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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

creativeLion138 February 26th, 2015

Hello Everyone , My name is Cheyenne and I have dealt with anxiety !!! For an ongoing time ! Anxiety started with change and problems at home ! At one point my anxiety was soo bad that I selfharmed . I was nearly a month clean but due to stress at home I relapsed today ... I'm not proud of it ! But im gonna keep going and trying to be clean ! Stay strong everyone <3 with love creativelion138

juliennejupiter February 26th, 2015

Hi my name is julienne. I deal with every kind of anxiety in the book. My parents had to put me on home studies it got so bad. I cant take medication. The last time they put me on it i tried to overdose so im all on my own. Itd be nice to find someone who understands what its like to have this toxic constant need to panic woven into their dna, as i never have met anyone who understands it. That's why ive decided to post here.

quietTriangle8646 February 26th, 2015

I have anxiety too

polarbearhugs February 27th, 2015

Hi everyone, my name is Polar and I suffer from an anxiety/panic disorder which is 100% not fun at all. It stops me from doing a lot of things I want to do, like meeting up with friends or doing skype calls, but I'm slowly learning to over come it.

Like just last saturday I went out into town and met up with friends. It took a lot of courage but I made it and had a great time. And just today I called up my college to ask a question about my interview, which I have on tuesday(im super duper stressed about it but that's a whole other can of worms)

But yeah, my parents don't think anxiety is real so thats pretty tough and I don't feel able to talk about it with friends so it's pretty hard but I'm trucking on through it.

nightflowerw February 28th, 2015

Hello! My name is nightflowerw. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I have suffered on and off for years. My most recent experience with panic has been much more difficult for me.

I have been dealing with the physical symptoms for about a month now. I really just need someone to talk to, that understands what I am dealing with, and will help me figure out how to cope.

I am grateful for this site and the ability to reach out to others that are dealing with the same feelings that I am dealing with.

AmericanPie February 28th, 2015

I posted something exiety related in a different post thread. Lately, my job has been overwhelming and my social anxiety is causing me to act out. I feel overwhelmed- over stimulated, I say things I don't mean to say, and then I crash. As I said in my previous post, I'm glad that students and coworkers enjoyed hanging around my work area with me, but sometimes it's just too much. I would love to talk to anyone who is having a similar experience.

quietTriangle8646 February 28th, 2015

I am

Jenna March 5th, 2015

Want to *bump* this is up for more to be able to see and join usheart

music4u25 March 5th, 2015

hello i been diagose with GAD/ panic disorder among with low grade depression and ptsd back in 2011.The GAD and panic disorder are what stands out the most. within the past year i have experience bad panic attacks which land me in the hospital couple of times. i am waiting for health insurance so i been off my meds since January. im never going to stop battling until i overcome but sometimes its so hard to bear. i hope i can find people to relate to and are like minded.

AnimalsAndAnxiety March 6th, 2015

hi! I am 22, female and have been suffering from anxiety most of my life. Very severe anxiety at that. It effects everything I do anddefanitlyhinders my quality of life. I have been through a variety of medications but am at the point to where the side effects don't weigh out the help so now I just have Xanax as needed. I am ready to change my negative thinking to positive and over take my Anxiety. I just don't know where to start.

music4u25 March 6th, 2015

thats how i am. i dont know where to start either to think positive and not all negitive.

Alwaysdreamin March 8th, 2015

I am so happy that this group is here. I am a member and a listener and I struggle with generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression, and ADD. The biggest issue being constant anxiety. I am so glad that we have a place to talk and support each other. I will talk with you soon on the chat forum.

Alwaysdreamin March 8th, 2015

Welcome everyone. I am so excited that this group is here. I am a member and a listener and I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. I know that we will support and listen to each other. I look forward to meeting you again in the chat room very soon.

creativeLion138 March 11th, 2015

Last Tuesday I had a panic attack ! I have panic attacks regularly and had been a more occurrence at school . I'm no longer at school but anxiety still occurs within when at home which has heightened . I really don't know how to be happy and not be anxious etc.) is their anymore who can give me basic tips on how to manage my anxiety ?

Matria March 17th, 2015

To keep my anxiety in check I remind myself that no one ever dies of anxiety. If I have an attack I think "Well this sucks, but it won't kill me." Generally realizing I'm going to be okay is enough to lower the intensity.

Roadie March 17th, 2015

Thank you for sharing that @Matria.. I really appreciate it because it's something that all of us can get some value out of (including myself!)

CloseEnoughToNormal March 24th, 2015

I haven't been able to try this myself yet, but I have heard from some people that it's nice to imagine your anxiety as a separate person you need to calm down. It's easier to stay calm in a situation where you need to be keeping someone else calm. I don't know for sure that it actually works, but I know I'm going to try it next time I feel an attack coming on.

Ri1993 March 18th, 2015

Hi my name is Rianne and I have depression and I'm really paranoid. Somethimes Im really scared to go outside. I also got bullied and have a lot of people in my beighbours who think im weird or ugly and telling me that. I'm always affraid that I bump into one of them. Im really insecure about myself. I am always thinking that people lie to me, that they don';t like me, that they are talking about me or laughing about me. That people think i am stupid or dumb. I am always busy with what other people think. I am affraidf that I annoy my bestfriend with my problems.. my parents already seem annoyed. my mother sighs when I say that im not feeling well.. my dad is somethimes supportive.. but one time I had a happy day and he said life isnt only about happy things and I was like hell yeah thank that it's not like I don't know thayt since im suffering from depression and anxiety. the meds im taking arent helping me at all... but I decided to try daytherapie and have a talk with them this friday... does anybody feel like talking? i'm feeling like shit.. oh and sorry for my english it isn't my first language..

Roadie March 18th, 2015

Hi @Ri1993

Talking is just what we do here :) On a serious note, I'm sure that there are a lot of members and listeners here who have experienced similar things to yourself. It must be incredibly hard for you :( We have 1-on-1 listener chats, group support chats, and as you've found, the forums which are less instant but you can peruse the experiences of so many people at your leisure. :)

gabutterfly March 19th, 2015

Hey! I'm Gabby and I'm a pretty new listener. I love this place because you can talk about your feelings without being judged. I've had severe GAD, panic disorder, and derm for 5 years. I've recovered so much over the past year, and I wanted to begin helping others, and its actually really beneficial for me! Please come to me if you want to talk about your problems with anxiety and panic attacks, because trust me, I've been there. <3

pluckyEyes2216 March 20th, 2015

Hi, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and have recently been feeling absolutely awful the past few months.

My stepfather committed suicide a year and a half ago and six months later, my mother attempted. I am terrified of suicide, but I keep getting these thoughts like I will end up doing it because I'm "predisposed". I don't want to end up doing something like that. I just want to be happy and live a long, healthy life. These thoughts eat at me and caused me to have a panic attack in January.

I also have a lot of insecurities and guilt. I think I'm a terrible person a lot of the time and I don't know how to fix that.

SPNFamilyForever March 24th, 2015

Hismiley My name is Sanja. I'm suffering from depression, anxiety and I self harm even though I'm doing my best to stop. No one was understanding before and I really needed help. So I found this page and I talked to some listeners. Thanks to them, I'm now getting help in school too. My school counselor knows about my problems and she helps me but she is not the only one. My class master and my PE teacher are helping me too and thanks to my PE teacher I haven't been self harming lately. I'm really happy I found help and I want everyone to know that if you're in some place very dark you can't see the light and if it seems that there's no way out, believe me I've been there but I'm not there anymore. There is always a way out. There is always help, you just have to be brave enough to find it. It can seem weird at first but it will become better and better soon. Trust me. Like I said, I've been there but I found help, a hand that pulled me out of that place. I want you to find that hand. Why? Because you're awesome and you deserve help and beautiful life.smiley

NativeElder March 26th, 2015

Hi...I'm NativeElder with ties to the Cherokee NAtion...I love exploring my roots, learning more of the Cherokee way and custom brought me into how I encounter the Great Creator, and how I see all things happen for a reason...from the most mundane to the exciting! Everything we touch has an impact on something else in this world...see much, listen well, and speak rarely so you will be in tune with Creator God...leave no imprint in any place you spend a night or two, and always give Great Creator thanks for another day to live and love much, laugh often, and give every day.

Roadie March 27th, 2015

Hi @NativeElder

Your culture has so much in common with my culture.. I respect your culture a lot so thank you for sharing a little today :)

Kat9292 March 28th, 2015

Hi,my name is Karen and I have really bad test anxiety. I've tryed everything from mediation to taking natural pills to calm my anxiety. Is there another way to control test anxiety?

Roadie April 11th, 2015

Hi @Kat9292

When I was going through my exams, I always stuck to patterns. So I would have a checklist of what I needed to achieve day by day by day in the lead up to an exam/test. And on the day I would have a relaxation routine.

For me, it was going to a coffee shop on my own and just chill out for an hour on one of their sofas and take in the atmosphere. It was really calming and relaxing for me.

During the exam, I would spend a long time on mindfulness and breathing control. If you've not heard of these things then I'm sure that they're in the self help guide here.

So between those things, it always helped with my test anxiety. Didn't help as much with my ability to pass the test but allowed me to stay in control.

orangePenny9659 March 28th, 2015

Hi, I'm Nina and I think I have anxiety issues. I worry about what people think of me, go through my previous conversations over and over in my head to see if I had hurt someone. I get severe headaches because of anxiety (I think so!) and these headaches can get to the point that it pains so much sometimes I wana scream (I screamed in the shower oncesad ).

Basically I would like to get these things out of my head, grow much stronger and be confident. Thanks guys! :)

Roadie April 11th, 2015

Welcome @orangePenny9659

The conversational beat-ups are a common thing for me also. I had real difficulty the other day when I cracked a joke and I wondered if it had offended someone somehow. I was in struggle town trying to control my brain and stop from going over that moment again and again.

The reason it's a bad thing to go over is that - at the end of the day - I can't go back in time and change it so why stress so much about it. That rationalisation however doesn't change those emotive thoughts however.

I really hear you on this one.

On a side note, are you aware of the Test Anxiety self help guide? The link follows :)

HelloThereWonderful97 March 29th, 2015

Hi everyone :) I am both a listener and member here on 7 cups of tea and I suffer from Genralised Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. If anyone ever wants to chat about anxiety and ways of dealing with it, I am more than willing :) I only know one other person personally in my life who has suffered a panic attack, and thus I love the idea of support communities such as this one - it makes one feel far less alone in one's suffering.

gentlePear2302 March 29th, 2015

Hi everyone, I struggle with anxiety, and I'm currently in the process of figuring out how to tell my mom... My guidance counselor and my dad know but I'm really scared of telling my mom since she often makes it worse for me. I often have a really hard time being motivated enough to do things that I need to do which irritates her, causing her to get upset with me. If anyone has any tips on how to tell parents, that would be greatly appreciated.

musicmaniac March 30th, 2015

Hi @gentlePear2302 Telling parents is so hard but worth it. I told my parents last week and now I'm starting therapy tomorrow which is what I wanted. Sometimes it's easier to just come right out and say it, or you could maybe have your dad talk with her about it. We are here for you.

Skeptigirl March 30th, 2015

I do not suffer from axiety that is terrible but it is the best friend of my depression and always lurks in the back of my mind and robs my life of its goodness. When my depression gets better, the anxiety still haunts me and I feel stressed about everything, just a little, and feel like I can never completely relax. There is always something I need to do and I am not doing it.

Cinnamon March 31st, 2015

Greetings Everyone! While I am currently battling a bad bout of major/clinical depression and am usually in the depression group support room, the core issue behind the scenes is Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am going to keep trying to go to the Anxiety Group Support Room and hopefully someone will offer me a "hello". I am also going to come to the PTSD forum and the Stress Support Forum more often.
It is difficult for me to write because I am very critical of my writing and unless I tell myself "just write and don't worry," I will spend way too much time finding exactly the correct to write.
Due to my PTSD, I live with major panic attacks, flashbacks, and several other anxiety related "symptoms." I definitely understand how difficult it can be.
I really want to get to know people here and in the Anxiety Group Support Room. Hopefully I will just go sometime whether someone acknowledges me or not, hang out, be mindful of my thoughts, and not let my emotions overwhelm me into a panic. It would mean SO much to me!
You are all so brave and I really want to get to know you.

Grungetrash March 31st, 2015

Hi my name is Maddy and I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorder and it's been ruining my life.

katerina0920 March 31st, 2015

Hello! I am suffering from anxiety, but I am going fine on dealing with it. One thing I've learnt is that I have to face anxious situations, not run away from them. And this has helped me very much!

Roadie April 11th, 2015

Hi @katerina0920

Thank you for sharing that. I often find that when I reflect during those times when my anxiety levels are rising again, it's because I'm hiding or running away from those situations again. Good observation :)

SoulMoon28 March 31st, 2015

Hello everyone! I have delt with ( I dont likebto say suffer, because learning to cope has made me better not wrose!) with panic attacts, generalized anxiety for 10 plus years. Due to my job as a paramedic, I have tons of training in this area including postramatic stress, baby blues and so much more. I am glad to be here...and put some of my knowledge to go use.

dynamicLion8885 March 31st, 2015

Hello, all. I have experienced depression, ADHD (inattentive type), and most recently, recurring panic attacks. I have had trouble maintaining a steady job for more than eight months and have found it difficult to support myself while almost falling apart daily. I have learned, though, that the sun has a daily habit of still rising and with some perseverance, I will to. I had to resign from one call center job a few weeks ago, leaving behind wonderful friends and coworkers, and the best set of management and trainers I've ever had.

SaraBeth March 31st, 2015

Greeting fellow 7 Cuppers! My name is SaraBeth and I am both a member and a listener. I found this wonderful site after being hospitalized as a result of my Bipolar II Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. I felt very alone, even with my wonderful support system, and upon the suggestion of therapist, I found a community where I could find people with whom I could share my thoughts, feelings and story. Now here I am, surrounded by so many people who have so much to give.

While I've experiencedmy illnessesfor many years, the diagnoses are new and I am still learning how to manage them to allow myself to live a life worth living. I have great days and challenging days just as anyone else does. I am most challenged by my depression and my anxiety, but being on meds, seeing a therapist and practicing self-care has helped me achieve some short-term goals.

JenniferLou April 2nd, 2015

Hi everyone, this app is a little confusing! So many areas and threads and so on! This is my first time logging in, and today I'm just looking around. I have suffered with anxiety for around 15 years now, and am always looking for new ways to deal with it, so fingers crossed I'll find something helpful here!

Good luck to everyone, sending lots of positive vibes :)