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📵 Digital Detox

SoulfullyAButterfly September 9th


Share a digital detox tip or a favorite app for self-care.

reallyoverallofit September 10th

I don't allow social media apps on my phone. I have chat apps for friends and family to reach out but I don't allow social media to follow me around all day. 

CaringEzra September 10th


I have many summers without my phone. I love not having it. a tip might be to delete social media apps. and even cups app :o I know but even not getting notifications from cups can help reduce screen time 

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


7cups hehe

and going on walks with friends no phone is good too

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


To take a break from screens, I set aside tech-free times like an hour before bed. Also set timers when using any social media apps to avoid losing track of time in the rabbit hole😉

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


I feel unless something really important or work related or our only means to stay connected with people, for the times we are mindlessly scrolling on social media~ it's a mechanism towards filling some kind of void in our present life. 

So a more long-term/ long lasting tip to help this would be to become aware of what that void is, where it stems from and to very actively involved in filling it with something of heart and value. 

In simple words, when there's more things to do, real things, important things, hobbies, things that bring us joy~ there's less of that mindless scrolling. So find outlets and activities that are more fun and engaging. 💗

LoneWolf91 September 10th

Start your mornings without your phone and try not to use your phone for at least the first two hours of the day.

It might be very hard or even impossible for a lot of people because of work. If that's the case, maybe you can wake up a wee bit earlier

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


Mabe try to "forget" sometimes at home. Like if you're going for a walk or spend time with your family. There's so many things you can do withour your phone. Sit in the garden and read and leave your phone insine! Walk your dog, get shopping or even take an entire vacation without it.

It's worth a try, isn't it?

Aayla September 10th
@SoulfullyAButterfly put your phone in another room or somewhere far from your reach when you're studying or working. It might seem obvious but not being able to just grab your phone without making the effort to get makes you stop and think if you really need it
YourCaringConfidant September 11th

My tip is to just put the phone down and live life here in the now. We are literally letting life pass us by by being so engrossed in our phones. It's easy to be focused on what other people are doing and how their life appears... We need to focus on living our own life; and the best way is to put the phone down and to just live. <3 


Put your phone on do not disturb and go out with Friends or family member or spend a day inside with family doing board games

@SoulfullyAButterfly For me sometimes (definitely not always) turning off wifi on my phone helps. That way, when I feel like using it instead of studying, having to turn the wifi on again acts as a bit of a reminder that my schoolwork needs to be done first. Also, since my phone can't leave my room (I know it's weird) spending more time outside my room means less phone time hehe.


I use the Your Hour app. It tracks the amount of time I spend on social media. And I challenge myself to not use some apps/social media platforms.


I have a 20 minute limit for social media that I can't change for a year so😅

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago

@SoulfullyAButterfly I have been working on putting my phone down 30-45 minutes before bed and reading instead 📖



Putting my phone out of arm's' reach helps me staying focus and not overusing technology, which would be a stimulation overload.

Also, 7 Cups is the #1 self-care app for me 😜

But Fabulous and Balance are just as great.