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What Gratitude Means to Me

SoulfullyAButterfly September 7th, 2022


Gratitude involves being thankful and appreciative of what we have in the present moment. This practice has helped people experience more positive emotions, deepen relationships, and overall improve both physical as well as mental health.

When practicing gratitude, we explore the goodness in our lives and acknowledge it, but also recognize the sources that lead to this goodness. These sources can be simple things and thus help us ground ourselves to things we may otherwise not even notice.

Reflect on these questions:

๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

Join the Gratitude Challenge here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2022


Well said, Soul.โค

๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

A positive, wholesome, feel-good emotion is gratitude to me. Acknowledging, accepting, appreciating, thanking someone/ something, is practicing being grateful.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

Quite often, but always a room for improvement hehe.

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

"When you pause and try to think of one thing to be grateful about, you don't just stop at one, the count keeps increasing"

jasishereforallofu September 7th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?.

A flood of acceptance and a sortf of internal self-hug ๐Ÿ˜Š

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

Im starting a gratitude journal ๐ŸŒผ

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

I can sleep better and have increased productivity, happier life, calm mind and bigger heart open up for everyone .โค๏ธ

gracefulBelle September 7th, 2022


Iโค๏ธ this ---> A flood of acceptance and a sort of internal self-hug

jasishereforallofu September 7th, 2022

@Kany77 im glad you do, for me its the best way to explain it ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒผ

gracefulBelle September 7th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?


๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?


๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?


crystallizedrequiem September 7th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

To be, gratitude is positive emotions you hold towards something or someone. It can also be to yourself.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

I try to practice gratitude but it is hard because everything else feels so overwhelming. It ends up not being very often.

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

I think a benefit of gratitude for me is the ability to focus or think about something or someone positively instead of focusing on the negitive.

HopefulBambi September 7th, 2022

๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

Gratitude to me means showing both appreciation to yourself, others around you, and the general situations that are unfolding. What I mean by that is, you are acknowledging what's actively happening and trying your best to be thankful.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

Not as often as I should! I do sometimes do 'I Am' statements in my mirror or shower, which can be a form of self gratitude in my opinion. "I am beautiful. I am strong" etc.

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

It can help you see the light in the darkness.

bestMaple2045 September 7th, 2022

Gratitude to me means being thankful.

Appreciating everything around me.

Taking something small and making it bigger.

Looking at it with a fresh eye.

A new perspective of life.

MissTeeLove September 7th, 2022

๐ŸŒบ Gratitude to mean means being appreciative of what you have. Being content and thankful. It is a positive emotion that, in turn, reflects kindness and warmth to another.

๐ŸŒบ Iโ€™d like to think I practice gratitude most generally all the time but I know this is not true by the way Iโ€™ve had some people respond to me

๐ŸŒบ The one benefit of gratitude that I feel is true for me is that I usually (or at least I try to) exude positivity.

NewYorker11 September 7th, 2022


What does gratitude mean to you?

the word "gratitude" means being grateful for the people and things you have in your life that you care about

How often do you practice gratitude?

i practice gratitude everyday by thanking God for The Gift of Life, and i also practice gratitude by creating good Karma for myself, as the saying goes, "that which you sow is what you will reap..."

What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

one benefit of practicing gratitude that personally is true for me is the fact that being grateful for what i have makes me appreciate the gift of life and the people i care about!!!

RainbowRosie September 7th, 2022

@ SoulfullyAButterfly

What does gratitude mean to you?

๐ŸŒนGratitude to me means knowing what you have as opposed to what you havenโ€™t.

๐ŸŒนHow often do you practice gratitude?

I try to practice gratitude once a week.

๐ŸŒน What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

I think a benefit of gratitude for me is that it makes me realise how far Iโ€™ve come if I just keep on going.

dtanushree September 8th, 2022


What gratitude means to me:

Gratitude helps me to reduce the 'I, me, mine' nature of my mind. It helps me to look at every other life with as much sensitivity and gentleness as I would be to my child.

โ€œGratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.โ€ โ€• Melody Beattie

Practicing gratitude

I practice gratitude everyday.

One benefit of gratitude

It changed my perspective towards the creation. I can bow down to an ant and a man who's my enemy.

easyRaspberries164 September 8th, 2022

๐ŸŒผ Gratitude to me means recognizing and acknowledging my blessings/Positives/the good stuff

๐ŸŒผ l wish l did it more often but l duel too much on the negatives. Funny enough it's during these times that l sometimes catch myself and think "what about all the good stuff?"

๐ŸŒผ Gratitude makes me realize things might not be so bad afterall

AriadneLove September 8th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

๐Ÿ’– Being mindful and acknowledging all the positive things life brought. Shifting perspective from negative into opportunity, lesson. Inspiring hope even when it feels impossible.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

๐Ÿ’– Attempting to practice more daily, but can not say that successful even in practising weekly๐Ÿฅบ

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

Helps me to find hope and feel deep joy from being alive.

ThadSterling September 8th, 2022


I've found personally the more I journal, the better I can tackle and cut through negativity with a gratitude sword, haha! I miss a day now and then still, but since I began working hard to make this a daily habit (setting reminders, updating to-do lists, forgiving myself for missing days or initially even weeks, but starting again and again until it stuck), I have found that it marks a clear difference between "good days that carry over to the next good day" vs "bad days that snowball into bad weeks". I am trying to nail down a daily habit of this, yoga, and meditation, with very minimal goals to build up, and I wish you the best because I know it can be hard starting out! You can get there though, you will find you are capable of a lot. I found that this 3 good things idea, of journaling each day the three good things that happened even if it was a hopeless feeling day, I find the hope immediately, and it really helps :)

ThadSterling September 8th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

In practical terms, I try to make sure I journal at least 3 good things that happened each day and reflect on how thankful I am to the universe or even my past efforts for keeping me in balance while able to work hard and do my best at my job, in order to also do my best for those in my life, and by extension anyone they may also affect.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

Nearly every day

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you? An overall better mood, sense of security, faith in the ability to meet adversity with grace

anamcaranv September 13th, 2022


Gratitude to me means being thankful for the tangibles and intangibles I have in my life.

I aim to look at most of my day in a grateful mindset. Thankful for my humble home that offers shelter and place for my family and dogs. Thankful for the ability to work even with a disability to provide for my family and dogs. Living in the desert I am thankful for the recent rains over the past few weeks. I could really go on........

It is about my attitude. I remain positive and thankful and appreciate the appreciation given to me from others.

Thanks Butterfly for the chat opp!

blissfulTouch29 September 14th, 2022

๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you? Showing people how much they mean to me and helping me every day. Gratitude isn't something that you do for recognition or praise

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude? personal

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you? affrimations

Sl1 September 15th, 2022


Gratitude means being able to acknowledge Godโ€™s blessings on us snd feel warm inside for them.

Not often

It makes me stronger in facing adversity

September 17th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

being grateful for the valuable and meaningful things in our lives.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

almost everyday

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

practicing gratitude helps improve my mental health

BeautifulWinter9949 September 26th, 2022


๐ŸŒบ What does gratitude mean to you?

It means trying to find the light even when it's hard to find.

๐ŸŒบ How often do you practice gratitude?

I try to practice it everyday with a little gratitude journal to remind myself all the amazing things I have to be thankful for.

๐ŸŒบ What is one benefit of gratitude that you personally think is true for you?

I think it's so easy to get caught up with everything that is going wrong in your life, and being mindful to take that step towards thinking about all the good things you should be thankful for instead is a refreshing way to start or end any day. I believe that if you have carry yourself in a positive manner that your mood will reflect onto others as well.