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Blood Pressure?

KoudachaK June 8th, 2020

So normally my beats per min increases to about 115-125 during a panic attack with only a slight increase in blood pressure. But recently I keep having bpm spikes of 135 and blood pressure jumping high. I was actually in the hospital yesterday because it scared me. Blood pressure was 159/90. I have never had my bp so high. They ran an X-ray, EKG, blood work... couldn't find anything. The doctor suggested it may be anxiety but I felt like it was so strange. I can normally feel my anxiety coming on and I never had the spikes so suddenly. It was bizarre. Anyone here have this happen? Even when they weren't feeling anxious or doing anything?

mysteriousUnicorns3045 June 8th, 2020


rest assured i have had this happen. Classic case of white coat hypertension. Every time i get my blood pressure checked by a doctor is goes super high. But i usually get so anxious about having it checked that it makes my blood pressure worse.. it's a vicious cycle.

KoudachaK OP June 8th, 2020


but you Were anxious and knew what you were anxious about. Mine just randomly happened. I wasn't feeling anxious. I wasn't already at the doctor. I was just standing there. I know people have white coat syndrome cause my mom is like that but I wanted to know if anyone gets it out of no where. Like maybe you're just sitting there laughing with a friend and bam!

Magicballs78 June 8th, 2020

@KoudachaK. On apr 9th i had a anxiety attack. I waiting until my old lady got home. I never felt anything like it before.. I went to the er. With chest pains they get you in right away.. My bp was 200/100 . it cam on out of no where. So i constantly check it. Yes. There are times it spikes. Just not like that.. More around 140/90 140/100. I take a few aspirine an check it an hr later.. Also. Ill lay in a calm place an just relax an breath. This anxiety an bp are all new to me..

KoudachaK OP June 11th, 2020

@Magicballs78 Thanks for letting me know. My blood pressure is normally really good 115/78 or something around that. So it is very strange for me.