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🕯️Calming Memories

SoulfullyAButterfly September 9th


Describe a calming atmosphere you've created for yourself or something that calms you/any calming memory.

reallyoverallofit September 10th

Nature. Being in nature calms me a lot. 

CaringEzra September 10th


ohh I like this! I agree nature is super calming and helps me with anxiety. help grounding 

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


reading is lovely and so is music while doing something

Phoenixthepoised September 10th



I’ve created a calming corner at home with soft lighting and a comfy chair where I enjoy reading or meditating to unwind🧘

YourCaringConfidant September 10th

Yesterday morning I sat on the porch for over 30 minutes and it was so refreshing. It was slightly chilly but the breeze felt amazing on me. I really felt at peace in that short period of time. ♡ This is the kind of weather I love.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


Ooh I so adore a quiet, dark room with a cool-temperature setting. Most soothing! And if it's raining outside at the same time?! It gets even better!😇


LoneWolf91 September 10th

This has made me realize that I haven't created anything that I can actively think of!
So far I think it is reading in the morning or exercising. But I should actively try to create such an atmosphere

agentsky1705 September 10th


any memory of my best friend telling me positive things, or thinking about my rats and how cute and clueless they are as they go about their day

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


Yeah! ^^

So it was winter and almost night time. It started to snow and my whole family sat together in the living room. We all were doing seperate things but the atmosphere connected us. Usually theres at least one person stressing around and making the others feel stressed out too, but at this moment it as so peacful! ^^ I was reading under a blanket and it felt just soooo cozy! ^^

Aayla September 10th

@SoulfullyAButterfly a cup of tea, a blanket and a comfort / childhood movie

Faelwyn September 12th

Sitting outside listening to the breeze in the trees and the birds singing


When I was in highschool when I’d get anxious or panic attacks I’d ask if I can go to the office and the lady upfront would let me help her or walk around with my headphones in while I calmed down I could also stay in the counselor waiting room.

@SoulfullyAButterfly My childhood memories, they calm me in how well I could always deal with everything and still find joy. And of course, remembering the beautiful things I've seen, the wonderful trips I've had, and the comfort of my home when I was little, it calms me. But remembering how it's all gone doesn't let me stay in that state of calm for long. Now the only thing that really calms me is hearing something comforting or encouraging, be it from my mother, teachers, Cups friends, or in the form of music or a youtube video.

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago


Sitting with a soft blanket and one of my bunnies on my lap 🐰



Those can be me, alone, in my room, listening to calming music, nature sounds, meditating, deep breathing, and more.

Or just being outdoors in a nice place, as well as bonding with my family.