What is Your Safe Place?
For many of us, having a safe place to land can be the difference between traumatic events or a full-blown episode.
Is there a place that allows you to de-escalate when you feel you are losing control? Where do you feel most safe and comfortable?
I need to refind my safe place again. Right now so much I happening that I'm scared. Don't feel like I can talk to any friends or family that would understand.
I I was having a stressful day a co-worker taught me what she called Golden Bowl prayer.
She said imagine yourself in your favorite place. Then place your hands face up. Imagine two huge golden bowls coming down from the sky. Place all your troubles all the things that you cannot solve into the golden bowls. My favorite place is a beach. I can hear the waves coming in. I placed all my problems and all the things that I cannot stop into the golden bowls. Then they ascend into heaven the Angels come down and get them. The act of putting the problems in the golden bowls and watching the Angels taking them away somehow gives me relief.
What a beautiful visualization practice! Thank you for sharing. :) I am glad to help. Insomnia is one of my biggest hurdles. Bubble baths help me relax and tackle chronic pain so I can sleep better when it does happen. There is a noticable difference when I skip my bath. My quality of life goes down, lol. Bubbles!
I would say when staying in bed, laying outside under a tree, or drawing somewhere alone with some music to put on
I don't have one ....
My room and my office 😀😀
My self place when i'm struggling with my disorder , it's just shut the whole world and sleep alll day
my best friend
Wow, for being a highlighted post (in my notifications "bell") this was awfully hard to find!
I'll come back later, read, and then post - because 1- it is really late and 2 - I like this topic/question.
Thank you, @missZ for this - even though you are no longer here to read my 'thanks' .... Thank you anyway! <3 Platy
Hi Blithe, well again, this was really hard to find :( I'm not sure why. Maybe just not enough time spent searching for specific things in the forum. But again now I've found it, but 1 - it's too late to read through and 2 - I really need to bookmark this spot somehow! Copy/paste the link into my notes maybe.... (sigh, I'm tired!) Good night blithe; good night 7cups. ~ Platy