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lost and afraid

azasky June 4th, 2021

I am currently a senior in college. I didn't even get to attend much of college in freshman year because I got sick and because it was online. so I didn't make any new friends and I chose to cut off ties with my old friends cause they were toxic. so I'm left with only 3 friends and a few people in college who I occasionally talk to. But I see that almost everyone in my college are over-achievers, most of them have done multiple internships and are well aware of where they are headed. but all this is really making me anxious and I am always questioning myself on whether I am enough or not.

Damas June 4th, 2021

You are always enough. Don't over burden yourself with comparisons. People walk different paths.. just because they got a head start doesn't mean you have lost the race. You can start at any moment. Anytime. Just listen to your soul. Know what you want and what you need and the rest will follow.

azasky OP June 4th, 2021

@Damas thank you for assuring me. I have applied for some internships today and hopefully I get in somewhere *fingers crossed*

Damas June 5th, 2021

That's a great start and if you can, why don't you take some free online courses like the ones available on coursera I think.. You can add new skills to your CV. Good luck :)

caffeinatedcatio June 4th, 2021


Hi there! I know what you mean by feeling inadequate as compared to your overachieving classmates - I've felt the same way all through high school and even still at uni. I would tell you to not compare yourself to these other people based on external, possibly materialistic things like the number of internships they have, what career they've chosen; it's okay to be confused, even if you're in your senior year. No one knows what's in store for them in life, even if they're certain of what path to follow; literally anything can happen. But I don't think that's what you want to hear, so I’ll also add that if you do feel inadequate, reach out and do things that interest you. Take part in activities at uni (even though everything’s online, I’m sure there’s still annual events/other club events happening); reach out to professors, etc. to maybe become a TA/RA if that’s what you’d like to do; basically, just try and search for opportunities for yourself, because they’re not gonna come to you. But take your time with this - just because they have a head-start doesn’t mean you’re at a grave disadvantage, just that you’ll reach your milestone a little later than they did theirs. Oh, and on that note: always set your own milestones! You’ll realize you’re more than enough once you start doing that.

Also, cutting off ties with friends you think are toxic is never a bad idea :)

azasky OP June 4th, 2021

thank you so much. I know that cutting off ties with them was probably one of the best decisions I have made this year but I am kind of lonely. And heading on with your advice, I applied to intern as a content writer. Hopefully I get selected and I hope you know that you're an awesome person. <3

caffeinatedcatio June 7th, 2021

@azasky I'm glad you have! Thank you, and good luck to you 💓