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3 really strange fears

JetPackBlues17 August 17th, 2015

I'm 16 and I am afraid of balloons, dating, and high ceilings. I did some research and found that the fear of balloons is globophobia and the fear of high ceilings is called altocelarophobia, but I have no idea what scares me about dating. I just want to see if anyone else here has these fears or knows how to cope with them. I know it's kind of weird, but I just wanted to know :)

MirandaRivera96 August 17th, 2015

Overflowing toilets, maize, huge ball...

maggie712 November 24th, 2015


i have a fear of flushing toilets without closing the lid first I wonder if our phobias are related at all

iridescentlayla19 August 17th, 2015

People coughing near me. Maggots. Going into deep water not knowing what's near me. 😧

viva360 August 17th, 2015

I think that way sometimes see a large body of water. Even swimming pools...:(

iridescentlayla19 August 18th, 2015

Seaweed trapping someone...pulling someone under. 😣

NeroBlack August 23rd, 2015


KaringKatniss August 17th, 2015

I'm afraid of anything that imitates a living creature (wax figures/dummies), overpaying, and moths..

Georgie1323 August 17th, 2015

I'm scared of the dark, bugs, and mostly of all pain

Georgie1323 August 17th, 2015

Oops forgot to add: I'm also scared of rejection and failure.

JetPackBlues17 OP August 17th, 2015

I can relate to the fear of rejection

AskAnubis August 17th, 2015

Being left alone for a long time, eating in the dark (it always makes me feel like I'm going to throw up) and vomiting.

NeroBlack August 23rd, 2015

Omg eating in the dark. Yes I know the same feeling, I need to see the food or for all I know its filled with feces and maggots.

Mmmmkay August 17th, 2015

Commitment, my future, and i have a fear of public bathroom doors not locking and someone will walk in.

TheSirenCalledLorelei August 17th, 2015

Ants, not being needed, wasting my life

CF97 August 17th, 2015

18 years old & terrified of fish, the future & the general human population

Irishcat August 17th, 2015

Slugs, snails, thunder and lightning

calmCup7923 August 17th, 2015

Mask, not being useful, and the sound of something scratching on paper....

EmilyMiller92 August 17th, 2015

Being alone, spiders, death

sensibleWillow8302 August 17th, 2015

Death, spiders & being this ill for the rest of my life scares me.

ivoryJar2002 August 17th, 2015

Chronic illness, not getting a job, being addicted

toyourheartscontent August 17th, 2015

♡Thunder & Lightning ⚡

♡Chucky 😂

♡Aliens 👽

Milkshakemayhem August 17th, 2015




sammyorclo05 August 17th, 2015

Walking alone at night

Watching scary movies alone

Creaking walls or the house 'settling'

SofiaGarciaa August 18th, 2015

Horses, trains and hospitals

GingeySnaps3825 August 23rd, 2015



Final Destination like Death

ash00 August 23rd, 2015
Loosing things or people I love.
chattymeow September 13th, 2015

Opening and closing my eyes

I'm going to die alone

My loved ones dying alone or without me

NeroBlack August 23rd, 2015

Any gross bug/insect/arachnid. Possibly pregnant women I cant just say "how is your baby coming", I did once and she said "im not pregnant". I also am afraid of my panic attacks themselves (common among people with them)

JetPackBlues17 OP September 13th, 2015

I understand the panic attacks

Andrea50 August 23rd, 2015




catizzlee August 24th, 2015

-> passing under a construction place

-> baby

GoldenGrapefruit77 August 25th, 2015

Clowns, deep murky water and failure- and I'm afraid of high ceilings too. So you're not alone @JetPackBlues17 everyone has weird fears, and everyone is weird, crazy and insanely amazing.

Love GoldenGrapefruit77

rubberSeal222 September 2nd, 2015

I don't really have 3 weird fears but one of my fears is turned off screens at night. I feel like something is going to come out of it and hurt me. It creeps me out so much!

Vekel September 2nd, 2015

Falling down stairs. Butterflies. Circles.

BouncyFish September 2nd, 2015

I'm terrified of butterflies too! Let's hide from the butterflies together, yay! My family often forces me to go into butterfly conservatories when we're near them because they like to make fun of my fear...

BouncyFish September 2nd, 2015

Vomiting is my worst fear, by far. I'm also terrified of butterflies and large animals, for example my giant dog, running towards me.

serenalovesall September 2nd, 2015

My mom's passed away 2 years ago, and at night I get afraid she'll pop out. Makes absolutely no sense but I get scared. I'm also scared from dogs.

rxgionalatbest September 14th, 2015

I have a fear of being thrown up on, balloons, and steep, slippery hills.

wanttohaveabigheart September 14th, 2015

• Separation

• The sound of someone trying to open the door to come in when I'm in the room

• Others angry/furious facial expression & voice

maggie712 November 24th, 2015

Birds - including taxidermied birds, real birds, birds circling above me, flying kinda low in my general direction, baby birds, non-flying birds except penguins

Windows at night - I feel if a window is closed (blinds/curtains) before its dark outside then once it becomes dark if I look out the window then a dangerous man will be staring back at me

Flushing toilets - the lid of a toilet must be down before I can flush it if there's no lid (public restrooms) I will hold my breath until I can get out of that stall or restroom