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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

cdb88 August 14th, 2017

Hey guys

Im new to 7cups! I ve been dealing with trust issues my entire life due to some hard life experiences, but its really started to take a toll in the last couple years. It s beginning to effect my life a lot, and I want to be able to be trust people again, form real connections, and also just trust in myself as well and my own decisions. But i m so freaked out, I think that people are untrustworthy and opening myself up with just lead to more pain and I can t handle anymore weight on my heart anymore. But its gotten to the point where I am nervous in normal conversation with people and I have never been a shy person. I hope here on 7 cups I can gain some insight and tools on how to deal with this problem so I can move on with my life.

Thanks everyone!

youwillfindaway August 14th, 2017

Hey! I'm a fairly new listener here at 7 cups (its been about 2 weeks), and I've just started the 7 cups internship. I'm loving my experience so far, and these threads seem to be a good way to get your voice out there.

I chose the Anxiety subcommunity because I face anxiety myself and so it's what I know most about. I want to help people and also be able to relate to them.

galfromaway August 14th, 2017

hi there. long time lurker (ok, a year now), first introduction. i've been struggling with anxiety since i was diagnosed with GAD in 2001/02. Have done counseling off and on, and keep gradually working on mindfulness techniques. have been going through some ch with my anxiety where it's manifesting as anger, and am really having a tough time re-grounding myself.

CallMeXeno August 15th, 2017

Hey... I'm Xeno(as my name says, i know, creative, right).

I've never been diagnosed with anxiety, but I have low level panic attacks a lot. I can't sleep, being around certain people makes me panic(which sucks because one of them is in almost every one of my classes and its hard to concentrate), and I feel nervous and jumpy all the time. I have... This knot in my stomach... I've had it on and off since my grandma passed on many years ago and I was first introduced to what death really was. Its been getting worse and I miss sleeping easily. So I joined this website, and hopefully I can get the courage to talk to someone about it soon. Small steps. Anyways... Yeah.


IDunnoRick August 15th, 2017

Hi, new here obviously...

My experience with my anxiety hasn't been my greatest life experience, obviously. I hope to improve and get better. My sophomore year in high school starts tomorrow and it's scary. I don't know what I'm going to do or how things will turn out. I want to be happy in school and anxiety limits me a ton. I feel trapped.

dzima August 15th, 2017

Hi, my life is changing.

Just began seeing a psychiatrist and being treated for OCD and Bipolar. Not diagnosed yet, but Im pretty certain about OCD. All my life I suffered intrusive thoughts and believe Im a bad person for having them. Im superstitious despite having acquired an education, like having thoughts people are talking about me behind my back when I hear ringing in my ears. Tend to believe people dislike me and this causes me anxiety and social awkwardness. And I have phobias of smelling bad, getting too fat and losing friends. I have distressing thoughts and fears that I am a narcissist who needs to keep himself in check. Anyway, thank you for taking the time and reading this.

MegZam34 August 15th, 2017

@dzima Your seeking out someone to talk to! That right there is a huge step. I think we all suffer from insecurities and trust me, i know what you mean by people talking about you behind your back. I live in a 3rd world country (from USA) where I dont speak the language yet and I am the only white person, so I stick out and EVERYONE knows my business and wants to share their opinion about it.....with everyone.

Just remember, your not alone. We all have these thoughts, just some people hide it better and dont ever talk about it. I think your doing great by just recongizing that something is changing :)

Mablue August 15th, 2017

Hey everyone. I've had anxiety for about 10 years now (I'm 20 years old). It provocks depression too and it's very tiring. Usually it happens every few months or so, and it makes me worried about pretty much everything that could kill me without leaving me a chance to fight. To most people it's normal and everybody feels the same, but they're able to accept they can't control everything, and it's something I'm struggling to learn. I'll do my best though.

MegZam34 August 15th, 2017

Hi Everyone! Just joined 7 cups yesterday. I have been noticing lately that I have been short tempered, quick to react, and honestly just negative about everything lately. My head feels like there are a 1,000 thoughts going on, so no single thought or situation is ever being taken care of. Im under a lot of stress, just in my daily life. I am trying to see where I can find peace again and try to stable my emotions and negativity. Its nice to meet everyone :)

larsuck August 16th, 2017

Greetings. I'm John and have had anxiety and panic issues for almost ten years now. Recently, a doctor prescribed and SSRI (Zoloft) to which I had a very bad reaction. Now my anxiety is many times worse than it ever was, and is constant rather than intermittent.

I am searching for others who may have had a similar experience and how they dealt with it. However, I am new to this site and these forums so I am not sure about how to go about searching. Any help would be appreciated.

be well,


writecolorread August 17th, 2017

Hello, everyone! I'm not new on 7 Cups, but I am new to the anxiety forum. I have had anxiety about random things from a young age, but only recently have I found out what it was. My anxeity manifests, usually, as anger and more recently panic attacks related to health issues. I'm currently using deep breathing to control my attacks (which only really occur 2 weeks before my period, same with my outbursts of temper.) but I would like to train my brain to not freak out.

Anxietygirl123 August 17th, 2017

Heyy! My name is Lucy and I'm 14 years old I'm in my third year of high school (year 10) as I suffer with social anxiety and a anxiety disorder. One of my main symptoms is urgency which makes me go to the toliet a lot it's horrible because last year everyone used to bully me about and I'm really scared to go back I'm September does anyone else have this problem? and is there anyway to make it better ? Or even better go?

OvrThinkr August 18th, 2017

Well, I just found out that my anxiety is probably connected to my recent diagnosis of celiac disease. Living life gluten free has been easier than I thought it would be. I've struggled with my health and anxiety issues since I was about 7. I am new to the idea of online support groups, and I didn't even know they were this dynamic until just recently. I am excited to try it out. Luckly I am not in at a low point starting out on here, and I hope to keep my head above water during my next semester in college. I do believe this could help me stay motivated and postivie this semester.

I'd love to meet some individuals that can relate or may just want to chat about life :)

ingenioussunshine26 August 18th, 2017

I have a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiey Disorder, . I fear not being able to make decisions like when to prioritize my time. I get stressed out and i fear I am not in control. If I have worry in the back of my mind all the time, it is so difficult to manage my Anxiety. When something stressful is controlling me I can't eat. I have to have my problems resolved through communication to resolve my issues then the Anxiety lessens. I don't always have Anxiety just now and it is worsing.

HumbleWriter August 22nd, 2017

Hey, I decided to get back to 7cups now that school starts again and I'm getting a bit nervous about that. I was diagnosed with a psychosis and from time to time I can feel anxieties coming on. I'm glad to talk to people who are enduring things like I am and hope I can get better with time.

friendlyOcean26 August 23rd, 2017

@HumbleWriter Hi, you really are doing the best you can and I'm glad to hear your conversations with others going through the same things are beneficial to you. I wish you all the best 😃👍

tjb28 August 22nd, 2017

Hi my names tammie I'm a listener here on 7 cups of tea

alices2910 August 23rd, 2017

hi i am new here trying to deal with my depression and anxiety to make myself better for someone else

friendlyOcean26 August 23rd, 2017

@alices2910 Welcome to 7 Cups! I'm so glad to hear you've taken the first step towards managing your depression and anxiety and you really are on your way to getting over it. You should be so proud of yourself. 😃❤️

AKewlListener August 24th, 2017

Hello, everybody. My name is Nick, and I never had much anxiety throughout my life. Recently I have this growing nervousity that has really taken over me, for I am beginning to start 11th grade. I am pretty excited to support other people with their anxiety because I know now it could affect your day to day life.

KimKellerMA August 24th, 2017

Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop in here and introduce myself! My name is Kim Keller and I am a therpaist here at 7 Cups. I wanted to be a support to all of you in this group! I hope you are all having a great day! :)

Letsstopthiapanic1183 August 25th, 2017

Hi it's my first post on any forum I've never join anything before but I'm hopeful this may help to talk to others going through them same feelings as myself. I started getting panic attacks after a radical hysterectomy in march of 2014 they started really soon after my op and totally floored me. I didn't have a very good time whilst having my op I should have been in theatre for an hour and a half and I was actually in theatre for 8 hours. I had to have 3 blood transfusion and for a couple of days it was touch and go weather I'd make it or not. This together with hormone replacement is why I think they started. Mine aren't triggered by thoughts I don't think I'm going to die I no I'm having a panic attack I just hate the way the make me feel. I'm sure I make them worse because I just want them to be over as I hate feeling scared and afraid pins and needles all over sweating shaking etc. I hate the fact they control me and I'm not in control of my own mind when I have a really strong attack I want to be able to control them. I'm on a waiting list to see a therapist got an appointment this morning for middle of September which at the moment feels a life time away. So this is why I decided to look for a internet group who understand what I'm going though and could maybe help by suggesting things to help control my panic attacks I haven't thought off myself.

itsJill August 25th, 2017

Hello everyone! I'm Jill and it's been a month since I joined 7 cups of tea and I'm so glad that I found our beloved community. A few days ago, I decided to join the Anxiety Support Community in order to express my own point of view about the topic itself and also, to give some advice and suggestions to our fellow members who also joined the said community. :)

affectionateCamp5371 August 26th, 2017

Hi my name is Sarah and lately my anxiety is reaching a high point , and can't do it alone anymore .

Peasant18 August 26th, 2017

Hello. I am a teen girl. I'm here looking for support, and hopefully to help others out in the future.

allisleaf August 30th, 2017

Hi, I'm Melanie. I have always been a worry wart but lately my anxiety has been out of control. I check every room in the house when i get home to make sure noone is there and still freak out about every little noise and i've been having physical sympoms now 0.0

Longing4peace August 31st, 2017

Hi everyone.

I'm fairly new to 7 cups but unfortunately not new to anxiety. I am reaching out here as most of my family and friends have given up on me as they don't understand.

I find anxiety completely exhausts me and I'm so tired all of the time. My latest trigger for panic attacks is my kids fighting. This is a new trigger for me and it's really hard as they really need me and I just can't deal.

MaryBettencourtLCSW September 20th, 2017


our triggers are always painful, and they take us to our most vulnerable and scary places just by definition. To have your trigger be your children fighting must be heart breaking as a mother. Their arguing is commonplace, it's part of sibling hood, toddlerhood, tweenhood, the teenage years and so it becomes a space for you to challenge yourself and your trigger so that you don't end up disconnected from the people you love more than anything else in this world. You are in the right place here at seven cups to find the support you need around this. Welcome to our community.

Longing4peace September 20th, 2017


thanks Mary! It's definitely confusing me coz I've been a mum for most of a decade (not quite) and the squabbles haven't really bothered me up until this point!

akanksha92 September 14th, 2017

Hello, i am from India. I am a socially anxious person of the extreme level. I used to avoid people initially, infact I have avoided people my whole life because I get anxious whenever it comes to facing people, talking to them, socializing. I really don't know how to get out of this. It is affecting my life, most of all my career. Whenever I go for a job interview this anxiety takes over me and everything just goes negatively for me. I really can't understand how to help myself. I get nervous in front of people so I just stopped talking to them or going out even with my friends. Nowadays I feel will I never be able to come out of this situation? will I ever be able to achieve anything in my life?

indigoWillow2346 September 19th, 2017

Hey everyone.

I'm 22 from the USA and pretty new to 7cups. I joined because I know I need help and can't do this alone anymore. Lately my anxiety has reached new heights and is keeping me from enjoying life. I'm scared and almost unable to go about my life as normal. So I'm here to take the first steps to overcome this fear and get back to something more normal!

MaryBettencourtLCSW September 20th, 2017


Welcome, indigo. I for one am so relieved you are here. You're in the exact right place to find warm and compassionate support in your battle with anxiety. What you are experiencing is normal and you don't have to go through this alone. None of us should. So take some time to settle in, write as much as you can and connect with others. Holding you in mind!

Cld4x September 21st, 2017

Hi, I'm Chaya. I'm 20 from the UK. I'm new to 7 cups but really want to try it out and see if I can learn anything from it. I suffer from pretty severe general anxiety. I've been struggling with this for 4 years now. I've tried everything; many antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds - I'm currently on Sertraline..., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, mindfulness etc. I feel like I can't get a grip and I just need that little bit of extra support I guess. So here goes...

MaryBettencourtLCSW September 21st, 2017


Welcome to Seven Cups! You have so many great skills and training in your repertoire already, and here I think you'll find a really great group of people who can help you expand on that, implement it during very difficult moments, and to enhance your support network to manage a very difficult, isolating, and lonely disease. We're certainly glad you're here! Holding you in mind.

Kellianne September 21st, 2017

Hello my name is Kelli, I am so glad I recently found 7 cups as it is making get out of my comfort zone, I normally don't like to talk about my feelings so this is different. I've been having a tough year and my anxiety is out of control; I recently switched colleges and quit my job so I'm very anxious. My doctor has started me on anxiety pills and hopefully, along with the support from 7 cups, I'll be able to be alittle better. Thanks for listening. :)

beautifulPudding72 October 15th, 2017

Hello To The Anxiety Community!!

I'm beautifulPudding72! I know anxiety can be an intense emotion / feeling, I experience it myself. I'm grateful that we have this community here on 7 Cups to virtually talk to each other whenever one of us needs the other. Wishing you all the best! :)

Vahall8282 October 17th, 2017
. name is Ginger and it's good to know I'm not alone

Burberry October 18th, 2017

Hi I am Kevin and I want to help and be a part of this community. I have social anxiety

creativeThinker1004 October 18th, 2017

Hi all,

New to the app and the forum but definitely not new to crushing amounts of anxiety and major depression. I

NYCPenguin93 October 18th, 2017

Hi All.

I've always lived with anxiety. I went to counseling in college and thought I had it under control for the past couple years. My life has changed a lot this summer, though, including moving in with my girlfriend. (We were together over a year before we did this.) I love her a lot, but having to handle what are mostly standard relationship issues has begun to really spike my anxiety again. I am. I look forward to meeting some/all of you!