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I dont know what to think

warmheartedWalker2409 March 7th, 2022

I feel like I am about to have a mental break down and I don't know what to do and I don't know who to come too...would I just be better not being around anyone and just focus on me and my daughter just shut everyone out....

okeyyyy March 9th, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 that seams very hard, I kinda shut down to everyone, and usually i never talk to anyone, but at the end it just spirals into loneliness and depression at least for me, trusting others is hard, but if we find someone who we can trust it should pay off ^^

warmheartedWalker2409 OP March 9th, 2022

I wish I could trust my fiance but he throws everything back at me and it makes me feel worse then my depression hits I don't want my daughter to see me like this I don't want her growing up thinking it's ok when it's not..😔 but finding someone to trust is the main key but just hope they don't turn against them when you do tell them what's wrong

okeyyyy March 10th, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 I think its important to let her know as parents that we can be vulnerable, and have an open dialogue, so she could understand despite trying to be strong for her, we also struggle too. Sometimes taking time off to relax can help. Simple things like a walk in the park, or cycling, or going camping are some alternatives to distance ourselves from the day to day drama and neurosis of the city, if possible this are great options.

Seams like a difficult thing with your partner, it would be nice if he would give you the space to recover, and heal. Sometimes, when living together with other people it tends to be hard, maybe during a weekend trip when everyone is more relax there might be more chances to have a more relax talk about how to connect with each other, and and such.

warmheartedWalker2409 OP March 11th, 2022

I have when we went on vacation the last time he tried to talk to me calmly and it ruined the whole vacation because it turned into a argument I hate arguing it mentally and physically drains me being an empath doesn't help me at all...

okeyyyy March 12th, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 i can understand that, must be super hard. lots of hugs

anxietywarrior23 March 9th, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 Take onetime away from everyone and focus on you and your daughter..self-care is so important!

anxietywarrior23 March 9th, 2022

@warmheartedWalker2409 Focus on you and your daughter. Self-care is so important!

warmheartedWalker2409 OP March 9th, 2022

I need to I have forgot to care about myself being a mom and a fiance I don't really care for myself anymore