from. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I, along with many others, work as volunteers at 7 Cups. Let us help you. We're here to listen.
Great use of hashtags! I love that you inserted them in a sentence!
If I had to change anything, I'd say you could have gone a bit more in detail about what 7 cups is and what it does.
Awesome job!
Generic: At 7cups.com, you can connect with a listener who will compassionately listen to you and help you feel better with whatever you are going through :) #YouMatter
Response to tweet: I am so sorry to hear about your #anxiety surrounding going out on walks when people aren’t socially distanced. I understand how you feel! At 7cups.com, you can connect with a listener who will compassionately listen to you and help you feel better :) #YouMatter
Strengths: Both tweets are really good and both show compassion and support and are short and consise to the point.
Improvements: You could try adding a few more hashtags next time especially the prominent ones.
@Brinaa101 Really good work!! I like how you incorporated the hash tags into your tag line!
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Tired of no one being there? We are. Your #mentalhealth matters. Join #7Cups for 24/7 compassionate support. -
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
This is a stressful time. #Anxiety can make you feel lost, we are here to help you find your way back. #7Cups offers 24/7 support.
1. Amazing work. You provided hashtags, it was concise and you mentioned how 7cups can offer help. Perhaps you could reframe your beginning line in another way. Good job.
2. Nice job. You talked about how 7cups offers support. You can add some referral links.
1) Loved how concise it was and the way you included the hashtags.
2) Liked how you first validated their feelings and then made a "clean" transition to offer help on 7cups.
Example Tweet:
It's okay to be having a tough time; you're allowed to feel this way. At 7 cups, we are always here to support you all day, everyday! #7Cups https://www.7cups.com/17156123#hereforyou
Rely Tweet:
I understand where you're coming from. Your thoughts are valid.
At 7cups we are more than willing to listen and support you anytime, anywhere!
1. Talking with anyone can help you greatly to reduce stress and make your mind more clear. 7cups.com has free listeners that are willing to listen to you. #mentalhealth #needtotalk
2. It's understandable to be #anxious as you see people not holding social distance. I hope you can a path that is less crowded and enjoy your daily walk. If you need someone to listen to your problems more in-depth, you can always contact to someone on 7cups.com and they can help you in any way they can.
1) I really like your consiceness and use of hashtags
2) You showed a lot of empathy, whioch is perfect!