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13) Reviewing and Promoting Current Articles

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

Through this activity, we will review current content and get to promote content too.


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

  5. Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.

Please ensure that your submissions to each of the steps of this activity are all contained in one forum post/reply.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2021


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.
    1. The article is empathetic and has a positive message
    2. Good amount of hyperlinks for in depth information and citation to further resources
    3.Thorough and inclusive of hope and helpful insights

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).
    a. Comprehensive yet understandable tone in the article
    b. Inclusive of good keywords
    c. Good to see the backlinks to 7 cups resources

    a. Writer shares similar background and thus provided good expertise
    b. The content is relevant and could be shared across multiple platforms

    a. The inclusion of a little biography encourages trust
    b. The personal flair and expertise as a psychologist enhances the quality of this article and helps one feel easier to trust the writer with their content .

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

ouiCherie July 16th, 2021

How to Stay Right When You've Been Wronged


1. The topic is highly relatable to people hence shareable on social media.
2. The article is thorough and accessible, delivered in a conversational tone.
3. The usage of bullet points in the article draws readers to the ideas. Consequently, help retain online skimmers to stay longer instead of bouncing out too fast and hurts the site’s SEO.


E: Factor: Both the author and the site have the expertise to speak about the topic. Additionally, DR. Rick Hanson linked it back to his professional website that shows competence and relevance with the article.

A: The article publishes on a website that has a page on Wikipedia.

T: Both the site and the author had featured on several credible platforms relevant to the article. Rick Hanson Ph.D. is a senior member of UC Berkeley’s Good Science Center and a New York Times best-selling author.

Revision for EAT (7/18)


The article is thorough yet concise and delivered in a conversational tone which makes it easy to read.
The content relates to a wide audience, offers practical steps that demonstrate understanding of the situation.
The usage of bullet points in the article draws readers to the ideas. Thus, helping online skimmers to stay longer rather than bouncing out too quickly. This point is beneficial for SEO.

Several original quotes and the main messages in this article are bolded. Similar to the previous point, this makes it easier for online skimmers to find the most interesting sections.


Both the writer and the site have the expertise to speak about the topic. Additionally, DR. Rick Hanson linked it back to his professional website that shows competence and relevance with the article.

The site has a page on Wikipedia.

Both the site and the writer had featured on several credible platforms relevant to the article.


The biography of the writer is available on the page. Rick Hanson, PhD. is a Psychologist and senior member of the Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.

New York Times best-selling author.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 16th, 2021

@ouiCherie great work, especially the graphic! Here are some pointers:

E - The back-link comment applies more to the authority factor, for expertise consider the formatting, comprehensiveness, as well as any supplementary information

T - What you've mentioned here also speaks more about authority as well as some credentials/experience that can speak about expertise - for the trust factor, consider if the author biography has been added, or if any of the authoritative external citations were listed.

ouiCherie July 16th, 2021

Ohh... got it now. Thank you so much! 🤗

Matej45678 July 27th, 2021



Sorry for the grammar mistake. laugh

Matej45678 July 27th, 2021


I really like it! Your post is very throughout. heart
The graphic is beautiful, too. heart
Wish you only the best!

ouiCherie August 26th, 2021

Hey @Matej45678 how have you been?
Thank you for the support Matej 💜

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021



  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

    I chose:

    “Stopping A Panic Attack: 4 Fast Strategies To Help”

    A therapist shares strategies proven to stop panic attacks quickly

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.
    1) Think of story ideas that will be sharable in social media:

    “Stopping A Panic Attack: 4 Fast Strategies To Help” is a catchy title and a helpful topic to many. By giving four specific coping skills to deal with panic attacks, the article engages the reader right away, making it likely to be shared on social media.

    2) Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: ask yourself what they need out of reading your piece and then deliver that:

    Licensed mental health counselor Scott Fantucchio (the writer) empathized with the readers well. In the article's introduction, Scott shared his own experience as a therapist working with many clients who suffer from anxiety & panic attacks. He showed his expertise and understanding of the issue. Scott gave reliable coping skills for people with anxiety and panic disorders. Hence, we can say that Scott knows what the readers (someone seeking immediate help to stop panic attacks) wanted from the article. He wrote the article throughout yet concisely and also gave a call to action.

    3) Back up statements with research or facts if applicable (cite sources) - try to confirm facts by ensuring at least 2 different sources mentioning them.

    This article is backed up with research - 5 trustworthy links were mentioned in the writing:,,,, and

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

    1. Expertise:

    - Suitable credentials:
    The writer of this article is Scott Fantucchio - a licensed mental health counselor with over ten years of experience in the mental health field. Thus, it’s reasonable to say Scott has the suitable credentials.He referred to a few other articles he wrote in this piece of writing.

    - Expert Content is Researched Based:

    Scott used several keywords such as: panic disorder, panic attacks, anxiety, deep breathing. With each of these keywords, he would hyperlink to the trustworthy resources/references mentioned above.

    2. Authority:

    - A Wikipedia Page Boosts Authority:

    The writer cited mainly from & which both have Wikipedia pages.

    - Authoritative Content is Widely Shared:

    The article is published on 7cups page and shared on 7cups facebook’s post.

    3. Trustworthiness:

    - Positive reviews:

    This article was published in 7cups’s experts' section. Choosing Therapy reviewed 7cups like this: “ 84.6% of users find the listener to be good support. 79.1% report that they would like to chat with the listener again in the future. 75.8% of users felt much better after communicating with a listener. 70% of participants rate support from listeners on 7 Cups as equally or more effective as traditional psychotherapy.”

    - Author's biography:

    There’s a biography page for the author Scott Fantucchio, also what is written on their profile matches with what is found on google searches about them.

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

    Link HERE

  5. Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.
    Replied to @Izzy274

Star996 July 25th, 2021


Hey, Lem! You did an awesome job! This looks so good, like wow. All the links, the mentioning of the writer's name, the graphics(I love them wowwwww), just everything! I love the way you have included links and gave your personal feedback while also using the forum posts mentioned in the post by Butterfly. Overall, a 10000000000000000000/10 from me! Yayyyyyyy! laugh

kindLemonade July 25th, 2021


Thank you, *Hugs* heart

RationalMe7 July 23rd, 2021

- Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

The article I have selected is The Unique Stigma of Losing a Loved One to Suicide.

- Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  1. The article combined the personal experiences of the author along with the view of an expert (as they were an expert in this). This also included how their family dealt with the stigma of a family member’s suicide.

  2. There were facts backed up by research (the stats of 1 in 5 people are living with a mental health condition)

  3. It gave hope to the reader. Most probably the reader would have faced the same stigma or would have known someone else with it.

  4. The article was concise and conversational. I read it in less than 5 minutes and that readability was good for it.

- Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  1. Authority - The writer of the article was an expert in the field and had also shared a personal anecdote of their life in it.

  2. Expertise - The writer included the research-based source for the stats that were included in the article.

  3. Trust - The writer gave hope towards the end of the article in a tone that encompasses all these aspects.
    A concise article speaks of its authority and expertise because it requires more insight to make it concise and conversational.

- Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

- Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.

Done, in a reply to @verseart.
kindLemonade July 28th, 2021


I like your graphic a lot. It is very touching and carrying out great message.

Well done!

cuteeeezombieeee July 25th, 2021

The article I read: The Only Way to Heal It Is to Feel It

Three strengths:

🟣The article is empathetic and informative for the intended audience of trauma survivors.

🟣Conversational language is utilized to connect better with the audience.

🟣The author put herself in the reader's shoes.

EAT- comments


⚫Lack of citations indicates less research-based evidence.

🔵This comprehensive article is divided into digestible chunks for easier readability.

🔵 Backlinking to the 7Cups subcommunities page is a good example of providing supplementary info through backlinking.


⚫Citing sources and backing up the theory with scientific background could have boosted authority.

🔵The usage of multilple tags is a good attempt at ensuring that the article is widely shared.


🔵The author's biography attached at the end explains the author's professional background and therefore would prove to be trustworthy to the audience.

🎦 Graphic:

kindLemonade July 28th, 2021


The title you picked is very interesting, this ticks my personal interest.

Very clear bullet points about EAT's analysis.
The graphic is good too.

Well done.

Star996 July 25th, 2021

Article Reviewed --> How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Folks (link -->

3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices given below!

1.) So, it has a really supportive tone and yet offers helpful information for the topic discussed. On the one hand, the writer gives hope and empathy to the readers and also provides a sense of relatability throughout the content, but on the other hand, the writer also makes sure to provide information, and also came straight to the point without any delay.
2.) The article was concise and thorough . It took me around 3 minutes to read the whole article. The article did not obsess over a particular topic and instead, it made me feel like I was sitting with the writer and listening to them, due to the friendly, yet informative tone of the content.
3.) The information provided was backed up with their respective sources, which also checks the check-box called ‘Back-linking’. There were several backlinks which confirmed all the information being shared. Some of them are -->


2 comments for each of the three factors of EAT

1.) Expertise -->
a) The article has a great structure, and many words are highlighted in bold to give them more emphasis.
b) The backlinks are pretty helpful and also support the topic being discussed in the article.

2.) Authority -->
a) The article is on 7cups, which has a Wikipedia page, boosting authority.
b) 7cups is often searched by a lot of people, and the content needs being searched by the audience is also being satisfied by the article.
3.) Trust -->
a) The biography of the author(SynSavory) is provided in the article, boosting trust.
b) The site on which the article is available also has an About Us page. There are a lot of positive reviews about is also the largest mental health delivery system in the world.

Graphics -->

As for graphics, there was an issue with my website and I got the image I worked on in my gallery, and I don't know how to insert an image from my gallery on 7cups 😅

I will submit it in my week 3 report. Sorry for the issue. Hugs! heart

cuteeeezombieeee July 25th, 2021

Great job on the review Star!heart I'm sure your graphic turned out awesome tooangel
Here's a post which has guidelines on adding pictures in forum posts:
Thought it might help! Keep up the great work.

Star996 July 25th, 2021


Thanks! I did try this method, but it was not working. 😅 It usually did, but I dunno, maybe some glitch. Thanks for the help! heartheart

Matej45678 July 27th, 2021

Name of the article: No Thanks, I Don't Drink Anymore.

Strengths: 1.) Personal, inspiring story, which shows a great example of getting sober.
2.) The article offers hope and empathy to people struggling with addiction.
3.) Conciseness
Expertise: The article is comprehensive, yet digestible. Additionally, I consider ex-addicts as "experts" for this topic, since how could one tell others about getting from the rock bottom when they don't have the slightest idea about it? Books and degrees will never make you understand addiction like people who experienced it understand it.

Authority: Author tells a true personal story. It's published on 7 Cups, a trusted Mental Health Organization.

Trust: The article is published on 7 Cups, a well-known Mental Health Organization. Also, only a fool would make up a story about addiction that is untrue - only a fool who has no respect for people who struggle with addiction. And I don't believe that this person is a fool, I find her story rather inspiring and beautiful, therefore I trust her. heart

Graphic: KuthnUh.png

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 10th, 2021

Wonderful points and superb graphic! Love the color scheme and to the point message that it conveys ! ❤ @Matej45678

ouiCherie August 26th, 2021

The expert is the one who has gone through it. Solid point there 💜 All the best Matej!

KACOSMIC July 31st, 2021


Review, and Promoting Current Articles.

The article i read was How to let go of the need for approval.

The article showed, kindness, mentioned things that makes you stop and think about the topic, which i think it is very important and gave good tips.


Expertise: The author gave many informations that makes us stop and think about the topic. This is very important in one article.

Authority: Very relevant content.

Trustworthiness: I completely trust what this author writes.

The link of my graphic:

OBS: I didn't find an article in the area I chose, so I chose this one.

sophiasanae July 31st, 2021


I chose the article "9 Things I Learned From Supporting a Loved One with Dissociative Identity Disorder." It's top three strengths from the Best Practices guide are that it uses sources well, is thourough, and encourages empahty. It's not always easy to understand DID, espeically with the way it's portrayed in movies. I think this article showed that we can do a lot more to understand and support those who have it. Now to review the article for EAT!

Expertise: The author clearly has done a lot of reasearch on the topic. They also bring in their personal experiences into the article.

Authority: The author starts out strong with using percise data. They use very important key words.

Trustworthiness: There are 6 sources linked at the end, all from credible mental health/research sites. However, it would be great if they mentioned where their data was coming from inside the article and not just in the bibliography.

You can check out my graphic HERE.

Mel August 5th, 2021

@sophiasanae very good feedback! You covered the concepts really well! I also really liked your graphic, straight to the point and it has a good 'call to action' inviting people to join. Great job!

and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

sophiasanae August 6th, 2021


Aww thanks so much Mel!

Mel August 5th, 2021

Article chosen:

Best practices:

- it has a good header & subheader. Catchy and subheader starts with 'why learning about is...'
- it's shareable
- it's emphatic and gives you hope

ETA feedback: Expertise: there's not numbers or resources listed in this article but it's really personal, addresses 'you' and is easy to read. Authority: while no while no authority is listed, this is clearly lived advice which seems pretty helpful. Perhaps there could be more references to stats or information that could be checked too. Trust: this was written by a therapist so they're trusted and valued members. The content also references to experience and really gives you hope that you can live through your trauma by feeling it.


and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 10th, 2021

Love your graphic 😍❤ @Mel

Mel August 11th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you!

and in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make. - Mel, 7Cups Ambassador

Iamanotheru August 8th, 2021


Topic: When Is It Time To Start Taking Anxiety Seriously?
Subtitle: Anxiety is a common mental illness in the US that is highly treatable if it begins to affect your ability to carry out work or social tasks.

Link to the article:

Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices:
a) Statements in this article are backed with facts and statistics.
b) The article is easily accessible.
c) Resources (links) are available for further reading.

Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT):

1) Expertise:
a) The content is available in simple, easy-to-understand language. It has excellent formating.
b) Since the sources have been cited here, therefore this content is research-based.
2) Authority:
a) The resources of the content have been mentioned here, therefore it is authoritative.
b) The content is written in a very professional manner.
3) Trustworthiness:
a) Since the external sources are cited here, therefore there is a feeling of trust over the trueness of the content.
b) The biography of the author boosts the trustworthiness of the article as well.

Created graphic to promote my selected content:

KiaraB26 August 8th, 2021

Great job! You've analysed the article very well and the graphic was quite captivating. 💜😃

Iamanotheru August 10th, 2021

Aayeeee thank you so much! 🥺🤍

ouiCherie August 26th, 2021

Love the review and EAT factors. Neat! 💜

Iamanotheru August 27th, 2021

Thank you so much!🤍

KiaraB26 August 8th, 2021

The article I’ve chosen is ‘Conquering Teen Anxiety ‘
3 top strengths: The article was concise, easy to understand, empathetic, informative and kind.

Expertise: The article has various hyperlinks (to articles on depression, bipolar disorder) and the reader has options to visit various related articles as listed underneath. It also incorporates various keywords

Authority: The article is shared on social media. It lacked a little in citations.

Trust: It is a trustworthy article as we can read a bit about the author and has used data from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Here's my graphic: A/share/preview?token=8CHKkNS5PPONO99LPHpTvA&role=EDITOR&utm_content=DAEmhr8BYOA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton

explore1000 August 11th, 2021


Great observations! You're notes on EAT matched up perfectly with what we learned in lesson 8, nice ❤️

explore1000 August 11th, 2021

Strengths: Well organized, concise, and upbeat (motivational)

E: Referred to a number of sources while still being read-able
A: Had many hyperlinks embedded and writing is easily accessible to public
T: has an “about us” link and refers to external sources

Image Here

greatfulPassion August 12th, 2021

Review, and Promoting Current Articles

1. The article I read was: Why Breakups are Harder Than They Used to Be - Healing the Modern Day Hurt

2.The article, was a comparative with modern and old days healing patterns, helpful and informative.

According to Jon Patrick Hatcher

"One thing is for sure, the only way over it is through it."


Expertise: It was informative. The author knows, what he is writing about. Feels like he is narrating a list of steps to cope up with this agony.

Authority: the author knows his scope very well so according to that he had precisely used the backlinks.

Trustworthiness: I would trust what this author writes. I would recommend reading it to a person who is good with vocabulary or has access to a dictionary.

You cannot heal by going back to what broke you!!  @greatfulPassion

kindLemonade August 12th, 2021

To embed photo -> Right-click on the image, select "Copy Image Adress" -> Copy this link to the image section on forum's post pop-up window.

I chose the width to be 250 to be here:

greatfulPassion August 12th, 2021

Review, and Promoting Current Articles

1. The article I read was: Why Breakups are Harder Than They Used to Be - Healing the Modern Day Hurt

2.The article, was comparative with modern and old days healing patterns, helpful and informative.

According to Jon Patrick Hatcher

"One thing is for sure, the only way over it is through it."

Expertise: It was informative. The author knows, what he is writing about. Feels like he is narrating a list of steps to cope up with this agony.

Authority: the author knows his scope very well so according to that he had precisely used the backlinks.

Trustworthiness: I would trust what this author writes. I would recommend reading it to a person who is good with vocabulary or has access to a dictionary.

You cannot heal by going back to what broke you!!  @greatfulPassion

milkoreos August 17th, 2021

@greatfulPassion I love the graphic! The quote style is very creative.

ouiCherie August 21st, 2021

You're a great writer ⭐ Reading your review made me want to read the article!