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🐶 Self-Care with Pets

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 September 9th, 2024


Share how your pets help you cope with stress and practice self-care.

User Profile: reallyoverallofit
reallyoverallofit September 10th, 2024

My kitties give me hugs and kisses which dramatically reduces any emotional distress I may have going on. They also offer me a happy distraction from issues through caring for them. 

User Profile: CaringEzra
CaringEzra September 10th, 2024


They help get me out of bed and spend time outside taking care of them. He helps me in stressful moments by not being alone and help through hard moments 

User Profile: Phoenix1234theythem
Phoenix1234theythem September 10th, 2024


my dog is adorable and licks me xD he makes me feel a lil better after walking him too

User Profile: YourCaringConfidant
YourCaringConfidant September 10th, 2024

@Heather225 We have several kitties, but one is specifically mine. I absolutely love my cat with all my heart. He's sooo cute and just brings happiness to my heart. He is so lovable and he loves getting kisses and cuddles. Since he was a kitten, he's always loved laying on my chest. He still does even though he's too big now. Lol. I love when he randomly jumps on my back while I am laying down and starts kneading on me or putting his nose against my face. I can feel he loves me as I do him and he literally helps my anger and sadness go away with his love. ♡ I just love my kitty! 

User Profile: Phoenixthepoised
Phoenixthepoised September 10th, 2024



My pets are a huge comfort when I’m stressed. Just spending time with them helps me relax and feel more at ease. Besides, their presence never fails to brighten my day!

User Profile: Aayla
Aayla September 10th, 2024

@Heather225 my dog is very cuddly and he reminds me that the time we take to just share affection with the people (and pets) we love is important and it's worth taking a break from other things to focus on it

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th, 2024

Aw I don't have pets (do siblings count though?😂 kidding :P) but something that does make me feel vv warm and fuzzed is watching adorable videos of pets and animals doing their pet-ty and animal-ee things. Specially little hamsters nibbling on their food or rolling on their wheels.😭🥰


User Profile: LoneWolf91
LoneWolf91 September 10th, 2024

My pet hates cuddles but just having him is soothing. He's such a cutie pie and an absolute sweetheart

User Profile: agentsky1705
agentsky1705 September 10th, 2024


watching them and petting them is calming. It makes me happy to see how much one of my cats loves me, whenever i'm upstairs he sits on or near me and demands pets. I like how they're not scared of me, despite me being much bigger than them. It seems like they can sense how I feel, and that I don't want them any harm. It's also nice that I give them food and clean their toilets, cause that means that I have to come upstairs and have some contact with my family and I usually also grab something to eat while i'm there.

User Profile: CouragousDragon0742
CouragousDragon0742 September 10th, 2024


Unfortunatly I don't have any pets, but I want to have some in the future. I'd love to have a little kitty and maybe a dog. I really love animals!^^