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3) Social Media Graphics: Promoting Site Content

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

Graphics can be created to support as well as summarize site content on social media platforms that link back to the original content through shares links alongside them. For example, we can create graphics to present our optimized Question and Answer Page or a summary of an expert article.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the process of designing graphics, using image captions and hashtags, as well as posting best practices

(i) Designing Graphics:

To aid the graphic designing process, you can consider using sites that allow you to not only create your own graphics but provide a wide range of templates that you can edit.

Some tips to consider include:

  • Know which design size you require beforehand - this may vary based on the social media platform. For example, Instagram offers a maximum resolution of 1080 x 1080 px.

  • Use only 2 font designs to avoid going overboard.

  • Use contrasting fonts or different text sizes to grab attention and to ensure the main message is conveyed.

  • Less is sometimes more: if your design does not require extra backgrounds, images, or design layers, consider going with white space as that helps avoid your content being avoided due to noise.

  • Use icons to help graphically summarize your content.

  • Consider combining consistency with creativity: ask yourself what your major content can creatively look like as consistency is a core principle of content creation. Consistency also applies to your design (font, colors, etc). For example, an analysis of 7 Cups Instagram can help identify that most of the posts are quotes, affirmations, etc. Note that more foundational blocks can always be introduced into the flow with time.

  • Consider adding your logo or site information on your graphic to help strengthen your brand.

  • Think of ways to stand out: Research and observe current trends, international events, and other possible content inspirations, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box to trial new creative ideas. For example, 7 Cups hosted a very successful and engaging Mental Health Trick or Treat

Sites that have free editable templates include:

(ii) Image Captions and Hashtags

  • Remember that your image caption not only represents the content you are posting about but the brand you represent.

  • Consider the length of your caption based on your social media platform. For instance, Twitter limits characters, Instagram can be used for a medium length caption, while Facebook could host longer article-style captions too!

  • Some ideas of captions include: summarizing the content, mentioning the main motto of the post, etc.

  • Add emojis to connect with your audience.

  • Don’t forget to ensure readability by breaking up your longer captions with headings or spaces.

  • Questions help engage the audience: never forget to look for opportunities for reflection such as one-word answers to yes/no questions, or other quick icebreakers such as what everyone plans to do at the weekend.

  • A call to action is important to ensure further practical engagement. You can remind users about more details about supporting content present in the link in your bio or directly share your relevant link (depending on the social media platform)

  • Structure your caption with important information at the beginning, followed by any additional information of interest (such as goals, facts), questions for engagement, call to action, etc - you can style your structure based on your content type.

  • Include relevant hashtags and consider using mentions and tagging other users. Researching relevant hashtags involves keeping an eye on the hashtags used by influencers and leading figures and profiles within the industry, looking for trends and patterns, finding related hashtags just like related keywords, as well as trialing different groups of hashtags for certain content types. Last but not least, your brand can aim to start a new hashtag of its own as well! Some websites have tools that can help you target and research hashtags - some examples are included in this external link.

(iii) Posting Time

Many people often wonder when to post their content, and this curiosity is definitely important because posting time does influence engagement and value of the content posted - however, there are no correct rules of guidance.

Rather, posting times should be based on insights on when your audience is most likely to be active - most social media platforms offer these insights for business or creator accounts, alongside insights in regards to other engagement factors.

One excellent feature to utilize to ensure posting time, as well as a smooth flow of content, is to plan content in advance and schedule posts - scheduling is possible through the Twitter platform as well as the Facebook Business Suite for both Instagram and Facebook


Using your answer to the question in Discussion 2’s activity, create a social media graphic presenting the content and share your graphic as a reply to this post. Creativity is welcome for this task, and you can create any form of content. Feel welcome to use the 7 Cups social media content for inspiration if needed. Reply to at least one student’s graphic as well.

Tip: You can discuss ideas or ask for help in the student discussion and support thread!

Not sure how to add images directly into this forum discussion? Find instructions here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

ouiCherie December 13th, 2022

@yourbuddy30 I like the poster-vibe in your design. There's a logo in there, and I noticed a call-to-action on your graphic. Well done.

guidamaximo November 17th, 2022


_1668711339.I may not be everyone's cup of tea.png

ouiCherie December 13th, 2022

@guidamaximo I like the harmony and balance in your design. The message is awesome and you put emphasis in the important word. Well done.

TwoCreamTwoSugar November 28th, 2022


_1669601658.December 28 National Call a Friend Day.png

TwoCreamTwoSugar November 28th, 2022


Here's another, but I tagged 7Cups and myself:

_1669601832.December 28 National Call a Friend Day(1).png

ouiCherie December 13th, 2022

@TwoCreamTwoSugar a cool event poster-like design! I can see the branding element there. Well done!

amybrit10 December 25th, 2022

@TwoCreamTwoSugar has a very nice message! Well done!

empatheticpie December 20th, 2022


ouiCherie December 21st, 2022


In the design, I can see a hierarchy created by using different font sizes and colours to emphasize particular words. There is a branding aspect, and a sense of balance and harmony. Well done!.

InvaderStitch January 3rd, 2023


@empatheticpie I really like the color scheme and the simplicity. You got such a great message across in so few words without a lot of business and I love that! Thank you for sharing your amazing work!

SunshineNaina December 20th, 2022


I designed this graphic keeping in mind the size of a *** post.


ouiCherie December 21st, 2022


There's a poster-like vibe to the design, and an empowering message. I suppose this is the size of a _Facebook_ post? Great job!

SunshineNaina December 21st, 2022

Yes, this is. Thank you

SunshineNaina December 21st, 2022


sharing it again with username_1671603994.Together (1).png

ouiCherie December 21st, 2022

@SunshineNaina superb! 🙌

amybrit10 December 25th, 2022


everyone-is-worthy-of-love_1671997996. (1).pngHere is my submission! :)

ouiCherie December 30th, 2022


I like the balance in your design, and the hierarchy where the main message is prominent in the middle. I also like the tips there that add value to your audience. Great job, Amy!

Vivikun9 January 2nd, 2023


I love the colors and it feels like something I would print out and put on my wall or on a college campus :3

Vivikun9 January 2nd, 2023


Here is i made on Canva :3

_1672692470.You are like are.jpg

ouiCherie January 27th, 2023

Hi Vivi @Vivikun9 I love the empowering message and empathic tone in the graphic ⭐️

Design-wise, I see a balance between design elements, and I like the way you incorporated both community branding (for this study) and personal branding into the design.

If you like, you could give more space between the content and the edges. Anyway, it's beautiful. Well done! 🩶

InvaderStitch January 3rd, 2023

_1672705205.Q&A Graphic.jpg

Check out the full answer or ask your own question to be answered on

7cups is an anonymous emotional support platform with active listeners all over the globe ready to have a conversation about whatever is on your mind today!


I feel like it's too busy, but I've never been good with designing graphics on the computer. I'm a very colorful and busy person.

Vivikun9 January 3rd, 2023


I like this. The spacing is good and it is straight to the point. it's like a flyer you were handing it out at a fair and it covers everything 7cups does.

broadfemmelovelive January 3rd, 2023


Thanks for sharing this. I really like the bright and inviting feel of your design.

February 7th, 2023


Hi! I really like your design because you use so many elements and kind words :) I can tell you've spent time caring about this graphic for someone else's benefit!

broadfemmelovelive January 6th, 2023


For my content activity, I explored the app Canva. This assignment was great because it allowed me to figure out how to use this free and amazing resource.

Utilizing the information in Discussion 3 I started by recognizing my main points from Discussion 2. I then went to the following links to confirm that the content fits in with the values and mission of 7 cups.

I decided not to include parts of my response to discussion 2 that were less relevant. This is my suggestion for using SMART goals, I choose not to include this to keep suggestions to a minimum and focus the reader on obtaining support rather than the path that support can bring.

I see this content as a 7-part story released with a corresponding reel, which would show each part for around 1-2 seconds landing on the last part for 3-5 seconds, making it a short under the 20-second reel. I would choose a lofi mix for the background of music, something soothing such as my time by Rachelle Pertu, but potentially something trending. For the caption, I would copy the written components of all 7-parts, which will serve as alt text, and include hashtags. Alt text would also include a short description of clip art portraits and the other visible features of the stories. Hashtags used would be as follows: #liveyourlife #mentalhealth #wellness #youareenough #healingjourney #therapy #youmatter #inspiration. This content could be modified for ***, Twitter, Youtube and ***. I could also see the parts being printed to make up a poster series.

Finally, I would utilize current user data available on these platforms to determine posting time. But my best guess is to release the reel on a Monday morning along with the corresponding story.

Thanks for this great activity I enjoyed the challenge. Hope you all enjoy it.

Please find the link to the 7-parts below.

ouiCherie January 6th, 2023


Very well done! 💫 You worked through a comprehensive content planning process and came up with an awesome piece that will certainly be helpful for your audiences!

broadfemmelovelive January 6th, 2023


Thank you so much. I'm hoping to share on Social Media after my CDM two-week trial period.

ouiCherie January 7th, 2023

@broadfemmelovelive 🤍🤍🤍

Thank you as well. With your vast knowledge of social media content marketing practices, hopefully we can help more and more people who are searching for a safe place to talk. Less and less people have to suffer in silence.

Jish07541 January 13th, 2023


You work is amazing and professional. Great effort

broadfemmelovelive January 25th, 2023


Thank you for your positive feedback. I really enjoy the creative process.☺️

SparklyFly January 25th, 2023

@broadfemmelovelive WOW, I hope to know as much as you do really soon!

broadfemmelovelive January 25th, 2023


I'm always learning. Thanks for posting, I've been having a great time with this program.

purpleAcres4174 January 10th, 2023


Even in the driest of deserts, rainbows.

_1673374771.rainbow in desert.jpg

Jish07541 January 13th, 2023



broadfemmelovelive January 13th, 2023


Hey thanks so much for your feedback on my earlier assignment post. I really like yours as well, short, sweet and to the point!

CaringEzra January 17th, 2023

screen-shot-2566-01-16-at-7-25_1673916243.48 PM.png

#SelfLove #YouMatter #Support #SelfEsteem #SelfWorth #7cups

Todays reminder is that you are more than enough! If you ever need support, we are here for you and so is 7cups <3 Refection: What are your favorite positive affirmations?

GloriaD January 22nd, 2023


Hey Essie! I love your entire post 😊

Firstly, your graphic is eye-catching, creative, colorful, and even has the 7cups logo. Your question is interesting and I love how you also mentioned that 7 cups is here to provide support in case anyone needs it 💛

Now, to answer your question about positive affirmations ... I read this online and instantly loved it : "The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are." 🌻

In case you are still having a self-care break, I hope it is going well 🌈

GloriaD January 22nd, 2023

_1674386913.GloriaD - CDM Program Discussion 3.png

To seek true happiness and self-satisfaction, you may have to let go of comparisons and expectations, and prioritize yourself 🌺

Do you agree? Feel free to comment down below 😊

#selfcare #selflove #selfcompassion #selfimportance #selfacceptance #selfesteem #youmatter #youareworthy #loveyourself #beyourself #youmatter #youareenough #bekindtoyourself #believeinyourself #positivity #knowyourworth #innerpeace

Heavenlyhorizons January 23rd, 2023


Gloria, I like the quote you used. It puts the person who is reading it at ease. It is also significant that you mentioned many keywords in your caption, like #bekindtoyourself. I also like the fact that you used the 7 Cups logo. Comparison definitely is the thief of joy, so it is good that you incorporated that. The background is so peaceful and relaxing. It is not distracting or overcrowded, it is simple, and you used a question to engage your reader. Your use of emojis is fresh and fun.

I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts!

GloriaD January 23rd, 2023


Wow, thank you so much for your feedback, and you said it right - comparison is the thief of joy 🌻 I’m looking forward to your work as well, heavenly horizons 😊