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My story..

reliablebunny23 June 21st

finally decided to share this here & get this out of my head... : ]


So... an year ago, I met an online friend in a group chat.. We were really good friends in the beginning. We talked a lot in group & lil bit in dm too. But slowly, he started ignoring me... & his behavior towards me started to change.. I used to think a lot about what the reason can be. I took his ignorance personally : /

( which i really really regret now)..

I thought .. he's behaving like this because I'm weird or maybe uncool : ( 

... ( thinking this way was my biggest mistake).. 

It used to hurt me a lot seeing him behave so differently with me. He had stopped talking to me like he used to. His behavior was extremely cold. 

So, I asked him if anything was wrong. & then at getting no response from him I stopped texting him for my own mental peace & self respect. But, this thing gave me a little insecurity about the way I communicated. I felt I'm weird because of his sudden changed behavior without any explanation. I thought the flaw was in me. & I felt I was being annoying.. I felt he hated me. 

I started to maintain a distance from him.

I always missed him really bad.. still I did... for myself... 

But, then he, himself texted me after a few months... I thought.. maybe everything's alright now.. But he continued his changed behavior. I tried my best to stay away from him. But he didn't let that happen : (

He texted me once in a while.. but still behaved cold.. idk why..

my insecurity increased here! As I didn't think there could be any other reason behind his changed behavior .. 

I felt everyone hates me ( both my social media friends & people in real life) , I felt I m weird, uncool and different.. i felt I don't " fit in " : (

That insecurity led me to change the way I communicate with him & with others .. to fit in.. to be accepted.. : ( 

[ biggest regret ] 

I started to talk less in the group chat. And behave lil differently.. I stopped saying things I felt.. (so stupid of me to do that)

I judged myself.

This continued for a long time.. almost a year.. 

Also, we had some mutual friends, I felt, he behaved well with them, but not with me. I compared myself from them & observed how they were. : ( ..  

I judged myself.. & changed myself unintentionally. I didn't know & think all this will happen. 

Now, I'm so changed. I'm no longer that talkative person, who loved to talk & chat. Now, I find myself annoying easily. I judge myself. I fear judgement from others. Now, I don't even know how to communicate. I've kind of forgot how I was before, how I talked. If I try to talk/chat (even on cups, social media & in real life too) with people now it feels forceful. Sometimes, I go blank, I don't get what to say. If I try to remember the old me and be like the old me, it feels forceful, it hurts that I'm changed, and I start fearing judgement, this wasn't me. I loved to joke & be myself. I was confident. I never compared myself with anyone. I was a happy person, I never used to worry or think too much. I loved myself. I had some core values, some beliefs, I was myself, but everything's changed now. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to not to change for anyone. 

I keep thinking about this 24/7.. the moment I wake up.. I get this thought that I'm changed.. I am no longer the old me.. & this has become rumination.. i don't feel happy because of this.. i don't enjoy anything.. i miss the old me.. i keep thinking & worrying.. i ain't even able to concentrate on my studies.. this keeps revolving in my head.. and it hurts real bad. Things are so complicated in my head. I keep comparing everything with past & with the old me. I can't explain this feeling : /..  I feel really anxious when I think about all this.. how could I let a person change me, my happiness and everything .. 

Losing yourself/noticing changes in yourself is the worst feeling tbh : / 

I never knew, social media & online people can affect anyone, especially me, this badly. 

I really miss the old me... I wish I could get the exact old me back.. : /

A suggestion for those who have anyone in their life who ignores them = please, maintain a distance from them, don't take it personally. 

I wish I had realized this before & hadn't changed myself. 

reliablebunny23 OP September 8th

Day by day, time is passing, and nothing's getting better 

reliablebunny23 OP September 8th

I'm scared to stay like this all my life.. 

reliablebunny23 OP September 9th

I'm again feeling so bad because.. it was just my " overthinking" that ruined everything. It was "me" who assumed that I'm weird. Even when no one said that to me. Why did I do that. If I hadn't assumed it nothing would have been ruined. My life would have been still the same only if I hadn't assumed it. Only if I hadn't overthinked about it. I wish I could go back in time and just stop myself from assuming that I'm weird or uncool. I wasn't. And even if I was, it didn't matter. But now, everything is ruined cuz of that thought, it was just a thought at that time, and now it has changed everything. Things would have been so simple and not bad if I hadn't did this to myself. It hurts too much. I really wanna go back in time and get back my old self. I wish it was possible.