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Autistic Regression

The summer's almost over, the nightmare will be over soon. I know I'm not lazy, but if I want to avoid this nightmare again, I need to work harder and smarter. I need to get my butt to work. Anyways, I came home this summer. Sometimes it feels like everyone expects me to be down, stupid, and unsuccessful. I embrace that identity a bit at home because nothing seems to change, and here's why. After a month at home I always experience an autistic regression. With the stress and the panic I just can't take it anymore. My family and I don't see eye to eye. The worst is when they insult me. I knew coming home that they wouldn't respect me. They have an overwhelming to do list of social agenda's I don't know about until the 20 minutes before they start almost EVERY DAY that usually involve noise levels I find difficult to manage. Then there's the grandmother with dementia we all have to drop anything we're doing at any given moment to watch and she's a flight risk so I mean WATCH. I haven't been myself. I only have one functioning day in the week. The rest I'm stuck, can't move. I can't think sometimes I just don't think and god at some points I wanted to unalive myself. I didn't of course, I didn't really want to, but I sure thought about it. I just wanted the pain to go away. I asked for accommodations from my family and they told me what I was asking would require them to change too much of who they are. I guess to live at home I have to sacrifice who I am instead. I always feel like a shell of myself. 

AmyGrace55555 July 24th

@unassumingPeach6421 I am alive. I woke up at 6:45-6:50am and got ready to go to drum line camp, just finished today’s day at camp at 12:00 and talked to our directors for a while. Then got food (tacos because they are amazing) and am now at home eating them. So far an okay day. Hope everyone is well. ❤️ (heart).

zb1238 July 26th


I'm not autistic but i relate to this post alot. I'm in college and i moved back home for the summer. it's been *** so far. My family refuse to change anything and they are constantly asking me to do things that just completely disrupt my day. They also constantly badger me and demand to know details about my life outside the house. It's frustrating, draining and demoralising. Hope you can hang in there friend.

AmyGrace55555 July 29th

@zb1238 Hugs 🫂 if wanted, Friend.

Annabeth0808 July 27th

I'm going back to uni in a week and I'm scared so scared. Unlike you I was able to live like a robot at home. Wake up, eat, sleep repeat. I have broken friendships at uni and people who make me feel unexplainably bad about myself. I hope not to cry myself to sleep this time around. I really do. Hope we're both able to get thru this.

AmyGrace55555 July 29th

@Annabeth0808 Hugs 🫂 if wanted, Friend.

unassumingPeach6421 OP August 5th


I'm so sorry bad friends are not worth anyone's time. I hope you can find good friends, I'll be your friend too when I'm here you can always talk to me.

honestFan5149 July 29th

@unassumingPeach6421 I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sounds incredibly challenging and painful. It's important to recognize that your feelings and experiences are valid. It's okay to prioritize yourself and seek out spaces where you feel understood and supported. You deserve to feel safe and respected. If it's possible, try to carve out small moments of self-care and quiet time for yourself each day, even if it's just a few minutes. Stay strong and take one day at a time. Your resilience in facing these challenges is admirable, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

AmyGrace55555 July 29th

@honestFan5149 I agree with you.

unassumingPeach6421 OP August 5th


Thanks! Everything you said means a lot. family Is tough and I'm so grateful for 7 cups to help me deal with my family. You're a big help!

@unassumingPeach6421 as someone with a partner on the spectrum, I am sorry that you have had to deal with family like that. It's so unfortunate that most people don't want to or care to be accommodating to those on the spectrum, just because they can't relate to or understand your struggle, doesn't mean it isn't real. My partner has had to cut out her family partly because of the same issues you're facing, it was the only way that she could continue to function without their influence. That's also only because she was in a position to do so after we moved in together. I'm not saying you should do the same, but I am saying that if you have the opportunity to limit the amount of exposure you get to them, then I think that might help you to at least start to feel more like yourself during the summer time. 

AmyGrace55555 July 31st

How are you feeling today, Friend?


unassumingPeach6421 OP August 5th

@AmyGrace55555 Much better! I've come to something I'm pondering. I think everyone in my family is an a**hole including me sometimes. We're all kind of terrible people like a yin and yang. I think that my family are ableist pieces of sh** I've said it for a while and I believe it. But they're not all that bad. For being a**holes they can be surprisingly cool and supportive. Family has got to be one of the most complicated things out there. That being said, being at my families house especially while they were moving in and getting settled was h***, but I find it rewarding to be close to them. They aren't my role models, we're almost nothing alike and they criticize me for everything I do, but they get things right on the important stuff and they always have my back. It's complicated. I really hope I'm in a better place now that I've worked some of this out with them. I want to be a more secure person and being unsure where I stand with my family makes me feel insecure and unstable. It's good to know I'll be ok. Obviously I want to become more independent and hopefully not rely on them at all, but it won't get so bad if I get into a situation where I ask them for help. 

unassumingPeach6421 OP August 5th


Thank you for all of your support and help Amy grace!

AmyGrace55555 August 5th

@unassumingPeach6421 Anytime Friend!