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Hi, please dont judge

happydays447 April 9th, 2020

Today was a crappy day for me. I keep missing my ex best friend. (i was in a dark place and said i didnt need him and that pushed him away.) i feel like crap all the time like its my fault he left me. i loved him alot. i get sad and mad at myself every time i think of him and it makes me wanna cry and scream. i start to get axiety thinking about him, because he had so many issues. (he wouldent eat for multiple days, SH, talking about ending his life.) i still miss him so much and i just want him back. ( i had feelings for him, but he started dating one of my other best friends, even tho she knew it hurt me. all i could really say was: "its fine, i dont care.) I have a boyfriend now, and im very happy with him, But i still want him back (as my best friend.) I still worry about him, even though he wont talk to me. we used to hug each other every day, but then i moved away and we drifted apart. i still feel so sad. i feel worthless about the whole thing. i feel like im stupid for missing him.

just a rant, lots of love,


Smoothbreez333 April 9th, 2020


Smoothbreez333 April 9th, 2020

@happydays447 it's not easy to not have feelings for someone you knew of a good friend, and what you are feeling is a way of your brain to process the emotional termoils, it's healthy to to express your feelings and you know to do that very well!! I really appreciate for being truthful and honest to yourself ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™

happydays447 OP April 10th, 2020

@Smoothbreez333 thank you so much for the supportheart

SoftyVanTurtle1916 April 11th, 2020


You're not stupid for missing your friend.

It's natural to miss those who are no longer active in our lives. It's also natural to feel guilty.

If your friend was the one who was driven away, a simple apology will be just what the doctor ordered. But not with a phone call. Write your friend a letter.

Write a letter and make it as long as you need it. Tell him you're sorry, and tell him why. Tell him what happened, why you felt you had to distance yourself from him. Tell him how much you care about him, and how much you miss him. Then ask him to forgive you, but don't beg. When you're done, set the letter aside for a day and get some rest. Then go back to the letter and read it again. Edit it if necessary. Set it aside again. Do this as often as you need to until you know it's ready to be sent.

Please understand that if you don't get an immediate reply, that's okay. What matters is that you made your peace with yourself, and you've let your friend know how much you care about them.

happydays447 OP April 12th, 2020

@SoftyVanTurtle1916 Thank you so much for the advce! the only problem is, i have said sorry more thtn 5 times and he still wont forgive me. but thank you for the advice, its means the world to me.

SoftyVanTurtle1916 April 12th, 2020


Well, in that case the only thing you can do is to let it lie and revisit the potential for his friendship later in the future.

He may one day forgive you. For now, the best you can do is forgive yourself and move on.


happydays447 OP April 12th, 2020


happydays447 OP April 12th, 2020

@SoftyVanTurtle1916 *hugs back*

SoftyVanTurtle1916 April 12th, 2020


p.s. I forgot to say you're welcome... so you're welcome smiley

independentHemlock1305 April 16th, 2020

@happydays447. I woke up with similar feelings too today. I had a best friend I cared alot about and his dad died. We were so close and I hate myself for having left university and his friendship we were in a bubble together and it was bliss. Now I don't speak to him I have a boyfriend but I miss him as a friend and I care about him. Its not an easy situation to be in.

happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020

@independentHemlock1305 i get it. it is really hard.

SoftyVanTurtle1916 April 18th, 2020


I'm sorry to hear about your friend's dad. Did you call/write to your friend to send them your condolences? I'm sure they would appreciate hearing from you :)

Ariverrunsthroughit April 20th, 2020

@happydays447 I'm so sorry this happened. I can only imagine how hard it also was to have a friend with issues and then deal with your own... I've been in a similar spot. It took 2 years for me and the friend to start talking again. It takes time, people heal and grow at a different pace. Don't blame yourself, these things happen, and it's okay to miss them, wish them good and happiness. I'm sure they mis you too. Try and remember the good times, and give it time. You've got this!

happydays447 OP April 20th, 2020

@Ariverrunsthroughit thank you so much. im also sorry this happened to you. <3

User1234534 April 10th, 2020

@happydays447hi I just saw that my sister was on this site and she talking about very deep scary thing and I'm so worried now that's why I made an account pls can someone talk to me x

Abdofreedom April 10th, 2020

@User1234534 you can just try to talk with her, for example you can ask her how she feels? And after that you just start listening to her

happydays447 OP April 11th, 2020

@User1234534 sure of course! what is she saying?

cyb1110 April 11th, 2020

@User1234534 you can go and try to talk to her and reach to her very gently and try to be as much understading with her as you can , i think she needs to be listened and she needs to talk about what she's going through but maybe she's scared cause most of the people are mainly here for this reason

April 10th, 2020

It will get easyier over the feelings and you will miss him less and less.

cyb1110 April 11th, 2020

@happydays447 i understang what you feel and i know thats its absolutly horribke , you just start to feel guilt and anger 24/7 and especially after being in a dark place when you are the one that don't understand your own self , even if he kept rejecting you maybe its time for you to try to move on , i know it hard but if some people that were in your situation were able to turn the page even in a hard way then you are , i suggest for you to send him a one more last message where you say everything you wanted to tell him , that u also were in a dark place which led you to be like that with him , and to do your goodbyes for good , then focus on youself for good but trust me you can do it you'll see by the time just keep your head up and if you need to talk to someone you can always hi me up even if im new to this app

happydays447 OP April 11th, 2020

@cyb1110 Thank you so much, the only thing is i dont have his number, as i got a new phone, and the only way i could contact him was through snapchat, but my mom wont let me have it anymore. but think yo so much for the advice, it means the world to me <3

cyb1110 April 11th, 2020

@happydays447 you can use a friends snapchat or creat a fake one just for a few minutes so you can send him the message even without expecting any answer the goal here is to get pff everyhting out of you shoulders , and anytime i hope you'll feel better you can do it i believe in you *virtual hugs* <3

happydays447 OP April 12th, 2020

@cyb1110 Thank you so much *hugs back*

LetsGetBetter08 April 12th, 2020

@happydays447 Hi. I don't know exactly what you've been through, but I've lost lots of friends too. Can you talk to him? Try to remember all of the joy he brought you and all of the good memories and go with love. Appreciate existing relationships. This has helped me, and I hope it also will for you


happydays447 OP April 13th, 2020

@LetsGetBetter08 Thank you so much, but i have tried to talk to him. he wont reply and it honestly hurts. thank you for the advice though

LetsGetBetter08 April 13th, 2020

@happydays447 I hope that he responds and that it all turns out. Wish you the best, and glad to help


staya1ivef0rme61 April 16th, 2020

@happydays447 can you try telling your best friend how you truly feel? try a DEAR WOMAN letter

happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020

@staya1ivef0rme61 i have but he dosent care. but thank you for trying to help. :)

staya1ivef0rme61 April 16th, 2020

@happydays447 can you contact him through a mutual friend?

happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020

@staya1ivef0rme61 no, i have tried multiple times tho

geolojess April 16th, 2020

@happydays447 I've been in a similar situation, I did something while in a dark place that pushed my best friend away too. She was already dealing with a lot of stuff so I was just the last straw. Eventually we started talking again, mind you it was never the same but it was something. But that did take time. I think that your friend, should he ever choose to, will come around eventually. He likely just needs time to heal/deal with his own stuff. Give it time. In the meantime, I'd give yourself some grace. You were in a dark place, and acted accordingly, and that is okay. What matters is you learn from that and try to move forward otherwise you'l just get stuck in your regret (speaking from experience here lol). But try and cut yourself some slack. I think the things we do while in dark places don't define us, rather how we learn from it and what we do moving forward does (define maybe isn't the best word, but I hope it gets it across well enough). And missing him is absolutely valid, I don't think it's stupid at all. Like I said, try and cut yourself some slack, if you can lessen even some of the guilt it makes it easier to deal with. Sending hugs though.

happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020


happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020


happydays447 OP April 16th, 2020

@geolojess thx so much

Okvictor April 20th, 2020

Guys pleased help me.
Well. Ive been hunting her from january this year. At some point she openly told me that she wasnt thinking of commitment. But I continued to hunt because I love the lady. She later gave in but she is never open to me. Ive really asked for some private time together with her but its now a month since that, shes just adamant. Our conversation has jot been straight from yesterday. I went upto her place, but she told me eerything is fine. After that, she asked me to better call her with her name since other flashy references were unbearable to her. She again told me that she doesnt get well with love issues sometimes.