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1) Introduction to Content and Marketing at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

7 Cups currently has separate dedicated teams that focus on both Content and Marketing. This discussion outlines both teams and provides an overview of their current focus.

(A) Content Volunteer Team

The Content Volunteer Team was relaunched and redesigned in 2020 and is led by @SoulfullyAButterfly - more information including an application can be found here


The team works to improve site content in the following areas:

(i) Questions and Answers (Q&A Pages): Quality answers are researched and written in light of search engine optimization (SEO) and other best practices to ensure that the community gets verified, valuable information in response to common mental health questions and concerns. These answers are considered “short tasks” as they involve quicker content production.

(ii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Existing, published articles are reviewed to ensure up-to-date information, quality length, expert verified facts and other important topic categories by editors.

In addition, fresh content is produced for:

(iii) Expert Mental Health News and Advice Section: Alongside fresh content provided by experts, the team works to research and produce relevant fresh content articles that help boost information and awareness related to the categories that 7 Cups offers expertise in. Writers are welcome to collaborate with experts to publish co-authored articles or produce content individually to be published under the 7 Cups Community Account.

(iv) All other Content Needs: The team is ready to tackle and undertake content tasks that may come up as other needs. These content assignments can relate to listener guides, upcoming growth path playlists, improvement and support of online therapy-related information as well as many other possibilities!

(B) Team Lightship

As a revamp to the Social Soldiers Team at 7 Cups, Project Lightship was announced in late 2020 as the current volunteer-led marketing team for 7 Cups on Twitter. It is currently being led by @Rebecca947 and @Isentropic


The team intends to eliminate mental health stigma by identifying those who need support as presented by social media (Twitter) based messages. The team not only works on bringing awareness by using and promoting mental health-based content but actively outreaches to potential users in need of a safe haven to invite them to use 7 Cups.

The team currently has one track with a focus on:

(i) Outreaching to 20 people with compassionate messages and support per month

(ii) Generating content and posting 5 posts.

As the team is currently testing only one track, we can expect future opportunities with the growth of Team Lightship! Further information, including an application, can be found here

Other Social Media Platforms for Content:

In the meantime, 7 Cups has official accounts on social media platforms that are run by community admins. Students of this current course as well as the Content Team will prospectively add to these content and content marketing efforts!

Find and follow the 7 Cups Official Accounts on Social Media:

Instagram - @7Cups ​| Twitter - @7Cups & @7CupsTeen | Facebook - 7CupsOfTea | Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea

Question for Discussion:

Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Note: If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the program’s requirements or electives, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read more about it here.

January 25th, 2021

I would like to be authoring fresh content; general articles/listener-guides/growth path playlists.

I am good at, and has the potential to grow in, contributing valuable content to the community.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 29th, 2021

@Fristo thank you for sharing your interests!

Countrygirl095 March 3rd

@SoulfullyAButterfly love this 

FinleyTews January 25th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thanks for providing this helpful info. Do students of the CDM coruse need to choose between the 2 focuses, or will we choose at the end of the course?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 25th, 2021

@FinleyTews Hi Finley, the CDM course does not have any requirement to officially join any of the 2 focuses/teams but we will be working on both aspects as part of this course so you can expect published answers to community questions, as well as fresh articles and some social media contributions too!

babyangel November 16th, 2023


I'm more interested in joining the Content Volunteer Team, but I'm pretty versatile so I'd be glad to simply provide help in any way that I can :)
Countrygirl095 March 3rd

@SoulfullyAButterfly I'm more interested in doing the writing but honestly, I'll be OK with whatever position I get

11820Read January 25th, 2021

I'm more interested in editing existing articles as well as producing the new ones.

The marketing focus actually also sounds great, but unfortunately I'm not interested in getting a personal social media account. If only 7Cups had a system to set up one for me (just like businesses often do), then I'd give it a go. In the meantime, I think this isn't the case and regretfully I have to decline this amazing chance.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 25th, 2021

@11820Read That's great - expert articles are an important part of ensuring appropriate information!

That makes sense, in a way, Lightship accounts are anonymous and only based on your 7 Cups username with features like DMs turned off.

As part of this course, we will be contributing and learning more about a little about everything, and generally, social media contributions will be shared through the official community accounts, so hopefully, this will not be a concern.

11820Read January 25th, 2021


That sounds cool! 'Cause some time ago I checked the Lightship Project link you've kindly attached above and saw a sentence like, "You are responsible for setting up your own Twitter account." Hopefully your information regarding 7Cups account's would really come true soon!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 25th, 2021

@11820Read to clarify, that is correct - I understand that you are referring to basic account setup as well. As for what I meant, yes, we can share social media content through the official 7 Cups social accounts which are managed by the admin team (one account per platform).

11820Read January 26th, 2021


Hi, sorry for asking again.

Does that mean during the training program we students will get access to these official accounts? I've just read once again the original post and saw it mentioned that "students of this current course as well as the Content Team will prospectively add to these content and content marketing efforts", and I interpret it that way (we'll get access).

Thank you in advance.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 26th, 2021

@11820Read no, but I will facilitate the posts getting published when needed.

11820Read January 26th, 2021


Oh I see, thank you for taking time to explain to me.

IceCream4IceCream April 5th, 2021


Agreed. I'm not a fan of social media, but with all those requirements for team lightship accounts, I find it a lot easier to navigate. It's much less overwhelming.

KatherrinneP January 25th, 2021


I am particularly interested in the Marketing aspect of the website. I am a current Marketing student with background in design and promotion, which I think would enable to give more to our community by focusing on Social media handles and others sorts of promotion.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 29th, 2021

@KatherrinneP That sounds great! Perhaps you could also help add to 7 Cups with the skills you already have and will hopefully get to learn and practice!

mxmes January 26th, 2021


I’m more interested in the Content focus; listener guides, upcoming growth path playlists, improvement, and Q&A pages. I’m not really into social media as much as I use to be, so the marketing focus would be irrelevant to me. As for the content focus - I believe I would be more suited for it as it fits my expertise and is something that I have wanted to do. I’d be fine with doing both long and short tasks. I often lurk around the site looking at different content. I have been thinking that it would be great if I could help create some content for 7 cups.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 29th, 2021

@mxmes that is awesome! Reviewing what already exists and what we can do to further contribute towards mental health awareness and support is great - I look forward to your contributions

WendinCaring January 28th, 2021


I am more interested in content creation than marketing.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 29th, 2021

@WendinCaring thank you for sharing your interests

SynSavory January 29th, 2021


Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

Outside of this website, I'm really good at original content creation and repurposing my material to suit a specific audience. This includes the use of social media in general.

All of these roles sound fascinating to me, but I think I would lean more towards producing qualifiable and verified content.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 30th, 2021

@SynSavory Thank you for sharing your interests - it is great that you keep your audience in mind and find it easy to repurpose material, that really helps relate different topics to create multiple articles/content types.

Psychstudies13 January 30th, 2021


Psychstudies13 January 30th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly The area that interests me the most would be the Content Creation on the site, so like Q&A's and making posts, as well as Instagram posts. I believe instagram is a social platform that is one of the biggest and most widely used. So, creating content on there would help a lot of people out

blissart January 30th, 2021


would like to be a part of team lightship. I want to reach out to people and may be able to support them in some ways

SoulfullyAButterfly OP January 30th, 2021

@blissart That is nice, I hope you can apply and contribute to that project too!

Azalea98 January 30th, 2021


For me it is team lightship that greatly interests me! I did consider joining and contacted the leaders about joining a while ago but unfortunately due to me being pretty inept with technology I am only really good with using the social media site Instagram. I'm hoping they expand the wonderful project to other social media's soon!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 1st, 2021

@Azalea98 thank you for sharing that! I also hope Lightship can be used to help bring support to other platforms

Happy900 February 7th, 2021


I would like to help out on the 7Cups website and improving the mental health guides and maybe creating a new guides for disabilities,since 7cups does not have any that I am aware of, for example learning disabilities.

I have a learning disability by the way, and I am also trained as a Teacher Aide,and I love to look things up on the internet,and learn new things.

The reason,is so the listeners can learn what it is like to have a disability,and how to speak to them,example people first language.

For example,

Instead of a person,with a Handicap, you say A disabled person or a person with a disability or disabilities,ect.

I have never done a guide before,but I am willing to learn how.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 12th, 2021

@Happy900 Hi Happy, that is wonderful! I really like your idea and the guide could be something we can work out on in the near future

kindLemonade July 3rd, 2021

You are so inspiring Happy! Congrats on finishing the course by the way!

CaringBrit February 7th, 2021


Which current area of the Content or Marketing focus at 7 Cups interests you the most? Please feel welcome to share your reasons.

publishing my own articles content also editing current interests me the most also write my own guides etc

sunlightspirit February 7th, 2021


Although in this course we will be learning a little of everything you mentioned, I am primarily interested in (A): Content Volunteer Team as my primary focus since I enjoy creating, revising and editing content. However, as I progress through the course I may find other areas of interest.


Happy900 February 8th, 2021


Content development:

Writing new listener guides, disability content

Edit some of the mental health guides,you have.

I am open minded to other content development, as well.

StarryStorm February 8th, 2021

The team that currently interests me the most is Team Lightship.

I have graphic design experience which makes me more interested in creating content to be posted to social media. I also like the idea of actively reaching out to Twitter users, because I know from my own Twitter experience that a lot of people use that platform to talk about depression and anxiety and I feel we could reach a good number of new members that way!

azureOwl6812 February 13th, 2021

I am really interested in editing existing articles and writing new ones, providing good articles for people to read is something I really want to do !I have been writing on my blog too, but I want to expand my horizons by exposure to your platform and give the best content I can!

electricWhisper3694 February 16th, 2021

As an existing member of teamlightship I can safely say that it interests me most as looking for people who may need help is incredibly important!

MarinaLecubet November 6th, 2021


That would be fun it would be like research.

February 17th, 2021


Content. I blog at times, so it feels closer.
I am not so well versed with social media and trends. I find it hard to keep up with updates, status and stuff.