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🎯: Current Goals

CheeryMango September 9th


What’s one goal you’re trying working toward right now?

reallyoverallofit September 10th

Get a better paying less toxic job. Not sure if both of those things are possible, though. 

CaringEzra September 10th


I am trying to work on myself so that I can be a better kinder more positive person for the people that I cross paths with 

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


im just trying to get through every day and not hate myself for my mistakes and try to be kind to me

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

@Phoenix1234theythem This is great goal to have! ♡ I hope you know it's ok to make mistakes and grow from them. I hope you do become more kind and forgiving towards yourself because you deserve it. ♡ I'm rooting for you in accomplishing your goal! 

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

My goal is to just be more at peace. I need to learn to stop letting certain things and people take my joy from me. 

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


I’m aiming to weave meditation and mindful moments into my daily routine. I’ve found that taking a few minutes each day to just breathe and be present really helps me manage stress and feel more balanced.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


To rekindle my inner-spark!🌞

LoneWolf91 September 10th

To just stay afloat (':

agentsky1705 September 10th


setting clear boundaries with my love, and spending more time focusing on my needs rather than worrying about solving their issues

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


I'm trying to be more open to people and improve my communication. It's gonna be very important for me in the near future, so I'm working on communicating better with strangers and don't let any insecurities control me. ^^

Aayla September 10th

@CheeryMango feeling more confident in my job


I’m trying to reach my goal of losing more weight and helping my anxiety.

@CheeryMango I'm trying to get on top of my schoolwork. I'm quite behind but want to get back on track so that I don't always feel horrible about myself and be so stressed and sleep deprived all the time.

ClaraRoseDreamer 2 days ago


Being brave enough to make the changes I want to in my life. I recently got a new job and started wearing clothes that I feel good in (not ones that blend in with everyone else)



Having more self-confidence and facing my fears.

wandamx26 2 days ago

This doesn't feel like a goal but it is necessity for my life and society's expectations. I am trying to apply for at least one job a day so I can get a new job soon. It might sound ridiculous but the job search application process is very frustrating as I still haven't gotten a job offer yet and I have been out of a job for a few months. Therefore I don't know if this goal will work because right now I feel like a big failure and disappointment.Â