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Overcoming Social Anxiety - A Journey Together!

reliablebunny23 July 13th

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. 

I've been working on overcoming my social anxiety, and have made significant progress in reducing it. I wanted to share my experience and some strategies that have helped me in hopes that they might help you too. 

I know many of you here struggle with social anxiety too, I've seen numerous forum posts and group chats on this topic, and it's heartbreaking to see so many people going through this, especially because I've personally felt the profound impact it can have on one's life. 

That's why I really wanted to share this post. Feel free to share it with anyone here who might be dealing with social anxiety. My goal is for it to reach as many people as possible and offer support. 

Important Note

This post isn't a substitute for professional help, but I hope it can offer some support and guidance to those who, like me, are navigating this journey without professional assistance.

My Experience With Social Anxiety

Initially, I used to find it incredibly daunting to even think about leaving my house or being in public spaces. Even just being watched by people used to be so scary for me. I always avoided going to public places. 

But over time, I learned that avoiding situations that made me anxious only reinforced my fear. So, I decided to face my anxiety head-on, step by step. 

I began seeing each outing as a chance to work on reducing my social anxiety. 

Throughout this journey, I have learned numerous strategies that have helped me cope and grow. 

Additionally, gaining awareness, understanding, and consistently reminding myself about various aspects of social anxiety has facilitated my journey and made it more manageable. 

Insights And Strategies 

I'll be sharing these strategies and insights in the comments section, as listing them all here would make this post overly lengthy. Moreover, since I'm still in the process of overcoming and learning, new insights and tips continue to surface. Thus, I'll share them one by one in the comments. Please keep checking periodically as I will be posting them gradually, whether weekly, daily, or as often as possible. 

Sharing And Supporting Each Other

Feel free to share your experience with social anxiety in the comments below and express how it affects you and makes you feel. You can suggest any strategies that have worked for you, whether you developed them yourself or found them elsewhere.

Let's support each other by reading each other's experiences and responding with suggestions and encouraging words. 

Together, we can remind each other that we're not alone in this journey. 

Daliy Progress 

Feel free to share your daily progress too in the comments, detailing what steps you took to overcome social anxiety each day. 

It can serve as motivation for others who may currently feel unable to overcome their social anxiety. Sharing your progress can show them that gradual steps and community support can make a difference in their journey. 

Your ongoing engagement is greatly appreciated.

Personal Diary

Additionally, you can keep a personal diary to record & track your progress and feelings throughout this journey of overcoming social anxiety. Tracking your journey can offer valuable insights and serve as a supportive resource along the way.

Final Thoughts 

I believe overcoming social anxiety alone can be difficult, but together, we can make it significantly easier. While it may take time, consistent efforts within our supportive community can facilitate the journey and remind you that you're not alone. With our big and compassionate cups family, we can and will conquer social anxiety together.

reliablebunny23 OP July 13th

Strategy #1

Refrain from avoiding any social situations, regardless of how uncomfortable they may initially feel. Avoidance might bring temporary relief, but over time, it strengthens your fear. This pattern can create a cycle where your anxiety about social interactions intensifies because you never get the chance to realize that your fears are often exaggerated.

To tackle this, start by identifying moments when you're avoiding social encounters. For instance, if someone visits your home and you find yourself hiding in another room instead of greeting them, recognize this avoidance. Instead of giving in to the temporary relief it offers, challenge yourself to face the situation head-on.

Similarly, if you're avoiding going out for school or other commitments due to anxiety, consider taking gradual steps to expose yourself to these situations. This approach, known as exposure therapy, helps you gradually build confidence by showing you that the feared outcomes are unlikely to occur. Over time, confronting rather than avoiding social situations can diminish your anxiety and increase your comfort in such settings.
reliablebunny23 OP July 15th

Strategy #2

Don't get too involved in your own thoughts. Social anxiety often makes us overly self-conscious, causing us to overthink on what others might be thinking about us. This can heighten our anxiety and make social interactions even more daunting. Instead, try to focus on what others are saying and actively engage in the conversation. By shifting your attention to others and genuinely listening to them, you can break this cycle. 

reliablebunny23 OP July 15th

Insight #1

A common fear in social anxiety is the belief that others are constantly judging us. It's important to realize that people are generally not as critical of us as we might think.

Most people are focused on themselves and their own concerns. Just as you might worry about how you’re being perceived, others are often preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings. People rarely spend significant time critically analyzing others.

Our fears often exaggerate the reality of how much others are paying attention to us. What feels like intense scrutiny to us may go entirely unnoticed by others.

Apeatrice July 19th


Aww bunny. (Hugs tight🫂) this thread is amazing, fr. Thank you for sharing those things with us.💙

Lets overcome social anxieties together🦾

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@Apeatrice *hugs back* , we can do it. <3

Arie3 July 19th

@reliablebunny23 Such a great post bunny, As someone who's always had a problem with this, This post helped me to get the courage and just face it. Keep going! 

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@Arie3 I'm glad it could help you to get the courage <3 , we can overcome it together !!


This is amazing! I have this tab bookmarked so I can always come back to it 🤗 

Im so proud of you bunny! 

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th


Thank you, pasta. I hope this post will help <3


@reliablebunny23 it definitely will, ur awesome fr, i missed you lots, i hope ur ok

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@PastaIsVeryUnderrated Aw, I missed you too <3 , I am alright.

Gargi07 July 19th

@reliablebunny23 That's amazing bunyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😭 I'm glad you're sharing it with everyone so they can overcome with this too, you are doing an amazing job and I'm proud of you, This thread is amazing 🤍🤍 Thankyou so much 🫂🫂💓

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@Gargi07 Thanks a lot, Gargi. We all will surely overcome this one day <3 

notjustsomeone July 19th


Wow this is what I was looking for 🥹

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@notjustsomeone I'm glad you found it. I hope it helps you. <3 

daydreammemories July 19th


Wow, excellent post! Thank you for sharing with us❤️✨
You've come a long way, proud of you💚

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@daydreammemories Thank you so much. <3

Rizuemu000 July 19th


great post! surely helpful

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@Rizuemu000 Thank you <3

Rizuemu000 July 19th


amazing post! helpful indeed.

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@Rizuemu000 I'm glad you find it helpful <3 

GoldenRuleJG July 19th

@reliablebunny23 Thank you for being vulnerable and well done on facing your fears:) 

Your tips are very thoughtful and I thank you for sharing them 

- Anyone reading this please continue to ask yourself the why questions, why is it important that you are well-received? 

-Spontaneity can ease the pressure to come off well - I feel it can. 

- An important step can be saying "yes i can mess up at times and take it on board that nobody you are chatting with is perfect and neither are you" Messing up makes you human yes and at the same times you have a responsibility to push yourself <3 It doesn't not need to be a big jump it can be a gradual step 

reliablebunny23 OP July 19th

@GoldenRuleJG Thank you so much for adding in these wonderful tips. <3

GoldenRuleJG July 19th

@reliablebunny23 💜💜💜💜💜

TU100OT July 19th


Thank you bunny for sharing your journey, it means a lot to people going through the same or similar experiences and also for people who have loved ones dealing with social anxiety. This post can give us all insights on how to cope, break down the issues into simple issues to deal with step by step, and know that we are all in this together and can collectively tackle it. 🫂:) <3

reliablebunny23 OP July 20th

@TU100OT I'm glad you find it helpful. Yessss, we all are together in this journey of overcoming social anxiety. <3

TU100OT July 20th



KindleMissie July 19th


Wonderful bunny! That's a helpful post for evryone, thanks for sharing!💗

I am so happy to see you grow, proud of you! 😍💖

Let's bring out our proactive muscles and get over social anxiety !!!! 😃🤝💪🌟💝

reliablebunny23 OP July 20th

@KindleMissie thank you <3

& yessss, let's do it !! 

KindleMissie July 20th

@reliablebunny23 Your welcome! 😊💗

Yup! Let's GO!!!!!! ✌️💫

reliablebunny23 OP July 21st

Hello everyone!

How are you all doing?

I've come across a fantastic self-help guide for managing social anxiety that I found incredibly helpful. I thought I'd share it with you in case anyone isn't familiar with it yet.

It provides valuable insights into understanding social anxiety that are essential to know. 

I recommend keeping a diary to jot down your answers to the guide's questions and your own thoughts & reflections on what you learn from it. 

cloudySummer July 21st

@reliablebunny23 The guide seems broken:


reliablebunny23 OP July 21st


The guide isn't broken, the question is which one of those symptoms is "NOT" an example of a physical anxiety symptom, the correct answer is Option C - irritability, as it is not an example of physical anxiety symptom It is an emotional anxiety symptom as mentioned above in the guide. 

cloudySummer July 21st

@reliablebunny23 Honestly, that sounds like nonsense. Of course someone who is anxious can show their anxiety as being irritable.

TU100OT July 21st


I think irritability represents more mentally than a physical symptom. For example - you can be irritable about things not working out, but physically you would either do something to avoid it or do show displeasement towards someone 

cloudySummer July 21st

@TU100OT Oh, you're right! Thanks. And sorry, @reliableBunny!

TU100OT July 22nd


Glad I could help 😇

TU100OT July 22nd


Thank you for the link and directing us to the social anxiety training. Hope it helps us all accept and curb social anxiety collectively :)

reliablebunny23 OP July 22nd


You're welcome. I hope that too <3.