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Quiet yet Scared

KoudachaK April 17th, 2020

So after months of extreme anxiety and hypochondria and physical symptoms I was told to take vitamin supplements after my bloodwork and urine came back ok, just vitamin deficiency. Since I've started taking them a lot of the physical symptoms went away. Now my body feels .. I don't know. I guess normal people would say relaxed? Loose. Normally my anxiety had me shaking and pacing and tensing up. Not anymore. It almost feels like my body is too.. quiet? And my mind feels clearer and emptier.... the constant panic simmering down to mild thoughts.
My family says it was like that before the anxiety and so maybe the anxiety was so bad for so long that I've forgotten what normal feels like. It just makes me worried now. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone else felt this before?

By the way, I'm not taking high supplements. I'm taking the small dosage cause I'm always worried about over doing it.

Jem7Cups April 17th, 2020

@KoudachaK I would definitely agree with your family. You've forgotten what it's like to feel physically normal, so now normal feels abnormal. Does that make sense sweetheart? ❤ You're doing really well though.

I'm proud of you

Jem 🌼 (forum supporter)

thoughtfulmomma April 17th, 2020


So glad to hear you're feeling better! I take a round of daily supplements (not for anxiety, but for general well-being and immunity boosting). I can definitely feel the difference in my health now that I have been doing it for a several weeks. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can really mess with your system. Glad you were able to find out about it and start taking supplements to feel better!