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Left my job without another job lined up

intellectualMango1705 October 20th, 2023

Im stressed, anxious, upset.

I left my job after being there for only a few months. It’s my first real job after graduating college. I couldn’t do it anymore. Some of my coworkers were GREAT. Some were bad. But the reason I left was the toxic work environment. The management did not listen to suggestions on work improvement ideas… mandated us to work 16 hour shifts… blamed us for every little thing they can think of. Work started to impact my overall health. I lost almost 30 pounds, I was sleeping for 30 minutes each night before work, I was eating once a day, I wasn’t able to relax and do the things I used to enjoy. I started crying before and after work. I would physically drag myself out of bed and cry in the shower before work. Im very lucky that I have great family support. Im also financially stable and Im not responsible for anything financially which impacted my decision to quit.

It’s almost a month now, and I haven’t been able to find a new job. I applied to almost everything but I only had 1 interview . Im still waiting for a call back but Im starting to lose hope.

I’m starting to feel like a failure and constantly rethinking if I did the right thing. I do know that once I get a job, I’d feel way better. But right now, Im lost and defeated.

I wanna hear your stories with quitting a toxic work environment and let’s support each other through this difficult season.

Tinywhisper11 October 20th, 2023

@intellectualMango1705 I've never actually worked♿ but sweetie I'm so glad you quit. Unfortunately with jobs that are demanding in those ways. Not only you get stressed but so are the bosses and supervisor s, so yeah working in a place where everyone is stressed and taking it out on others. You did right to get out. Especially for a first time job. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ I'm sure you'll find a job soon enough that suits you much better, perhaps look at a job center kinda place ❤

intellectualMango1705 OP October 20th, 2023

Aw! Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s much needed and appreciated 🤍

I have applied to jobs where it’s possibly less stressful and have values that fit mine.

Thank you 🤍

CyclingThroughLife October 20th, 2023

 "Some of my coworkers were GREAT. Some were bad. But the reason I left was the toxic work environment. The management did not listen to suggestions on work improvement ideas… mandated us to work 16 hour shifts…"........."I was sleeping for 30 minutes each night before work, I was eating once a day, I wasn’t able to relax and do the things I used to enjoy. I started crying before and after work. I would physically drag myself out of bed and cry in the shower before work."

I have been exactly where you are......I have been in my career field since 1997, working for 2 different agencies.  About 4 or 5 years ago I started experiencing intermittent bouts of burnout due to what you mention above....I'm not sure what event actually pushed me into the burnout because for many, many years I enjoyed my job....I think that as I grew older, my tolerance for the toxic work environment, co-workers who only care about them selves and their advancement, administration showing favoritism in promotions and work assignments...I think through the years,my tolerance for all all that has changed.....we were also mandated, but in my line of work, it has to be done due to the nature of our employment....I was taking the job home with me, in my head, catastrophizing and over thinking every situation at work, I also was unable to relax...I loved working out and riding my bike, I stopped completely for months....The bouts of burnout would come and go...they would last anywhere from days to weeks, with the one that pushed me over the edge lasting about 6 weeks...the longer bouts with burnout would lead to depression...they went hand in hand....One day on the way to work, I lost it and cried all the way there....I never cry......that was my breaking point....a 51 year old man, who has been through much worse in the past, crying over his job....that is when I decided I needed to do something.  I couldn't just leave...financially I had too much to lose...just a 4 years or so away from wasn't an option...I tried went badly....but that is another story for another time.....I eventually found the help I needed and some coping mechanisms through the forums here at 7Cups and listeners....I'm not completely over it, I still work in the toxic environment, with the same people, but it is somewhat more manageable due to some of the techniques and things that people here have shared in their posts and replys.....I said all that to say are not alone......Don't ever think you are alone....

I commend you for getting out of that environment while you are still young enough and don't have any responsibilities to keep you there.  Keep your head up and keep the job search going.  What I will say is, don't settle until you find what you are happy in.  If you need to take something because you need to have money coming in that is fine, but keep looking for the job that you will be happy at.  Working in a place you are not happy,  for a long period of time, can really take a toll on you.....I'm sending good vibes into the universe for you.  Keep us up to date on how the search is going.

intellectualMango1705 OP October 21st, 2023

oh wow. This is much needed. First of all, I want to thank you for sharing your story. I commend you for being able to find resources that work for you and helped you get through burnout and stress. I could only imagine how difficult it was to go to work everyday for you. Thank you for helping me see that I am not alone… and that I did the right thing for myself and myself only. Thank you for your support ! I will definitely keep you updated on my work journey. Thank you!

VintageDougers October 23rd, 2023

I can commiserate to an extent I think. I worked on the Service Desk (tech support) for a large company for several years up until March of 2022. I was getting so stressed and anxious about work all the time that it was really draining me. The work environment was not good on the Service Desk, but I kept hearing that if you could land a position in other areas of IT then it was so much better. But I just got tired of waiting and applying for other positions so I put in my 2 weeks notice and quit.

I was off work for 5 months trying to get myself together when I got an email from a old coworker of mine at that same company. This is someone who I had always respected and worked very well with. He told me he was the manager of the new ITSM (IT Service Management) team and that he had an opening that he really thought I'd be a good fit for. I interviewed for the job, they liked me, and I started the new position August 15th 2022.

Fast forward to now, I am still in that job, but I'm back to dreading work and crying many mornings at the idea of having to do it again. The thing is that the role I'm in now really is far better than where I was before. I frequently receive positive feedback, and even got a promotion after less than a year in the position. From the outside one would think "why the heck is this guy so depressed about work?" and to be honest I truly don't know why, but I am. All the time, every day. I'm struggling to understand why, there must be some underlying issues that I'm not seeing.

So yeah, I guess I don't have much in the way of advice, but just wanted to commiserate and share my experience. I hope you find what you're looking for and can get right with work. And if you do please share your success story. 😀

CyclingThroughLife October 24th, 2023


"All the time, every day. I'm struggling to understand why, there must be some underlying issues that I'm not seeing."

This statement does hit home.  I'm the same way.  I used to love my job.  Now I just tolerate it and try to find ways to make it to retirement.  Day by day, moment by moment if need be.  I'm doing better since becoming active and sharing here on 7Cups.  I'm not completely "over it", not even close, but days are better, knowing I can come here to vent or tell my story, or get it off my chest if need be.  I hope you find a way to make your situation better.  Feel free to come here and let it out if you need to.