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unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Mentally ill people & people with learning disabilities. When did you realize you were "different"?
Disability Support / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
December 2nd, 2024
...See more I wanted to post this thread because I saw a reddit thread with this title and I was reading what people had to say. A lot of it was really powerful stuff. A lot of discouraged people, confused and unsure of how to grow up in a world that feels so unfamiliar and even unwelcoming to them. I have to admit I fell into this category and it felt healing to hear the extremes. I always said I was a dramatic child but I believe I was minimizing my story. I can't think of anything I hate more than people who pity me. Too often I try to be an activist and I'm met with condescending "it's okay honey" or "poor dear." But I don't hold grudges about people who were never taught how to understand someone like me. I find that to be the most ironic thing. People with mental disabilities for hundreds of years were labeled ignorant. But I believe the real ignorance is all the people that never tried to understand them. The real ignorance is misinformation. I also have fallen prey to one upping others. Like "you have 3 disorders? I have 4!" I don't want that. I wanted to list my disorders here because they are going to follow me for the rest of my life and sometimes I just need to share all these crazy things on my mind so I can feel lighter. My disabilities make me human and I refuse to hide the most human parts of myself (even with all the jerks out there).  I have: A specific reading disorder Alexythimia  Interroception Issues Autism Low memory IQ Sensory Processing Disorder ADHD Combined Type Expressive Language Disorder Auditory Processing Disorder Minor Dyspraxia Seasonal Depression Anxiety I'm not perfect and even if I had no diagnosis that statement wouldn't change. I've been through after school programs, failing classes interventions, IEPs, hours of tutoring, sleepless nights, accusations and interrogations. I've felt isolated from people with my disabilities, I've felt alone surrounded by able bodied people, I've come in dead last many times, and embarrassed myself more times than I could count. It hasn't been easy. I've felt less deserving in my relationships. Buzzfeed said I was a creative that lacked confidence and they were right. I've been told I had a confidence issue by everyone that cared.  I didn't make it this far to only make it this far. Even now that I'm coming undone by all my poor choices and executive dysfunction tearing at my seams. I wouldn't say this is incredibly uplifting I just want to say that I see me. And for anyone else struggling with their mind I see you too. You've come further than most people can even imagine. It's beautiful to accomplish even small things regardless of however much help it took to get there. I don't care as much what people think of me and it makes it easier for me to love myself but sometimes I like going back and remembering the past to realize how far I've come. All I've experienced gained and lost. Somehow I'm still grateful to keep living.  A YouTuber I like said, "stop trying to make it easy some things are going to be hard depending on your circumstance it might be harder than other people’s circumstances. If you wait for everything to be easy first you’re most likely not going to do anything. Do hard things because you can." I am trying to do all this work that I put off and I came on here because I had my doubts. I also went to the reddit thread because I was wondering, is it this hard for anyone else? And the answer was yes. Their stories are so close to my own. But I didn't seek out people like me to reason my problems away, I found this information to give me strength. Yeah this is all hard, I get it. But it's my life I can't give up on it. 
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Support group for family trauma and abuse
Trauma Support / by unassumingPeach6421
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August 4th, 2024
...See more Hello, I tried to talk to an anonymous person about abuse online. I couldn't find a chat for family abuse, so I waited to speak to someone at a domestic abuse hotline. They said they weren't trained in family abuse. Then I decided I might journal. I look for a journal and all I see are journals for domestic abuse, not family abuse. I am in full support of the domestic abuse advocacy and support. I completely understand relationships can be so messy. That being said, I really want a support group for family, so why not here? I recently figured out I had childhood and present trauma directly from my family and I don't know how to heal yet, but I can begin to understand myself better. Understanding that I've been through abuse validated me, it gave me peace and understanding. It also gave me guilt like, no one will believe me, maybe it's all in my head? What if everything is my fault? What if I am the problem? And I have to say, that is the trauma speaking. But enough about me, if you can relate, want to add your thoughts, opinions, or share you stories please join! Please share, let us help and validate each other and try to give each other the healing we might really need. <<I am not a trained professional nor is a trained professional a part of this, yet>> If any qualified person wants to join our chat, please do! That's enough for now, I look forward to checking back in if you experience family abuse and want to share, welcome to the group!
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Autistic Regression
Autism Support / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
August 5th, 2024
...See more The summer's almost over, the nightmare will be over soon. I know I'm not lazy, but if I want to avoid this nightmare again, I need to work harder and smarter. I need to get my butt to work. Anyways, I came home this summer. Sometimes it feels like everyone expects me to be down, stupid, and unsuccessful. I embrace that identity a bit at home because nothing seems to change, and here's why. After a month at home I always experience an autistic regression. With the stress and the panic I just can't take it anymore. My family and I don't see eye to eye. The worst is when they insult me. I knew coming home that they wouldn't respect me. They have an overwhelming to do list of social agenda's I don't know about until the 20 minutes before they start almost EVERY DAY that usually involve noise levels I find difficult to manage. Then there's the grandmother with dementia we all have to drop anything we're doing at any given moment to watch and she's a flight risk so I mean WATCH. I haven't been myself. I only have one functioning day in the week. The rest I'm stuck, can't move. I can't think sometimes I just don't think and god at some points I wanted to unalive myself. I didn't of course, I didn't really want to, but I sure thought about it. I just wanted the pain to go away. I asked for accommodations from my family and they told me what I was asking would require them to change too much of who they are. I guess to live at home I have to sacrifice who I am instead. I always feel like a shell of myself. 
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Princess Treatment
Poetry / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
June 17th, 2024
...See more I come in the room and you don’t look up, I ask you questions that you pretend not to hear, I sleep downstairs because you don’t like when I talk or touch the lights, you wake me up and ask for my help, then tell me I’m not helping and you do it yourself, when did you ask what I wanted? when did you think about my needs? where’s my crown? I deserve princess treatment yet you see me as a peasant, why? why do you speak so condescendingly towards me? did you really think you were the only royalty?
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Poetry / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
May 28th, 2024
...See more I'm here I'm sorry I'm always late I'm here I'm sorry I went on without you I'm sorry I missed you and didn't tell you I'm sorry I spiral My apologies are turtles are all the way down I'm sorry I was lied to I'm sorry I wasn't strong I'm sorry I was wrong
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Poetry / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
May 28th, 2024
...See more I deserve love, love deserves me, we could be happy love and I I could be lifted only to fall I could lose love and feel like I lost it all, I could love her with all that I had I could miss her I could fear I'm not enough for her Fear she could do better Fear I don't deserve love because I've had far worse And thought that I'm worse than love ever could be I'm at the edge the chasm of the unknown I've seen everything I could without her I know she misses me It's good to be missed Because I miss her too
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Poetry / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
June 15th, 2024
...See more I'm free again, new name new city and a single pen I'm free to dash and see the world never mind I'm just a girl It can be as dangerous as I thought I feel homesick with all these strangers I'm used to being the strangest one I was the moon among stars I have drawn more attention than I thought kind faces welcome me to town they love me without reason and I never knew how to show love how to feel it I was chained to a name, a place, the people who knew me, who loved me what if I'm trapped again?
unassumingPeach6421 profile picture
Poetry / by unassumingPeach6421
Last post
June 15th, 2024
...See more Go faster Try harder You should be here be smarter You're fading down with traffic all around horns honk you're left dazed spiraling exhaust the cement's vibrating heat and life there is no gentle leaf or diligent ant trapped in the traffic only a flickering light and beeping horns
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