4) Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy
In our introduction, we briefly understood an introduction to how social media-based marketing at 7 Cups uses a project called Team Lightship.
In this discussion, we will understand how the Lightship initiative works in terms of using tweets for spreading awareness, support, as well as 7 Cups content and other service information. We will also learn how the Twitter platform can be used to outreach to people requiring and in search of mental health support, in order to ensure that mental health is not ignored or stigmatized on social media.
(i) Using Tweets to Spread Awareness, Support, and Content/Service Information:
As previously discussed, the goal of Lightship is to use social media to reach out to those in need using kind and empathetic messages.
General tips include:
What you tweet about should reflect the compassionate, supportive, and kind community that 7 Cups is. Use your best judgment.
View your Team Lightship account as a force for good, and for spreading the 7 Cups mission and values.
Feel free to discuss emotions, situations, and topics that often occur on 7 Cups.
You might also want to post/retweet quotes or pictures, and that’s 100% okay! Just remember that reaching out to people should be a priority. Think of how social media graphics can be used in that sense, to engage people.
Note: Lightship uses referral links (found on your dashboard page under the list of chats) to direct users to the 7 Cups site.
Tips in regards to which areas or services of 7 Cups you can mention (apart from the general fact about 1:1 or group chats!): Self-Help Guides, Expert Articles, Free Mindfulness Exercises.
Sample Tweets:
Having a tough time? Don't keep it all inside. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups https://www.7cups.com/17156123 #MentalHealthMatters
Need inspiration from people who have overcome Postnatal Depression? Read these stories of women using their recovery to aid others! https://www.7cups.com/experts/postnatal-depression-recovery
(ii) Using Twitter to Outreach People Seeking Support:
The following steps are helpful ways to identify and respond to people seeking support:
Search for Keywords
Some keywords or hashtags can prominently help search for people in need of support.
Note: The following and other mental health-related tags on social media platforms can contain potentially triggering content.
Prominent Tags: need to vent, need a friend, feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed.
Other Tags Examples:
#depressed #anxious #depression #mentalhealth (high volume tags)
#chronicpain #chroniclife
Note: These keywords or hashtags can also be used in your own tweets to help ensure visibility and engagement.
Reply to Tweets
After your search for important hashtags and keywords, when you find someone who has tweeted using one of those tags, and looks to be in need of support, reach out to them! Respond to their tweet with a message that includes information about how 7 Cups can support them.
Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!
Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.
This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here
1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
What doesn’t break you, make you stronger!!!! #MentalHealthMatters
2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
We are in this together… #Covid is tough… and #Anxiety is a common enemy. Don't keep it with you. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups https://www.7cups.com/17156123 #MnetalHealth
Hi there, really good work on your tweets.
In response to number two, your hashtags are great and really involve 7 cups in the #mentalhealthmatters discussion online.
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Struggling with day-to-day life? Our trained listeners are on standby to listen and support you, no matter what you're dealing with. Reach them here at www.7cups.com.
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
Sorry to hear that your #anxiety is flaring up due to the current covid situation. I think many others would be able to personally relate to what you're experiencing. If you ever need someone to listen to you, try www.7cups.com. Our trained listeners work hard to provide a supportive outlet for anyone who needs it.
Really great tweet, very kind and nurturing. I think you need to add a hastag though.
act 1: Very clear, only might need to add a hashtag
act 2: I like your tweet, it sounds very caring.
I liked your responses! :)
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Distress, loneliness, anxiety, feeling low and anything that troubles can be extremely demotivating. I hope you find the right support at #7cups.
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
Hello, I see how you are dealing with anxiety all on your own, this must be really hard. If you need to vent, try #7cups. Hope this helps 💗
i like the simple style, however maybe you could add the referral link so people could easily find the website instead of typing it first on the internet
Thanks for the feedback, yeah you are right :)
@marvelloustree1111 I love this. this is simple yet very clear.
@marvelloustree1111 both tweet and answer are direct and on purpose
1. Concise
2. Easy to understand
Area to improve:
1. Includes more relevant hashtags
2. Provide a link to 7Cups resources
Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
You never know what battle people are going through today. Be kind, always
Need someone to talk to? Visit us at www.7cups.com to join our supportive and kind community
#quotes #kindness #positivity #selfcare #mentalhealth #community #youmatter #needtotalk
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through as it takes time for people to get used to the new "normal". Don't worry, you're not alone in this. Reach us at www.7cups.com to talk to our compassionate listeners and our kind community for tips about anxiety.
#mentalhealth #anxiety #selfcare #positivity #selfcare #community #mentalhealthmatters #peersupport #bekind #needtotalk
1. Good job with the hashtags.
2. I liked how you validated
- Great use of multiple relevant hashtags
- Good that you have linked it to 7Cups resources
Area to improve:
- Maybe try to shorten it as tweets are about being short and concise
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Do you also feel you just need to be “heard” sometimes? Come, talk to us! We at www.7cups.com practice active listening. #7Cups #WeHearYou #YouAreValued
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
I am sorry you had to go through this :( You are right sometimes it can get a bit annoying. Plus Covid times have really hit us hard. If you feel you need to be heard, you can reach out to me here- https://www.7cups.com/@Prachi9876 /https://www.7cups.com/15040841. 7Cups has a wonderful guide on Anxiety. It includes some exercises that have helped others manage them in a better way
PS: Feedback is welcome.
Hi @Prachi9876!
I like how warm and relatable your tweet is. It is also very encouraging. The hashtags are also well-chosen. For the response tweet, I like that it is very compassionate. I think it is just too long though for a tweet so can be shortened a bit or broken down into two tweet replies. :) Nonetheless, job well done!
Thankyou for your feedback! :)
I will try and work on shorter content
@Prachi9876 love that you mentioned the anxiety guide , very thoughtful
@Prachi9876 the first tweet is concise and conveys the message perfectly.
1. Managing chronic pain is not easy but doable. In #7cups, we are here to listen to you. Explore some resources at https://www.7cups.com/chronic-pain/ and don’t hesitate to reach out. #chronicpain
2. The anxiety that #COVID causes to you is valid and acceptable. It’s sad that there are still people not following safety measures. If you’d like to talk about it, #7cups has listeners ready to lend an ear and resources for anxiety. Check https://www.7cups.com/anxiety-help/@crang17
1. I love that you are specifically reaching out and offering help to those who are dealing with chronic pain with a very encouraging and kind tone.
2. Beautifully empathetic and validating to the person’s struggle with anxiety, and a very good incorporation of the hashtags. Great job 💛
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
sometimes the burdens of life weigh us down, in such times a compassionate ear and a supportive shoulder to cry on is what heals and strengthens us to keep going. Here at 7cups, thousands of caring human beings are present to support and listen #mentalhealth #needtotalk
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:
Your anxiety is understandable. The carelessness shown by some people during such challenging times is very concerning. perhaps you would like to be supported on https://www.7cups.com/17156123 which offers Self-help guides and resources on how to better manage #anxiety
Keeping our mental health in check is hard at the best of times, but the pandemic revealed it is just as important as physical health. Speak to 7 Cups, our dedicated team of volunteers is here to listen to you.
Respond to tweet:
I am really sorry your going through this, sometimes life really does suck, but at 7 cups you are welcome to talk to us and we want to listen! Please reach out when you are feeling anxious @ 7 Cups.
Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.
Managing depression is tough, so we are at 7cups.com will always be here 24/7 for you because #YouMatter
Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips
We understand how this makes you feel anxious, we are here at 7cups.com to walk through this together with you.
Great job! Simple and straight to the point. Just like someone else suggested, some more flair would've been nice. I love how easy it was to understand though, so with adding some more ''umph'' to it, you should be fine. Well done, again!