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Your Phobias!

NorthStar02 April 20th, 2017

Everyone has a phobia!

Everyone has something to fear. Looking through the phobia section of the forums, I was inspired to create this idea. From what I've seen, this hasn't been done before. If it has, I'd love for it to come back because I think this is a really neat idea!

We're all different. You're still normal. You're not weird. You're different.

You're not overreacting. You're not crazy. You're totally normal. The only reason our fear might separate others is because we are different. No matter how ridiculous you think your fear is, it's still 100% valid. I'm hoping this thread can raise awareness to different phobias and show others how to comfort someone who is scared! By doing this, people will know how to help their friend who is afraid or scared, both in this community and in real life! I believe this can better connect the community if you guys share in this thread!

What you have to do:

State your phobia

Share a personal experience/explanation (optional)

Share what you do to cope with your phobia

Share how others can comfort you when you are afraid

I'll start!

For as long as I remember, I have always been afraid of being alone both in public and in the dark. I've always been scared of being alone at night because I can only think of the terrible, horrendous things that could happen to me. Similarly, I've hated being alone in public because I always feared that others were staring at me and judging me, labeling me as the "loner kid." To cope with this, I've been trying to tell myself that others don't judge me when I'm alone in public. If they do, it's 100% their business, and I can't control what they think of me. To comfort me and help me deal with this phobia, I love it when friends are by my side. I appreciate knowing that they are there with me (they don't even have to talk! Their presence is what really helps :) )

Your turn!!

Have a great day!

~NorthStar02 (North)

actioncat99 October 16th, 2017


My phobia is of being completely alone. I was at a summer camp one year where there was zero contact with anyone outside of the camp and I was with girls i didnt know and my social anxiety didnt make me want to know them. i felt completely alone and that was when my panic attacks started. ive been through therapy and its gotten a lot better, but still even when im stressed or left alone for too long i get panic attacks. when i get them i just listen to calming music or i ground myself w counting things in my surroundings.

HairlessCat April 21st, 2017


One phobia i've had my entire life is of strawberries. I really don't know why - just the smell of them, the texture.. everything. I just get kinda freaked out when i'm even near a strawberry. I know this is like, the most stupid phobia ever, but I can't get over it! When I was in 2nd grade, we were going to pick strawberries and I was just sitting on the side playing with ants becase I really didn't want to touch them. My family knows not to put them near me or mix it with other stuff i'm going to eat. :')

NorthStar02 OP April 22nd, 2017


Thank you so much for sharing! This is a very interesting phobia indeed, and I'm glad to know about it :)

honestWillow9357 November 6th, 2017

@HairlessCat I had a psych professor once tell our whole class the one way to get over a fear is to deal with it and we asked how. I didn't like his response: he said if you are scared of spiders to lay in a tub and have spiders put on you. Same way with other bugs. I was like nope not doing it. I could just imagine your agony of having to be covered in strawberries.

CaringBrit April 21st, 2017

i have a few phobias im scared of flying , sharks , alligators , snakes and spiders oh and heights by climbing only how do i cope um with spiders im not so scared now as if they come close enough squishy time which eases the fear the others id run like hell or avoid doing or going near

NorthStar02 OP April 22nd, 2017


Running does seem like a good solution if there was a shark near you! cheeky

I'm glad tp hear you've found a way to lessen your fear of spiders!

drinkmythoughts April 21st, 2017

My phobia is social phobia or social anxiety disorder. It's pretty self-explanatory tbh but it's a complex phobia so not so much a fear. I also have a phobia of planes/flying and we travel quite a lot and it seems to get worse every time haha. Still not got a clue how to cope with either of them so any tips would be appreciated. Like i usually want everyone to shut up and go away when the anxiety starts kicking in but i don't know if that actually helps haha.

NorthStar02 OP April 22nd, 2017


I find it interesting how you don't want others around you when anxiety kicks in! I tend to be the same way if it's really bad or noticeable. However, I try to stay around others if I can feel it coming on, as I find it somewhat relaxing. We are all different, however, so do what most feels comfortable, because you know you best!

energeticShade5540 April 22nd, 2017


I like class, just not break times.

Something about being around a bunch of people just causes me stress and anxiety.

I have no idea why. I haven't told anyone though. I don't know how to cope with it either..

Duckswithmoose April 22nd, 2017


Yeah, school can be incredibly stressful. All of the people and work don't help :\

Would you like to PM and we can think of some strategies to deal with anxiety?

BaileeIsDaBomb April 22nd, 2017

I have SEVERE brontophobia (the fear of thunder and lightning). Whenever there is a storm I get nonstop panic attacks.

Im also TERRIFIED of natural disasters. I can't even say the word 'earthquake' without my anxiety shooting through the roof.

BaileeIsDaBomb April 22nd, 2017

I cope with my fears by crying. (I know it's not a very good coping skill, but it helps.). People around me help me by cuddling/hugging me and reassuring me that I have nothing to worry about.

MelancholyWarrior July 23rd, 2017

My phobia, is hearing the sounds that people make when they are chewing. In order to cope with this phobia, I became a loner.

Mablue August 17th, 2017

What I consider one of my main phobias is Tanatophobia (fear of death). The idea of dying and what's after it terrifies me to no end. It's linked to my other phobia, Apeirophobia (fear of eternity/infinity).

gloriousSunrise61 August 25th, 2017

I have always been terrified of the dark. I remember being a young child, and not being able to sleep with out a night light. It was always worse when I was outside, or alone. I use a night light typically in order to cope with my phobia. When I don't have a night light, I rely on using my phone flashlight for times when I get nervous in the dark. My friends and family help to comfort me when I am afraid by being in my company outside at night. It helps in general to have someone to talk to.

Share a personal experience/explanation (optional)

Share what you do to cope with your phobia

Share how others can comfort you when you are afraid