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Auspicidy October 5th, 2023

How does Autism effect your life? Are you proud or ashamed of it? Why? REMEMBER: There is always someone who cares for you without your knowledge

JovianPlutonian October 7th, 2023

I just get embarrassed a lot bc I miss very obvious conclusions and jokes 😔

MIMIXVXX October 11th, 2023

Literally same here, my partner says ‘that’s so autistic of you’ and it’s nice that finally I have a reason of why I am why I am but I feel so left out sometimes that I don’t usually understand ‘normal’ sayings and conversations

gentlespirit1411 December 29th, 2023


Greetings, to the person that wrote this comment,

As I started reading ur post.. it provided me an explanation that was so dead on point and relatable. 

Plz chat/ or connect with me , I have some questions and i need some help learning more about my disorder ?!?!

Mermaidd0lll October 16th, 2023

I didn't know that I was autistic at first. I just thought I was crazy.

exuberantScarf666 October 19th, 2023

I am proud of it. But I stay at home most the time. I noticed how weird I respond compared to people around me.

Stoffel October 20th, 2023


In daily life, my autism mainly shows in high levels of anxiety and very low energy.

Life is overwhelming and unpredictable. It's exhausting, and people don't understand why simply exhisting takes so much out of me. Pair that with having to mask and life becomes impossible at times.

Being exhausted, scared and overwhelmed, but having to put on an act in front of people, is excruciating. My interests and worldview are vastly different from other people, I don't naturally smile, I don't naturally move as others do, I don't naturally speak more than a bare minimum, but I have to pretend like it's all natural and do it whenever someone is looking. Then inevitably I get burnout and I have meltdowns and people call me difficult or lazy or manipulative.

I'm a kind person. I'm easy to get along with. I have colorful interests and love learning about the world and other people. But I'm not built for a neurotypical, capitalist society. I can't work a job or go to university. I can't drive a car or go overwhelming places.

I hope one day I get to live a life where I'm not forced to do anything anymore. Where I can live authentic and free and feel safe. That's what I'm wishing to all of us that are struggling.

nobodyspecial0000 October 21st, 2023

This is me, am i autistic?

windchimes1991 October 20th, 2023


I've learned to be comfortable being somewhat of a loner. I have three good friends, but I'm usually alone.

I would like to be better at eye contact and wish choosing my body language and facial expressions was effortless. But I suspect that my ability to hold unusual opinions has to do with my autism, and I love that about myself.

llemonz November 14th, 2023

@windchimes1991 OMG the eye contact I hate it O-O

teenytinyturtle October 31st, 2023


Ooh, both!!

llemonz November 14th, 2023

@Auspicidy Honestly, I can get a little bit burnt out, but I can also experience strange feelings if you guys know what I mean. I dislike how I am usually the last one to get the joke, and I am very emotionally sensitive to certain things that might make me uncomfortable.

On the bright side, something that I love about having autism is my "special interests" that are honestly random facts and knowledge that I about certain subjects. Some of my interests are wolves, flowers, bees, music, and Jane Austen books. 

I wish that the world could be built a little bit better for us.

Bye for now, thanks for the great question (I needed this) 

theboymoana November 14th, 2023


do not know how affect me not proud or ashamed i don’t understand autism try understand so much times just can’t so just not care have that autism just sit there inside me I guess ?

independentOcean9796 November 23rd, 2023

The way I am causes so much trouble. My parents don’t really get me and my friends and girlfriend also don’t. I feel misunderstood most of the time. And it makes me feel so lonely. At the same time I can’t really be someone else. So I’m condemned to a life isolated from most ppl

Bryan6807 December 1st, 2023


I understand completely. I've always felt I had mask or hide my autism from everyone. I got in trouble throughout childhood for being just being me. It's been really hard for me to be "normal". It's very lonely. I'm sorry you have to go through that. You're not alone and you are so strong and brave for how you have made it through this struggle in life. :)

neonhighlife November 29th, 2023
I feel so weird, and out of place. I try talking to my friends about how I feel about stuff and how my brain functions thinking they'll understand what I'm saying and talking about and I won't feel different from everyone else. I'm hoping when i talk to someone about how i am and how i feel they can relate and I can feel a little bit better about myself like I'm not a complete freakshow. But nobody thinks how I do or feels how I feel about certain stuff. Like how I only really like to eat with plastic forks or drink with plastic or silicone straws because how the metal and silver stuff feels weird in my mouth and makes my entire body feel weird, and like how the thought of my teeth touching each other or silver/metal stuff touching my teeth makes my teeth start hurting and makes my whole mouth feel icky and my body feels weird. Also like when I'm talking to someone and were around a lot of people and i start getting really excited about what i'm talking about, so i start to talk loudly and people tell me calm down and chill out because like im embarrassing them, i feel really bad because i'm not trying to and i didnt even realise i was getting loud. So when people tell me that I just stop talking altogether because I feel upset at myself and just anxious. And then also when I'm in the hallways and i lose my friends in the crowd i feel really stressed out because like there is no space and it's a lot of people who are big and tall that idk and i get scared and like its really loud because everyones talking and yelling and people are shoving people out the way and i'm just trying to get through but like, i'm scared to ask someone to move because i'm not around friends so i don't feel comfy enough or confident enough.  I'm sick of feeling this way and everything is like, idk i can't explain it i just hate it. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Bryan6807 December 1st, 2023


I can relate to everything you said here. I've felt the same way throughout my life. It's hard to explain to anyone, in fear they will not understand. And the bad experiences with people not understanding and shaming us for something we have little control over is hard to get past. I remember every time someone mad me feel small, or just bad for being how I am. 

Do you mask a lot? I learned early in life it was easier to mask my real self and be what I thought I was expected to be by everyone. I wish I hadn't learned this way because it's very hard to do all the time. I have a huge desire to just be myself but I rarely feel safe enough to do it. It's so exhausting. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know you hate it, I do too. But I'm glad we have a place to talk about it, and to be ourselves. I'm glad you are here at 7cups :)

Bryan6807 December 1st, 2023

Autism affects my life, and has always, in more ways than I can explain. I would say that I am proud to be autistic, but I've always felt shame for the way that I think or do things also. I've always felt alone in life. Even around people that I love and know for sure love me. I didn't always know I was on the spectrum, but, my god, did it explain so much. I was often punished as a child, for being just how I am I guess you could say. I learned early on to hide myself from others. Masking has always felt necessary in 99 percent of the human interactions that I've had in life. It took a long time for me to be able to fit in, and now I kind of can in any situation easily. But I have a horrible habit of mimicking people still. I think maybe I have BPD also lol. 

I think two people have seen me. Like me, me. I'm working on unmasking now, it's been hard to accept myself for who I am, because I was taught it was not acceptable to be different my whole life. I know that is ok to be myself now. No matter how different I am than most. I have a lot to offer, and I want people to accept me for who I am in life. I wish it was as easy to do, as it is to say it on here. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to unmask. I'd really like that. 

SavvySpeller December 17th, 2023


I feel quite content being autistic. While I can be incredibly clueless and emotionally detached majority of the time, it doesn't bother me. I like being so separated from people because it feels peaceful and serene.

animekittygirl December 31st, 2023


Im sort of both proud and ashamed. Im ashamed because when ever i stim or show my autistic traits everyone is like eww and wth but im also proud because i have learnt to excpet myself for who i am and not give a s4 about what other ppl say and think 

RachHaven03 February 18th

Tbh I feel a mix of both... I'm proud to have autism because I have talents that I probably wouldn't otherwise. I also feel like my hyperfixations help me stay motivated to work on stuff like my novel, artwork, etc.

But I also feel ashamed because my autism is partly what led me to being treated like a nobody in elementary school. By the time I finished with 6th grade, I decided that masking was a better option. 

It honestly sucks, and I feel so alone... I mean sure, my school has awareness things for stuff like this, but to me, it feels fake. It doesn't help, in fact it makes me feel worse. I just wish I didn't feel so weird around people as I sit alone during lunch or try and walk in the halls without running into anyone

I'm on the higher end of the spectrum for autism, but honestly, I feel almost as inferior as any self conscious autistic person would feel. I always feel like other people think my hyperfixations are stupid, and I'm super self-conscious about my body.

So honestly I'm more ashamed than proud... Though I've learned decent masking, and people have actually said they didn't know I had autism until I said something 🤷 

I can relate to all of you... It's nice to know I'm not the only one😅

cake7658 February 19th

Its really hard to make eye contact and i feel like clown in social interaction

cake7658 March 15th

I feel like i am very boring and useless and i struggle to maintain eye contact