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Am I the one that's doing it wrong
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
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December 5th, 2023
...See more My fiance of 8 1/2 years was drunk yesterday we had gotten something to eat and brought it home from where I got called into work for a few hours I made sure the kiddos was ok before I left and when I got back home his burger had either been eaten or thrown away but when we looked in the trash the wrapper was there but no burger I seen a plate on the table with some left over reminents of it but he's like I didn't eat it (which in a way I don't believe) but now he's arguing with me that he's not blaming me for the burger but he's getting tired of how things are and if I do things in secret which I don't it doesn't make sense why ruin a good relationship...and then watch once he so ers up he's gonna apologize and make it seem like it's ok
Am I overthinking
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
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September 22nd, 2022
...See more I am hoping that I'm wrong and overthinking things but I have been with my man for 6 years off and on and he hadn't been distant but he's put his phone on vibrate when his ringer goes off I overthinking it he has also said that once he gets a different job hes gonna be rid of the phone...I want to look at his phone but a part of me is saying no and I don't know which side to listen to
I dont know what to think
Anxiety Support / by warmheartedWalker2409
Last post
March 12th, 2022
...See more I feel like I am about to have a mental break down and I don't know what to do and I don't know who to come too...would I just be better not being around anyone and just focus on me and my daughter just shut everyone out....
Should I feel this way
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
Last post
March 27th, 2022
...See more I know this may be alot but I'm trying to understand if I should feel this way or not so when my fiance ended up losing his job and stuff before that there was a girl that he worked with that does "Mary Jane" and sells pills and all well she was getting a little too close with my fiance and I expressed to him that I didn't like it and I even thought at one time they had an affair going..he would tell me that's not the case that she does more than just "Mary Jane" she does like "met" and "her" and that he loves me and wouldn't even try anything like that especially with someone like her... everything had been going great and today I'm on my way to work and I see her driving past me and this not necessarily hatred but utter fear/ madness just filled me with rage and it was like I wanted to send him a text but I didn't should I feel this way?
Uhhhhh kind of embarrassing
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
Last post
February 21st, 2022
...See more My fiance has accused me of cheating which I didn't do and is just now telling me that his balls itch( he says it's just the skin that itches) and have been since last summer so now I'm scared I had a pap smear last year and came back clean but it's still kind of worries me and kind of makes me wonder why tell me now???? What should I do???? I have an appointment set for a pap this year but he says he wants to use itching cream to make it go away and that is it and if it goes beyond that we are gonna have issues I don't want him putting the blame on me when I haven't done anything wrong
Need someone to talk to
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
Last post
February 23rd, 2022
...See more My fiance and I ha e been together off and on for 5 years we argue of course that happens in every relationship but he is still currently married but trying to get a divorce, having issues getting the papers sent to her and his previous kids don't want to talk to him. Even though he was there when my lil one was born which he is the father too he's here now and babygirl is so fond of him he just told me his nerves are bad and he wants to start taking Xanax to calm them but when he mentioned something to me the last time which was a about a week and a half ago that his nerves are wrecked he talked about leaving me...I'm scared I dont know what to do I want to save our relationship but I also don't want to hurt me or babygirl in the process..I'm really confused please help
Am I going through major relationships issues
Relationship Stress / by warmheartedWalker2409
Last post
August 25th, 2021
...See more So this lady my fiance works with he had become friends with and I thought they were doing something at one point cause he was always going out and be gone for two hours or so and then come back home to me. We have moved to a apartment closer to his work and now he's kind of relying upon me to do the driving mainly he hardly goes out plus he told me that the woman smokes meth that she had told him. Yesterday morning when I picked him up from work we ended up passing by and the guy that he that was with her my fiance was kind of laughing about and it was a really great done we got alot done we talked and everything but when I looked at his text messages she sent him a message f*ck you (fiances name) in which he didn't read it and this was after the drive by. Should I be concerned of her being jealous or should I have the mentality he's coming home to me and my daughter every night to forget her?
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