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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Ideinmysts June 17th, 2015

Hi, I'm Ide, and I recently finished my first year in college (in Belgium). I've been having problems with anxiety, mainly social anxiety, but sometimes anxiety in general, for about 8 years now. I'm not entirely sure what caused it, but I think my history of being bullied has at least something to do with it.
Anyway, I came here looking for support, and hopefully learn how I can deal with it in a better way.

GGCGrizzlyGirl2015 June 19th, 2015

Hi there, I'm Chelsei... I'm 17 years old, and I graduated from high school about a month ago (yay!). However, that brings a new load of anxiety into my life. I've been struggling to find a job for 6 months now, I'm worried about finances for college, and I'm worried my anxiety, depression, and seizures are just going to worsen.

harveygirl4619 June 28th, 2015

Hi! I am new here as of last night. This seems like a nice place so far. I guess I can talk about my issues. I have agoraphobia/PTSD (thanks to my ex who is still stalking and harassing me) among other mental health problems, and I really have no friends except my dog because I hardly ever leave the house and if I do, my mom or other family have to drive me. This is not how I thought my life would be at 29. Anyway, feel free to talk to me. My name is Alli. Oh and I am a major Judy Garland fan lol.

quietbody9854 June 28th, 2015

when i read this i could almost not believe that itwasn't me writing it. i understand and there are many people out there who feel the same way. you are not alone :)

harveygirl4619 June 28th, 2015

Thank you so much :) Hate that we have to go through this.

quietbody9854 June 28th, 2015

heyimdannyand i havesuffered with panic and anxietydisorder for the past 5 years along withagrophobia. i currently have a minimum of 2 panic attacks a day which has been reduced due to new medication. i have a lot of trouble talking to my psychiatrist about anything and just look at the ground and nod to everything she says to make her afraid of everything, especially people. feeling like this whole trying to complete VCE years is debilitating and i dont get out of bed very many days anymore. im sorry for rambling for so long but thank you :)

Rockyrobyn1 July 1st, 2015

Hi, It looks like I am quite a bit older than most of you...I have had anxiety for about 15 years. My mother passed after a five year battle with ALS, I had three grandparents pass and my specialneeds son had complications after a surgery(he was getting a cochlear implant and they drilled into his brain fluid) I also left my career after 24 years all within a three time period. I was starting to get better but then I went back to work thinking I could do it all and now I am back where I started from with agoraphobia and major anxiety. Unfortunately I do not have anyone to talk to on a regular basis.I just got a home counselor and she said we have 15 visits,so we will see how that goes. I just need a little understanding and someone to talk to to get me back to where I was. The anxiety wasn't gone, but I was managing...

Rosebud01 July 2nd, 2015

Hello. You can call me Ali and I've been an anxiety sufferer for most ofmy life. It's made me hold back from doing things I would normally love like going out with friends. I get nervous when I leave home or on a vacation where I can't get to somewhere familiar when I need to. Planes are an even worse case. I suffer from panic attacks, possible agoraphobia, mild though since I only really leave home cause I have to but would avoid if I could. I just hope I can find some support maybe even help others.

mercigomawo July 2nd, 2015

This has been the best site I have found in months. I am so grateful. Looking forward to getting a chance to talk to everyone. Have a great week!

Mcampbell July 2nd, 2015

Hi hii, my name is Madison and I'm completely new to all this! I am 21 years old and have been suffering from GAD ( general anxiety disorder ), major depression, and ADHD. Since I have been working I have been having back to back anxiety about having to work, I work in a fast food place and having to talk to customers terrifies me, its extremely stressful to the point I picked up self harming. I never done this before, even when I was very suicidal in high school but I just can't seem to figure out why working has done this to me, if anyone has any advice... Please let me know! I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

MerciIsScreaming July 2nd, 2015

Hi, um I have been diagnosed with social anxiety and general anxiety, I've never really talked about it honestly. So, yeah

lilifrog July 3rd, 2015

Hi, I'm Lianna. I've only been dealing with anxiety for the past year or so but it's been pretty severe to the point where some days I am just constantly shaking or having chest pains and difficulty speaking to people and am just hoping to get and givesome support andtips on how to manage it :)

Hannahopes July 4th, 2015

Hi, I'm Hannah. I'm new to this website, but I've been dealing with anxiety for what feels like my whole life. I'm hoping to find some great support on this site, and I hope that this can help me grow as a person.

PaperGirl5 July 5th, 2015

Hello! I wanted to join in the anxiety outreach and say that I am happy to discuss anxiety or stress with anyone who needs me to listen:) Please message me whenever you need!

ImDeadDontWakeMe July 6th, 2015

Hello. I've had anxiety for almost 7 years now. I don't really know what to do but I'm trying to fix it.

AngelWings123190 July 6th, 2015

Hello, my name is Bre. I am struggling with a situation right now but I guess I'd rather be there for others at the moment. I'm actually waiting for a one on one conversation.

But I've had anxiety and depression sinceI was 9 years old! Trust me, I've dealt with some stuff...

GGCGrizzlyGirl2015 July 7th, 2015

I'm here for you whenever you need to talk, even if I'm just a member c: I've been struggling only for about a year now, after a very traumatic experience... So i guess I've been through a lot too :p

Itsnouse July 7th, 2015

I'll do a 1 on 1 with you!

raspberryCup9811 July 6th, 2015

Hello My name is gary. And I have issues with anxiety and depression and I need help.

TranquilSkye30 July 8th, 2015

@raspberryCup9811 welcome to 7 cups, Gary! I hope you can find the help and comfort you're looking for here!

kayburns July 6th, 2015

Hello there, my name is Chiara, I'm 16 years old and I am from Italy. I suffer of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic attacks disorder and OCD. I have always known that I had something that wasn't very "normal", finally I know it.I'm searching someone who can understand me, because I feel so alone.

GoldieLox98 July 12th, 2015

Hello, it's nice to meet you :) I am also 16 and I have those same problems. I was diagnosed with OCD when I was six years old, and the obsessions/compulsions have diminished, but the anxiety and depression are still prevalent. I have social anxiety too and as a result I don't have many friends. You are not alone. There is a great book called "Imp of the Mind". It focuses on OCD and it talks about the kinds of things people with OCD deal with and how to fight it. It helped my OCD a great deal and it could help you too. I recommend you try it :) If nothing else, it will remind you that you're not alone.

FutbolShapedHeart July 7th, 2015

Hi My name is Maurisa, and I am dealing with anxiety within my life and my relationship hoping 7 Cups can help me figure out how to deal with this

Soleshams43 July 7th, 2015

Hi everyone, Im Sole and new to this just joined yesterday. I has terrible vertigo 3 years ago and thats when it all changed for me. My life, my body, my mind; everything changed. Ive developed anxiety and Ive also had a few panic attacks not major really but nevertheless hard. Havent been able to get much help from doctors so basically Ive been getting through it on my own. I feel tired and need some support.

azureThinker8199 July 8th, 2015

I just discovered 7 cups...first time here and wanted to say "hello". I've struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. I'm in my fourties and continue to struggle. I'm constantly worrying and very hard on myself and want to change that.

msgoldie326 July 10th, 2015

Hi everyone! my name is leah and i am part of the anxiety support team! being part of this team is very special to me because i have suffered with anxiety for 14 years (I am 17 years old) so i really know how hard anxiety is and how misunderstood people with anxiety are. I am here to help fellow anxiety sufferers the best i can and try to make a difference. thanks guys!

rushfan20t July 11th, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm Ant. I recently went through a breakup and started a new job, and just dealing with the anxiety of the situation. I am a shy introvert and can get feeling a bit lonely at times. I am currently seeing a counselor, and taking 12mg of Zoloft to help cope. I am doing everything I can to keep calm and relaxed. My goal is to eventually help others when I am able!

NolieOakenshield July 11th, 2015

Hi everyone, I'm Nol. I'm not quite sure how this site works yet and I'm pretty shy and pretty awful with words, but I'm here to try! I've been having issues controlling what I used to call "angry heart strings" but I now understand what is actually anxiety. There is so much more to it than that, I don't really know where to start. I guess I'm terrified of letting my emotions get the best of me, or effect my relationship with my wonderful boyfriend, Bryan. He gave me the perfect life, and I still find myself so unbearably sad. I don't know how to tell him my feelings without making him feel guilty, even if none of it is his fault.

GoldieLox98 July 12th, 2015

Hi Nol! :) I'm new here. I think you're better with words than you think. I also have a wonderful boyfriend and similar worries. He wants me to open up more to him, but I don't want him to think of me differently or feel depressed because of me. Thanks for sharing your story. It's nice to know we're not alone :)

lovelyOcean15 July 12th, 2015

Hi everyone, I am new to this community. Hope to get some useful information for myself to help my users. :) Have a nice day

TAT555 July 12th, 2015

Hi I am new here, I hope to learn from others.

GoldieLox98 July 12th, 2015

Hello everyone :) I am a 16 year old girl and I was diagnosed with OCD when I was six, but lately it's been anxiety, depression and self-esteem issues that have troubled me. I am troubled by memories from my childhood and early teen years that cause me excessive guilt. My mom says the things I feel guilt over were normal behavior, but I can't help but think that I'm a bad person because of these memories. Lately, I've been feeling unintelligent and insecure as a result. I feel like I'm not good enough for my incredibly smart boyfriend and I worry he'll break up with me to be with someone smarter. I also have body image issues, even though people tell me I'm pretty. No matter how much reassurance I receive from my peers, I can't help feeling incompetent. I hope to help others and get help myself.

Sydney July 13th, 2015

Hi friend! I'm sorry you've been in so much stress.

It's great that you're staying strong, though! AndI love that smile in your post. ^.^

Thank you for reaching out by coming here. You're very brave, no doubt.

I hope you find that others are able to help you! Never give up, you deserve as such. (:


GoldieLox98 July 15th, 2015

Hi, Sydney :) you're very kind. Thank you for reaching out for help and being supportive.

Iwannabestressfree July 12th, 2015

Hey friends. So I've been dealing withanxiety on and off for almost 5 months now. I went away to college in January, enjoyed it for awhile, visited home in February one weekend and then felt awful as soon as I came back toschool. This is where my whole story began. About a month later I withdrew for the semester can came home. Upon coming home I got a weekend job and started taking online community collegeclasses.Throughout this entire time my anxiety has come and gone, but ultimately I haven't completely shaken this thing. I was prescribed Zoloft back in February. It has kept me from falling into a depression but I haven't really noticed it help my anxiety. Thankfully I eat and sleep regularly. Still laugh, have fun, look forward to things and enjoy life from time to time, but the times I do feel bad feel crippling. Most everyone in family (siblings, parents, aunts uncles grandparents cousins) have dealt with anxiety and gotten through it. I guess it's my turn now. I recently started practicing yoga, running and lifting weights but haven't kept a consistent schedule. I'm starting school at a local college next month and I hope the routine of going to school will help with relieving some anxiety. I also take Xanax from time to time but have really only taken it 5 times when I feel panic. Please tell me what else I can do and help me in knowing that everything is going to be ok. I hate having all these negative nagging thoughts in my head that have nothing to do with who I truly am.

Lorena27 July 24th, 2015

Thanks for sharing @Iwannabestressfree :) Looks like you're motivated to get better with all that you've been working on. I've found working out very helpful in dealing with social anxiety, I know it can be hard to keep with a set schedule but as long as you do a bit every once in a while you should hopefully feel some benefits.

I also find mindfulness meditation helpful in dealing with anxiety, it helps me see that I am not my thoughts or emotions, because it helps me observe them from a distance so to speak. It also helps with my focus. With my social anxiety I find myself getting lost in thoughts about what others might be thinking about me, and this practice has helped me focus more on living in the moment, like focusing on what people are saying when I talk to them, instead of me constantly getting distracted to try to see the people around us and "predict" what they are thinking about me.

Stay strong and sending love your way <3

charmingLand3154 July 13th, 2015

Hi evryone my names Clarissa I am her to learn not to worry about the future and to be grateful and happy for the things i have in the present

Jack1960 July 15th, 2015

Hello everyone. I'm actually not sure how much I 'belong' here as I have not been formally diagnosed by a doctor yet, with anxiety. I'm almost 90% sure I have it though, most likely social anxiety.

So here's hoping I get a diagnoses and the help I need soon! yes

secretPapaya1053 July 20th, 2015

i feel exactly the same to be honest

GothTanya1 July 15th, 2015

Hi I am Tanya i suffer from anxiety for several years now I struggle to cope with my anxiety.