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Anxiety or Health?
Anxiety Support / by KoudachaK
Last post
October 11th, 2020
...See more Does anyone else ever get weird head feelings and then think they might faint or something? I've never fainted but I feel weird. The episodes usually don't last long. I want to get a doctor to check me up again. I went in many months ago for my heart but they found nothing and said it was anxiety. So i heard these episodes can also be anxiety from one person but I never heard it from anyone else. So I want to know what you guys think. I have been calling doctors but due to Covid no one seems to be accepting patients or willing to see me in person or won't take my insurance. It's been a struggle. Some places even shut down completely by me! My only hope is one that said they could take me but not until Christmas..... I can still breathe and walk and talk fine btw. So I didn't go to a hospital.
Muscle Tension
Anxiety Support / by KoudachaK
Last post
September 7th, 2020
...See more Has your anxiety manifested as bad muscle tension causing all kinds of pain and stiffness? I've had anxiety for over 15 years and suddenly started getting this symptom. I noticed I'm always like so tight like I'm always bracing to be hit. I have to force myself to relax. It's really hard and when i do relax that part I'll end up tensing something else like my jaw or clenching my toes or hands. Right now I finally started my MA program and I've been extremely scared about it and always thinking I'm going to fail and that I don't compare to my classmates. :/ I think it has something to do with this so I listen to imposter syndrome videos which help but only for short periods of time. I heard your body can become accustomed to holding the muscles tense after prolonged tensing. I'm worried my body is doing this. :/ please let me know if you've gone through it or are going through it. I'd like to feel not alone
Blood Pressure?
Anxiety Support / by KoudachaK
Last post
June 11th, 2020
...See more So normally my beats per min increases to about 115-125 during a panic attack with only a slight increase in blood pressure. But recently I keep having bpm spikes of 135 and blood pressure jumping high. I was actually in the hospital yesterday because it scared me. Blood pressure was 159/90. I have never had my bp so high. They ran an X-ray, EKG, blood work... couldn't find anything. The doctor suggested it may be anxiety but I felt like it was so strange. I can normally feel my anxiety coming on and I never had the spikes so suddenly. It was bizarre. Anyone here have this happen? Even when they weren't feeling anxious or doing anything?
Anxiety Support / by KoudachaK
Last post
May 19th, 2020
...See more Has anyone here tried paroxetine? I'd like to know if any of you had a similar experience. First let me say my anxiety used to be mild. I could handle it 95% if the time but I had tummy issues cause of it. So my doc put me on paroxetine. Told me it was mild & no bad side effects. After just one dose i felt wobbly and like my legs were hard to move. My eyes were dilated and had like... drunk vision? Dry mouth... but mostly.. I had this electric wave come over me in waves. It went down my spine into my limbs. The feeling was so jarring and intense. It was horrifying. Needless to say... my mom called the ambulance and they rushed me to the hosptial. They made sure my heart and breathing was fine but then sent me on my way. Told me it was the meds and I'd be ok. Im feeling really uneasy about it. My doc said it was a wild reaction but the doc at the hospital described paroxetine as "hell" and "extremely strong". I got a new doc since then cause I didn't trust the old one anymore. The new doc seemed horrified they tried paroxetine for someone like me. She seconded that paroxetine was "hell" and she never once even gave it to any of her patients. Anyway, since that experience I've been in a constant panic worrying about death. I've had moments of hypochondria before but now it feels worse, probably cause I felt like I was dying and I'd never been in an ambulance before... I'd felt nearly invincible until that happened. Now I feel unsafe. Can anyone relate?
Quiet yet Scared
Anxiety Support / by KoudachaK
Last post
April 17th, 2020
...See more So after months of extreme anxiety and hypochondria and physical symptoms I was told to take vitamin supplements after my bloodwork and urine came back ok, just vitamin deficiency. Since I've started taking them a lot of the physical symptoms went away. Now my body feels .. I don't know. I guess normal people would say relaxed? Loose. Normally my anxiety had me shaking and pacing and tensing up. Not anymore. It almost feels like my body is too.. quiet? And my mind feels clearer and emptier.... the constant panic simmering down to mild thoughts. My family says it was like that before the anxiety and so maybe the anxiety was so bad for so long that I've forgotten what normal feels like. It just makes me worried now. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone else felt this before? By the way, I'm not taking high supplements. I'm taking the small dosage cause I'm always worried about over doing it.
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