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🗑️: Cherished Possessions

CheeryMango September 9th


What’s one thing in your home you could never give away? 

reallyoverallofit September 10th

My blown glass whale I got as a kid from a faire with my mom. 

CaringEzra September 10th


My dog sazu! 🐶

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


my taggy (a teddy that I still gotta put in my mouth to go to sleep xD)

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

I'm a person who has literally lost everything before (except for life), so there's not a single physical possession I value to the point I can't let go of it. Sure, I have things I love that people gave me, but I realize it's my memories and how I felt in that moment that matters the most to me. ♡ 

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


It's a a box filled with mementos from significant life events such as tickets, letters, and souvenirs which is full of cherished memories💖

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


We're counting people? If yes, then people hehe. If not then all the photo-albums!💗

LoneWolf91 September 10th

my old laptop! it doesn't work but it is a relic haha

agentsky1705 September 10th


my childhood teddy. We've gone through so much together 

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


There are a few things, memories and a teddy bear I had when I was a child. Also I could never live without music, so maybe my earphones, because they take me through the days even if it's a bad one.

Aayla September 10th

@CheeryMango a drawing made by my sister inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night

Faelwyn September 12th

My beautiful Tammy (cat), she has been with me nearly 12 years.  I got her just before I found out my husband had terminal cancer.  She is my substitute child I got after having a full hysterectomy. 


My tv! Cant sleep without some sort of background noise while I’m asleep

@CheeryMango I can't possibly name just one thing at home that I could never give away. I'm someone who has a really hard time throwing or giving away things, even if I know I don't use it for anything. And the longer that I have something, the harder it gets to part with it. So this problem is mostly only with things I've already had for years, things I have many memories with. The newer things I have aren't that hard to give away.

For example, I still have some of my school books from when I was in 1st grade or even before that. I hardly go through them once a year, but every time I do, I smile remembering all those nice days when I wrote all sorts of things in my notebooks and reading them now is just so funny. I don't have all the books of course, (just imagine how much space it would take up if I did), but I still have many, all neatly stored in bags and boxes. Trust me, my parents hate me for this, but I can't imagine giving them away.

And that's just one thing, I have so many more things. Like pen drives full of photos (basically a photo album on a pen drive), my baby teeth (yes, I have them safely stored), old but usable toys that I don't use, my favourite pillow that I use every day and that I've strangled to death more than once, all the birthday cards anyone has ever given me, the list goes on...

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago


My Piano :)



Some memories, precious presents I was gifted by loved ones, and most of my gadgets.