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1) Introduction to Content and Marketing at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

7 Cups currently has separate dedicated teams that focus on both Content and Marketing. This discussion outlines both teams and provides an overview of their current focus.

(A) Content Volunteer Team

The Content Volunteer Team was relaunched and redesigned in 2020 and is led by @SoulfullyAButterfly - more information including an application can be found here


The team works to improve site content in the following areas:

(i) Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages): Quality answers are researched and written in light of search engine optimization (SEO) and other best practices to ensure that the community gets verified, valuable information in response to common mental health questions and concerns. These answers are considered “short tasks” as they involve quicker content production.

(ii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Existing, published articles are reviewed to ensure up-to-date information, quality length, expert verified facts and other important topic categories by editors.

In addition, fresh content is produced for:

(iii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Alongside fresh content provided by experts, the team works to research and produce relevant fresh content articles that help boost information and awareness related to the categories that 7 Cups offers expertise in. Writers are welcome to collaborate with experts to publish co-authored articles or produce content individually to be published under the 7 Cups Community Account.

(iv) All other Content Needs: The team is ready to tackle and undertake content tasks that may come up as other needs. These content assignments can relate to listener guides, upcoming growth path playlists, improvement and support of online therapy-related information as well as many other possibilities!

(B) Team Lightship

As a revamp to the Social Soldiers Team at 7 Cups, Project Lightship was announced in late 2020 as the current volunteer-led marketing team for 7 Cups on Twitter. It is currently being led by @Rebecca947 and @Isentropic


The team intends to eliminate mental health stigma by identifying those who need support as presented by social media (Twitter) based messages. The team not only works on bringing awareness by using and promoting mental health-based content but actively outreaches to potential users in need of a safe haven to invite them to use 7 Cups.

The team currently has one track with a focus on:

(i) Outreaching to 20 people with compassionate messages and support per month

(ii) Generating content and posting 5 posts.

As the team is currently testing only one track, we can expect future opportunities with the growth of Team Lightship! Further information, including an application, can be found here

Other Social Media Platforms for Content:

In the meantime, 7 Cups has official accounts on social media platforms that are run by community admins. Students of this current course as well as the Content Team will prospectively add to these content and content marketing efforts!

Find and follow the 7 Cups Official Accounts on Social Media:

Instagram - @7Cups ​| Twitter - @7Cups & @7CupsTeen | Facebook - 7CupsOfTea | Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea

Question for Discussion:

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Note: If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the program’s requirements or electives, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read more about it here.

SassyClassyBrunette February 19th, 2021


I am interested in the Marketing aspect of the website since I am taking a marketing class at university. And I think that it be better to give back more to the community since the majority uses social media today.

QuietLotus February 22nd, 2021


Outreaching to people. I am intruiged as to how people are identified as candidates via Social Media. Also, how to reach out to people without making them feel like their privacy or personal space was somehow invaded. There is that weird space when we need help that when people reach out to you, it can feel like an intrusion. I also wonder exactly how the reaching out is done.

lyricalAngel70 February 22nd, 2021


I would like to be involved in the Q&A page, editing existing content & producing new ones too. I am already a part of the lightship team.

shoag February 23rd, 2021

I love to interact and reach out to people that need help, and I feel that Team Lightship is better suited for helping people in a more straight-forward manner.

RationalMe7 February 27th, 2021

Hi @SoulfullyAButterfly,

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

I am more interested in the marketing aspect. Here are my reasons for that:

I did a marketing course in college. This is a good opportunity to help.
Marketing is a mass contact with the public & involves dynamic content creation.

kindLemonade July 12th, 2021

Thanks for sharing with us your interest, marketing surely is an awesome aspects and I hope the course will be complimenting you !

AnisiaCocanMA March 2nd, 2021


What interests me the most is how to be online friendly with our clients , how to approach them in a such friendly manner that they feel to come to us.

Happy900 April 30th, 2021

@AnisiaCocanTherapist Thanks for sharing.

giggleBubbles6722 June 23rd, 2021


Well done in this outlook on life. Im sure youll change a lof of lives.

mvpeng March 7th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am most interested in helping edit and create new content for the Expert Mental Health News And Advice Section and to create graphic design content for 7 Cups's Instagram or Facebook as needed.

I would also be interested in helping work on new Training and Member guides if that would be possible.

FrenchToast March 7th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am interested in getting a wider understanding on content editing. I believe that old information is just as futile as wrong information. So, I want to know more about content regulation as well as updation. Always updating forums and sites with good and better information.

KristinHelps March 8th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

Currently, I am on the Team Lightship for Twitter and to me, I have felt it has created a huge impact by reaching out, sharing content on this platform. I have received an increased amount of referral clicks and great responses overall.

I do also have interest in the Content Volunteer Team for the Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages) area as this best helps the community with correct information.

followup March 9th, 2021


I am not sure as yet. Worķng with both is a great idea. I am interested in learning and hopefully be able to add some value.

optimisticDay8079 March 22nd, 2021

I'm interested in editing existing articles while also producing the new ones

TreaureSeekers3 March 22nd, 2021

I'm interested in producing new articles. It depends what info and what is relevant to update the existing articles with new information. I'm interested in the the social media of sharing content to private users only getting new members to join. Also updating the media pages and focus on the marketing content too.

ItssssMJ March 23rd, 2021


I am most interested in content because I do not have access to social media and I would like to create new content on little known subjects and increase awareness <3

Clarisse29 March 24th, 2021


The Content Volunteer Team has piqued my interest! I think it would be quite nice to be researching content for co-authored or individually authored articles and giving them a friendly, informative shape to be used for the growth of awareness and information on 7 cups!

IceCream4IceCream April 5th, 2021


As a member of both teams, I appreciate them for reasons.

I am passionate about correcting misinformation. I believe Psychoeducation is extremely important, and we need to improve mental health literacy by spreading the truth and increasing awareness to reduce the stigma. :)

Also, mental health support is more important now than ever during this pandemic since so many more are struggling with their own wellbeing. I am very much aware of the poor access to mental health care worldover. Sometimes it's too expensive. Other times, it simply doesn't exist. I enjoy connecting people to 7cups because maybe I can help them access some kind of support in the process :)

IceCream4IceCream April 5th, 2021


*different reasons

YourFriend1403 April 14th, 2021

I’m very interested in the content creation aspect of the program. I think content such as listener guides or mental health advice articles can have an enormous impact in directly helping those struggling with mental heath conditions. Well-reviewed mental-disorder specific listener guides help our listeners more effectively support our members dealing with the condition. And fresh content articles can provide resources and a wealth of information such as symptoms, coping exercises, etc. on various conditions.

BeamsOfHope00 April 18th, 2021

I think I'm most interested in the content volunteer team. I love to write and writing for 7cups sounds like it would be a good experience for me. I don't know if I'm a good enough writer though.

MizuKagami April 20th, 2021

I think I'd do best with the Q and A section, or editing content, since I'm patient and don't mind doing a bit of research.

As for the marketing part, perhaps when Twitter stops being the main site used for this, as I never really got the hang of it.

Whatever I get to do as part of this program, I just want it to be a good learning experience.

sereneMango3007 April 26th, 2021


The Expert Mental Health and Advice Section sounds like an amazing opportunity! It would be awesome to work with experts and do research on relevant topics regarding mental health. Generating content through Twitter also sounds interesting because I've never used Twitter and I'd love to learn how to produce content best formatted for that platform.

VerseArt April 29th, 2021

Hello @SoulfullyAButterfly

Thank you for posting this discussion. It's very informative.

Question: Which current area of the Content or Marketing focuses at 7 Cups interests you the most?

Questions & Answers Page interests me the most as they are written from both personal and professional opinion. They provide a brief and to-the-point summary. They also allow an open space for a variety of questions. They can provide valuable, authentic information to clear any doubts or queries regarding physical, emotional, and mental health.

Happy900 April 30th, 2021

@VerseArt Thanks for letting us know, what you like to do.

It is very helpful to us.

Lugi123 May 2nd, 2021


As a social media manager for almost 6 years, I would be very interested to help out with content on the social media accounts of 7 Cups, and also by authoring fresh content in the form of articles.

Happy900 May 31st, 2021

@Lugi123 Thanks for sharing.

IqRAwords May 3rd, 2021

I am interested in creating new content. As time has changed so new content should be at pace with time. And I would love to work for validation of content so that all Information could be appropriate and relevant.

wagwanianPA May 3rd, 2021

I am interested in editing current articles, as I've noticed that some of them, especially in the Listening Training section have a number of typos. I'd like to improve the quality and clarity of 7cups pieces so that interested learners can make the most of their 7cups journey and help others to the best of their ability.

unassumingFarm3602 May 9th, 2021


As a content writer, editor and proofreader, I'm most interested in authoring fresh content (Q&A and articles) and reviewing, updating and editing already existing content.

As far as social media/marketing is concerned, I'm afraid I don't have a lot of experience in it. I have a Twitter and Instagram account, but I don't use either on a regular basis. However, I would definitely love to learn more about social media marketing and dabble into it.

DaisyDaph May 10th, 2021


It is wonderful to see how both Content and Marketing go hand in hand, in bringing awareness of the importance of Mental Health to more people. While both are equally important for informing and reaching out to more people, who might also be in need of emotional support. I have been drawn to areas under Content such as articles, Q&A and guides can be continuously worked on for the accuracy of information we strive to give. The more earnestly we work on bringing content to people, the better; this way when we do reach out to people, we would be able to give them the best information and resources we can find. Knowledge of Mental Health is free. Everyone deserves to be informed and everyone deserves a chance to improve their well-being through day to day lives.

Happy900 May 31st, 2021

@DaisyDaph Cannot wait to see, some of your work and, what content you come up with.

WolfiV May 10th, 2021

All areas of content mgmt. are interesting. If I had to chose one area though, then I would go for supporting the destigmatization of mental health.

Happy900 May 31st, 2021

@WolfiV I just love your ideas.

AdylynS May 10th, 2021


What interests me the most is what we can do with words and that we can learn to use them to our own benefit and 7 cups'!

I also have a question 🙋‍♀️

Are we required to post on the social media platforms?

I am asking because I am not aloud on social media or YouTube.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP May 10th, 2021

@AdylynS Hi there, welcome to the Program! no, you will personally not use any social media websites, if you give permission, your graphics will be featured on the 7 Cups official platforms, but even this is not mandatory

AdylynS May 10th, 2021


Ok, Cool


Happy900 May 31st, 2021

@AdylynS Some great ideas.

LovetoGod May 15th, 2021


I guess I love that part in which fresh content is produced because it provides knowledge and also updates previously published articles. Moreover I love that part too in which the team reach to the 20 people with compassionate messages and support them .💖

blindHeart12 May 26th, 2021


I am interested in Fresh content development i.e expert mental heath news and advice.

Also, in All content General needs.