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đź’Ś Acts of Kindness

SoulfullyAButterfly September 9th


Share an act of kindness you've done for yourself or others.

reallyoverallofit September 10th

No one remembers one of my friend's birthdays so I make sure to keep the in my email reminders. Their birthday was today so I sent them a personal HBD message and had a great chat with them afterwards. 

CaringEzra September 10th


I just got my friend a cute house plant for her birthday! I hope she likes it <3

Phoenix1234theythem September 10th


i just managed to shower And wash my hair for the first time in weeks.. sounds so bad but such a huge kind achievement for meee

Phoenixthepoised September 10th


Recently, I volunteered to help a friend with a project they were overwhelmed with. It felt great to offer support and lighten their load. Then for me, I scheduled regular “me-time” each week to do things I truly enjoy like taking long walks in the park, writing poetry or watching my favorite show. 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 10th


Ahhh I really don't like sharing/mentioning these things, but for the sake of completing the bingo~ I always enjoy appreciating my peers here and the Peer Appreciation Form comes handy hehe!🥰


LoneWolf91 September 10th

I try to check in with all of my friends (I even have a list to keep track!), make sure I remember the tiny things that most people would forget (like a past favourite game or something), and make sure they don't feel left out. I also make it a point to tell all the people who matter to me that I love them and cherish them

It's not much and definitely not enough <3

agentsky1705 September 10th


I stood up for an old muslim woman walking with a crutch, she had a little girl with her

I helped a woman that looked like she was travelling collect her groceries and picked up her jacket cause she couldn't carry it all in her hands

I rewarded myself with an energy for doing good work

CouragousDragon0742 September 10th


I was on vacation with my aunt to make sure that she could get a break from her children. So I took care of them so she could relaxe a little bit.

It also was secretly fun ^^

Aayla September 10th

@SoulfullyAButterfly I've supported a friend of mine that went through a breakup

YourCaringConfidant September 11th

My act of kindness today was washing/drying/folding a family member's clothes for them so they didn't have to spend money going to the laundromat. 👕👖🩳🩲🧦👗👚👙🎽

Faelwyn September 12th

When I go grocery shopping in a group van, I make sure to get a trolley for the person that needs one.


When my bestfriend goes days without eating I go over to her house (like I normally I do) get her food or make her food and eat beside her so she’s not alone <3

@SoulfullyAButterfly Today I helped a classmate by letting her write some stuff from my notebook. And I got some really important school stuff organised so I have a better idea of everything I need to do, so that's something for myself hehe. 

ClaraRoseDreamer 3 days ago


I'm trying to work on self-care lately as I tend to try to help everyone and never focus on my own mental health. So I booked myself in for a haircut (the first I'd have in 2 years) :)



It can be a simple thing, such as a thoughtful smile or a warm hug.

As long as putting genuine heart, care, and consideration towards the other person, as well as for myself.

Empathy is a critical skill that used in the right away, helps spread kindness and love everywhere around.

The world is a beautiful place when seen with such eyes.

Spread love and kindness. It will come back to you.

wandamx26 2 days ago

I got rid of stuff I don't want from my room and had it donated to the thrift shop. It is a good way of reducing clutter around my area. 

Also this might seem strange so I will put a trigger warning: DEATH. I talk to my grandma's ashes as if her spirit is here. She passed away last month and her ashes are at home now so I try to have a conversation with her every day to make up for the time I didn't spend with her.Â