Anxiety Judgement. (what is the worst you have been told....)
Its so easy for people to judge and say hurtful things...
share here the worst you have been told about your anxiety :
@politeSun im suffering with GAD and agoraphobia and on bad days when i cant leave my house at all and my friends try to get me out and i tell them i cant go anywhere, i lie so much to them now cause theyd be like
"youre safe with us"
"what are you even worrying about theres absolutley nothing to worry about"
"youre overreacting"
"youre so antisocial cause youd never get out your house"
"you need to face your fears" (i dont ven know what im afraid of because it seems like everything)
"you need to calm down and relax and breathe" (not like ive been breathing for all of 21 years or anything)
"you blame everything on your anxiety"
"why are you letting anxiety control your life, take over for once"
"its not that you cant do something, youre just lazy and wont do it"
Thanks for sharing.
its terrible how friends and family think such things could make us feel any better while all it does is make us stop sharing and feel out-of-place
You sound like me 20+ years ago. When I was young and had friends. Some things said by family too.
"calm down"
@gloriousSunrise61 i hate the one when people say calm down! I would if i could u idiot. Haha
I think people often have the best intentions but if they dont understand what you are going through can say the wrong things. Like:
"Push yourself"
"Step out of your comfort zone"
"Stress isn't healthy"
And my personal least favourite: "Dont worry"
...or some variation of these phrases. If i could just stop worrying about it i would in a heartbeat.
yes I agree with you, most people have good intentions. but they do get judgemental overtime.
and as you mentioned if we could stop we would do it instantly!
@politeSun i agree if only it was that simple to just switch it off!!
If people said don't worry, and followed it up with " we will figure this out" then it would be helpful. People like doing things half way. I like finishing up those sentences and then saying these people have amnesia. But maybe that makes me delusional.
Id say currently the worst thing said to me by family: Youre not exempt. Meaning Im not any different from anyone else in the things that are expected of me. Theres truth in it. Altho sometimes the things they come undone about are minor comparatively speaking. If they only knew.
And the absolute worst is said by husband: Are you taking your meds? Meant to imply that any emotion I have is not valid and only a symptom of me being unstable
The other worst by him included things like: Go in the other room if youre going to cry. After he has upset me. And by upset me I mean things like withholding vital information about our finances, spending as he pleases, nightly drinking and all that goes with that including infidelity and legal woes. How am I wrong to cry over these?
But I should also add that I love him dearly and am basically dependent on him for everything as I only leave my house when I have to. Meaning he carries all the responsibility for two people.
We have to change this dynamic and I have to learn how to contribute and be my own person. Because as it is now we are not peers. More like parent and child.
@politeSunI am a worrier. I live alone. I have been told I will get by and that I am strong. But those nice people have not lost a loved one (husband) to Cancer or left without a place to live Sometimes I feel like screaming at them but I know they mean well.
The things you describe are so difficult. Im glad you found 7 cups. I hope, like me, you find support here. 💜
poeple tend to think that i can just snap out of it,so they don't believe me and make light of my' all in your head they say (no sh*it,that's where my brain is)