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can you drink all my thoughts, cause i can't stand them ~ dodie
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Are my parents normal?
Depression Support / by drinkmythoughts
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July 28th, 2017
...See more This is a bit of a weird post but i genuinely don't know. I'm an only child and i don't have any relatives in this country apart from my parents, and I can never tell whether what they do is right or if they even know if it's right, we have no one to look to for example. I don't think they're abusive because they do love me and they do things for me and help me but a lot of the time it's the opposite. Like today for example, i'm on my period and i'm in a lot of pain so i was downstairs watching tv on the sofa, but my mum wanted me to tidy my wardrobe. I really didn't want to bc i could hardly move but i went upstairs and sat down and she starting shouting at me for not getting up or folding my clothes properly, and i wasn't shouting back or anything i was so tired, and then she got really annoyed and she started throwing my clothes all over my room. A week ago i was cooking and my parents were talking about something i forgot and they werent like shouting but they had an angry tone, and i got annoyed and i was so overwhelmed i just ran out of the kitchen, then my dad came to my room and started shouting at me because i slammed the door when i didnt. This happens like every other day over really small things, once i mumbled something in the car then said nevermind and my dad got so annoyed he started screaming at me and he stopped the car in the middle of the road to scream at me more. And sometimes i do shout back at them but it's only because i picked it up from them, but i hate being shouted at because im really shy and introverted and during school time id get shouted at so much over something like not handing in homework and id cry myself to sleep. I think they caused my depression because in like year 8/9 id get shouted at everyday instead of them just talking to me about the stuff i did wrong and id go to sleep or come into school feeling sh*t everyday Maybe it's because we're all really stubborn but it's annoying because i just want to do what i want (eg going to bed without a shower bc i didnt even go outside that day) and theyll scream at me bc they have this idea of whats right and they have no other opinion or anything because its just me. Earlier this year we had a huge argument over something really small and my dad started physically hurting me. And they found out i'm gay a few weeks ago and they didnt shout but they were annoyed that i didnt tell them and they were like why do you never tell us anything, but i cant tell them things because im so uncomfortable around them because i feel like they dont respect me.
Need friendship advice everything has gone wrong
Anxiety Support / by drinkmythoughts
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August 17th, 2017
...See more If you can't be bothered to read all of this, essentially a group of my friends all despise me even though i didn't do anything wrong, and it's stressing me out so much. When we were arguing on whatsapp I didn't stop shaking for 2 hours (we have already broken up for summer holidays). This might sound overdramatic for what happened but I think i have anxiety because everything is stressing me out so much, and it doesn't help that i was feeling suicidal just a month ago, and my brain keeps telling me to kill myself as revenge. This is the whole story because i need to rant, it's quite silly and petty but i never wanted this to happen i just wanted to do the right thing. Me and 4 other school friends took part in a national competition this past week. We chose to do it and chose to go as a team because it's about astrophysics and ciphers and looked quite interesting, and we are all in the same computing class. Unfortunately, my team did not pull their weight, maybe because they were unmotivated because we are on summer holiday. The competition worked by people submitting either a scientific analylis of the challenge, or a media submission, which is like writing songs or articles or drawing to do with the challenge, and then you get a certain amount of points. I did the maths and over the week, i earned the team 80% of our total points, and another girl earned 20%. The other 3 people didn't do anything at all. I admit i got a bit annoyed at them during the week and i snapped at them but i think that is justified considering they chose to participate in the challenge but didnt even bother to reply to my messages asking for help. you have no idea how hard it was to do all that work by myself, i was staying up at night and i cancelled plans with friends and i have loads of schoolwork to do that i put aside to do this. I then asked my friend from outside school to help me out (i don't think it's really cheating, because most teams are still in school and had their teachers to help them). He wrote a really good song about time travel and global warming, he's so talented bless him. We then made a video for it together and that entry got the highest amount of points out of all of them. He also sang a song that i wrote for me because i can't sing, and that also got a lot of points. These 2 submissions got us about half of our overall points. Didnt even get a thank you from my team even though we spent the whole day doing them, when i couldve properly hung out with my friend who i hadnt seen in 6 months We have now come 3rd place in the competition in the media section, which I am happy about but only 1st and 2nd place get prizes unfortunately. However, they give 25 prizes to the team for an entry that they really liked, so it must be either the song my friend wrote or the one I wrote. Either way its solely due to me and my friend that we got that prize because a) the prize was literally for one of the songs, not for 3rd place or anything, and b) 3/5 of my team did nothing at all, and the other girl only did 20%. However they are all demanding that we split the prize between us evenly which is making me really upset, because I have devoted so much time to this competition whereas they have done nothing, so its only fair that me and my friend split the prize between us and give some to the other girl. Do you not think its silly to give each of us 5, what are we going to do with that, and they didnt earn it. When I tried to explain it to them, it was very difficult because it was 3 people all attacking me (they still havent thanked me for my contribution). My original idea was to give the full 25 to my friend, because to be honest it would only really have value as the full prize, and he was the one who wrote the song that let us get the prize. Ive changed my mind and split it proportional to the points we got because apparently it was too radical for them ( 20 for me and friend, 5 for other girl). They still dont like it, and the 3 people that didnt do anything are acting like they have some moral high ground because they are saying that we should donate the money to charity (seriously) It got worse, because they are in a groupchat with one of my other friends, and they were all b*tching about me and my friend sent me screenshots (bless her) Here are some things they said she is acting like she did everything when she didnt - i never said i did everything, i said i basically did everything which is true because i did 80% (when I told them that I did the competition instead of seeing a friend because I cared about it and wanted to win) what the **** she did this instead of hanging out with her friends lmao who the **** does that and possibly the funniest one I am really extremely disliking her right now, i only use hate for people like isis - nice to know im slightly less bad than isis for winning a prize in an astrophysics competition (ive never liked her shes homophobic as well) this one girl keeping sending long messages about how she deserves some of the prize and its really funny, because shes been on holiday all week and didnt do anything at all Just to remind you, these people are my friends I made a few passive aggressive comments but everything I said was true and fair, but they are being so horrible over such a small thing, this one girl is replying to everything I say with a snarky comment. this is all making me so upset, so last night i told them to keep all the money because i dont want it. i do want it because i earned it but im so tired of arguing, and i feel like they might donate it to charity, and then this entire week has just been a waste of time because i didnt even get the prize i earned.
sweating & body odour
Anxiety Support / by drinkmythoughts
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May 22nd, 2017
...See more this is kind of gross but it gets me so anxious. i think i might have a form of anxiety as i get really anxious in social situations and things. whenever i get anxious i sweat so much, when im writing an essay sometimes i can't write properly and all the ink smudges because of how warm and sweaty my hands get. i have anxious moments at school several times a day, sometimes just thinking about having to talk to people when im on the bus, or when i get called on in class. sometimes i get so anxious i can literally feel the sweat dripping down my body. i hate it because sometimes i can smell my own BO and everyone must think im gross, but i can't randomly reapply deoderant because im with my friends all lunch and theyd find it weird if i took a deoderant in the toilet. also btw i use this dove anti perspirant thing and i swear it doesn't even do anything and i put tonnes on. id get a mens one but my mum would ask why and laugh at me or something. any advice?
what is your opinion on self-diagnosing? (mental illnesses in general)
Depression Support / by drinkmythoughts
Last post
May 20th, 2017
...See more hello, i am 15 and i believe i have depression and social anxiety, i say i do have them for ease. what do you think about self diagnosing? i have done every test on the internet since i was about 12 (when i started feeling depressed) ive been on and off 4 or 5 mental health forums, trying to get help. i really feel i have social anxiety because i feel so restrained all the time, and sometimes i spent a few solid weeks just being anxious simply because i forgot to hand in a homework or something. in year 9 i tried to get help by going to the school counsellor and it was the worst thing i ever did. sometimes i just jump into things without thinking about how it'll affect me, and talking to some random old lady about my feelings was honestly horrible. this teacher kept pulling me out of lessons to talk to me and my parents kept bringing it up, and it's scarred me so much i don't think i'm physically able to get help now. lol even just typing this has made my hands sweat. but yeah, i digressed, a lot of people do have a problem with self diagnosing because if they are wrong it can be belittling to people that actually have them, and it could potentially be dangerous. but i got 100% on the emotional wellness test for social anxiety. also i have no idea how to get help it's ruining my life so much. this might not sound a big deal, but it mattered to me a lot, for the past 2 years i've been practising for my grade 5 violin and i thought i was pretty good but i did the exam a few days ago and i completely panicked and i think im gonna fail, why cant i just function like a normal person. also my depression has gotten a bit better since year 8, but im still left with the after effects of no motivation and feeling tired all the time. and recently i started feeling suicidal again, i eve started cutting and writing notes and googling how many paracetamols kill you etc. idk what this was i just wanted to get it off my chest but yeah please answer the q in the title lol
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