Tips for people with anxiety
Hi! I would like to make there a place to share your tips how to deal with anxiety. What helps you in situation when you feel anxious? Share your tips with others! :)
I use a variety of methods. It's important to know what works and what doesn't work for you. :) Distraction is a major coping mechanism for me which I accomplish through listening to music, watching tv shows/ movies, and yoga. In addition, I like to meditate and take deep breaths to calm myself down.
I've found that if you're anxious about a specific situation it helps to write it out, for me just keeping a journal is very helpful. I find that if I write about a situation or person or event that is making me anxious I tend to realize that it's not really that big of a problem. I tend to make a big deal of things in my head and I end up getting really worked up but if I just let myself ramble through writing for a bit it helps me calm down a great deal.
Depends on the cause and type of anxiety. Am I just generally anxious about something in the future? Then I'm a hope-for-the-best, plan-for-the-worst kind of person. I'll think through every variable in my head, so that I have a plan in place to address every possible thing that could go wrong. (Seconding the people who said that they talk to themselves!)
For triggers/panic attacks, I second the playlist idea. Anything fun, with a good beat to it, just to drag me out of my cycle of fear. Also timed breathing exercises (4-7-8, etc.), or counting minutiae around me (how many bricks, ceiling tiles, books, and so on). It's about giving my conscious mind just enough to focus on so that the fight-or-flight switch can turn back off.
Currently in need of motivation and encouragement to stop stressing over starting a task so that I can finally just do it. Going on a few hours now. Any mottos you guys tell yourself to get yourselves doing the thing that is making you anxious?
I'm sure some of these have been posted but here are some of my tips.
1.) Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and out for 8. It will also help with sleep.
2.) Guided Meditations such as the ones from Guided Mind It's a free app with both paid and free mediations, I use it daily)
3.) Coloring Books can work wonders. I have several different ones including smaller ones I can take anywhere with me.
4.) Take a Walk in nature, or just sit outside. (It's proven that even 5 minutes outside can reduce stress greatly.)
5.) Read a Book (Pick a fantasy or SCI fi book as they will help distract you even more.)
6.) Watch TV., a Movie, or you tube videos. (All can make great distractions)
7.) Play Games (cards, video, table top, board games, or do puzzles) (They force your brain to focus on something else.)
8.) Write- (Keep a small journal with you to write in when your stressed. Write letters to yourself, friends, family, whomever. Stories, poetry, anything you want to write is fine. There is no wrong or right way to do it, Writing is a great therapy and great distraction, plus it may help you to discover your triggers.)
9.) Reach out to someone (Whether is be on here, a partner, friend, family member, hotline, therapist or whomever, Just find someone to talk to. Sometimes just talking helps, I know with me it makes a huge difference. It is about the only way I can work through my attacks.)
10.) Don't over think it, don't try to force yourself out of the attack, it will only make it worse. Just accept the attack, acknowledge the fears, and try to refocus your attention. Tell yourself "I Am FINE, I Am SAFE, This is TEMPORARY."
To help in this use the AWARE Technique
A ~ Acknowledge/ Accept your fears and emotions
Answer Questions
Example Questions:
What does your body feel like?
What does your heart feel like?
What are you afraid of right now?
What is your first thought during an attack?
What is happening around you?
List 3 Sounds you hear
List 3 Smells you smell
List 3 Things you can physically feel and describe how they feel
List 5 Objects of Different Colors you see around you.
Follow Answers To Questions with "It's Okay" or "It's Alright"
End with "It Will Be Over Soon"
W ~ Wait/Watch
Count To 25 (Or Higher As Needed- I Count To 50- With each breath in and out that is 1. Example Breathe in + Breathe Out = 1. Breathe in + Breathe Out = 2. {Also try breathing in for the count of 3, hold for 1-2, and out for 4.)
Observe Responses
Count To 25 Again (If Necessary- Repeat Same steps As Before)
A ~ Action
Tell yourself or out loud "Fine Let's Have An Attack, It Gives Me A Chance To Practice My Coping Skills"
Answer all What ifs? With SO WHAT?
Relax/Tense Body Parts (There are also guided meditations for this technique.)
R ~ Repeat
If Necessary Repeat All Of The ABOVE Steps
Don't Force It To End. Keep Rinsing & Repeating Steps Until It Ends
Try Counting To 50 After You have Completed The Steps.
*Deep breathing excercises (breathe in while counting to ten, hold it, exhale while counting to ten) and repeat as neccessary
*Focus on a person that you like and go talk to them:) I tend to do this when in public places full of people because I have social anxiety! I will talk to my fiance the whole way through like Walmart and it helps me to relax or talk to my mother when I'm with her in a mall:) It helps distract me from the surronding situation and since I like the person its fun:)
*Look at inspirational quotes on Google--I like to do this one for some reason lol:)
*Listen to your favorite music on Pandora-- I like listening to Hard Rock Radio, Country Radio, Evanescence Radio, Today's Hits Radio, Florida Georgia Line Radio, Usher Radio, Egypt Central Radio, Seether Radio, Linkin Park Radio, etc. :) It really helps to calm down your mind and to help you relax.
*Read a book:) I like to grab a good book, go to my room, shut the door, and read for hours:) It calms me down a lot:)
I almost forgot to mention writing in a diary as well lol:) @patientFriend96
^^ Hope you don't mind the bright colors, I like colors:)
Two words: diaphragmatic breathing!
The only way i found myself defeating anxiety is forcing my brain to think that the situation im facing is not normal but do or die - sink or swim situation. That way my brain forces my body to act therefore when u feel your body you stay grounded. It works for me.
I recently found a way to deal with anxiety! I wrote down everything that makes me feel anxious and I found solutions to calm myself! Also, I wrote some reasons why I should love myself and take care of me! Whenever I feel depressed or anxious , I read my notes or have little conversations inside my mind! It's the only way I can deal with anxiety! :)
My meds help me,including meditation, art projects,listening to soothing music, taking to a friend i trust...i have others but thats some of the best.