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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

Henajram595220 July 30th, 2017

Hi I am new here. Just want you to know that uhm in my living no one really notice my anxiety. They misunderstood it as . just being dramatic or seeking attention so i never told anyone. I never show any signs. I rarely open about it but i always listen and try to be better.

amusingPark7294 August 2nd, 2017

@Henajram595220б it'll get better, I promise.

laus July 30th, 2017

Hi! I'm Laura. Not sure how to introduce myself here. I've been struggling with anxiety for the last month and it's been pretty bad again. It was already that bad years ago, but I thought I was over it.. I hope i can make some friends maybe!

sammull19 July 31st, 2017

Hello! I'm Sam and I have struggled with anxiety most of my life, as well as being bipolar. My family doesn't have enough money to pay for counseling or anything and I don't want to burden my friends. I hope I can find someone to talk to about my issues and life :)

Jaeteuk August 2nd, 2017

Hello Everyone,

Just a brief introduction to my anxiety levels. Certain habits begin to surface when I feel anxious. Whether it be consciously or subconsciously. If I had grown out my hair, I'd literally pull my hair out. And then the OCD part of me kicks in afterwards. As I usually pull it while in bed. I would start counting how many strands I've pulled out.

Right now, I think I'm subconsciously anxious. As I'm peeling the skin from my fingers, sometimes to the point where it bleeds. Then, I would purposely try to squeeze out as much blood as possible. I'm in the first week of a transition of a new job. Same company, bit different hours and different job. I like it so far, I think. Time goes by quicker and I feel much more accomplished.

There's more to my anxiety. But I'm writing this before I need to leave for work. So, can't say much more, as I need to quickly eat my breakfast in 10 minutes.

Thank you for taking your time to read this!


pitirre August 3rd, 2017


i totally get you when my anxiety gets bad i hair pull my eyebrows and lashes. i obligate myself to have a manicure to avoid skin pulling but if i do i dont draw blood, it would make me faint b/c im afraid of blood. my ocd kicks in when i feel uncomfortable with certain situations or with certain clothes i wear because i had self-acceptance issues for a long time.

gonzo6 August 2nd, 2017

Hi! I'm Gonzo. This is my first time in the Anxiety Community so just saying hi.

onetwothree12345 August 2nd, 2017

Hello everyone. My name is Jo and I have anxiety sometimes. I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this thread. Joining this group really motivates me to take initiative of my anxiety, and work towards change.

pitirre August 3rd, 2017

hi im new here

i've been diagnosed with generalized and social anxiety since last year. well i really had it since forever i just decided to recognize it and to do something about it since last year. my anciety mainly comes from my lack of trust in people and introversion. im trying to get myself out of comfort zones to be more social with larger groups of people. ive managed being myself with a small group of people.

SpiritBear123 August 3rd, 2017

@pitirre I have anxiety and depression and I isolate myself alot too, but I'm not really sure why. Being comfortable in a small group is a great start!! Maybe you don't need to put yourself in situations where there are large groups of people very often.

pitirre August 3rd, 2017


true that might be an option because medium size group dont cause me that much anxiety.

also, strangely enough, my anxiety is over large groups that i dont know anyone or those i dont have any control over. if at least i know someone in the large group it eases my anxiety. also i give alot of conferences to large groups but like i said it is a large group i have control over so it doesn't give me anxiety

independentSugar3335 August 8th, 2017

I'm new here. I suffer from depression and anxiety. My marriage feels like it's falling apart. I just had a heart attack six weeks ago. My husband seems more mean now then before the attack. He pays more attention to his bird. Crazy right. I'm so alone

SpiritBear123 August 3rd, 2017

Hello! My anxiety is really bad when I wake up in the mornings and causes me alot of physical distress. I hope this isn't too much info but i wake up and have diarrhea and start gagging like I'm about to throw up (sometimes I throw up, sometimes it's just gagging). I feel so so nauseous, and it makes me not want to eat anything. When I don't eat, I get dizzy which makes me more anxious. Does anyone else have physical anxiety symptoms? Or ideas for how to make this better? (I'm already on an anti-anxiety med). Thank you in advance for any support or advice!

– Sophie

midori226rednorth August 5th, 2017

Hello, I'm midori (an alias)... I've lived with anxiety and chronic depression for now 9 years. I feel like I'm letting myself down and doing the same to my partner and friends. I'm trying to get better and any advices are always welcome.

Stressportfolio August 5th, 2017

Hi, I'm B. I'm not really sure what to say. I have been having what seem to me to be panic attacks the past few weeks after things go south at work. I've always been "high strung" but this recent times are making me not able to function.

Happy to meet everyone.

highwallsofheart August 6th, 2017

Hi,I'm İrem.19 year old university student from Turkey.

I feel anxious all the time from the moment I know myself.There are many reasons for it that I know but this is too hard to deal with it alone.

I think I am a complete introvert because I feel uncomfortable around people.I'm not diagnosed but I believe I have something.I mean I don't know the name but I feel.I'm not diagnosed because I don't know how to express what's inside my mind.I also have physical symptoms like shaking or crying uncontrollably.I tried to get help from a psychologist but it didn't work because I couldn't tell anything to her without crying and lost my courage to try again.

I still fighting with it.Few people listen and understand but the most difficult part is the only person who fix these problems is me.Not anybody else.They can just help but I am the one who must change it.

Writing is easier I think.I want to write this site as frequent as possible.I want to share my feelings to people who wants to help me.If there is someone,of course.

brightPeace85 August 6th, 2017

hi i am a new likstenner here i want to learn more about menaging anxiety

Ali103 August 6th, 2017

I've never done anything like this but being on here makes me feel less alone. I've never seen a group of people together like this it's really inspiring to see all these people trying.heart

Alpha0210 August 7th, 2017

Hi i'm Pamela, i don't know how to begin. I had anxiety a few years before but because some problems, this came back this year. Thanks for read Sonriente

helpfulbit August 7th, 2017

Hello everyone! I'm new to the Anxiety Support Community here on 7 Cups and are looking forward to being apart of it, I'd like to share a quote with you all if you're feeling anxious at the moment, "Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace." -Randy Armstrong. I hope you have a fantastic day! 🙂

singingslytherin August 7th, 2017

My name is Faith and I don't have any sort of anxiety diagnosis, but I deal with a lot of worry and am generally anxious a lot of the time. I'm hoping to be able to go to a counselor in the near future in order to address that and maybe possibly get a better perspective as to why I feel so anxious all of the time.

Alpha0210 August 8th, 2017

I'm sorry, i can't more. Thanks for everything seven cups.

Actrop August 8th, 2017

My name is Ana, I'm 20 and I've developed Generalized Anxiety Disorder during my early teenage years, but only good aware recently. Joined 7cups a couple of days ago as a way to help me in this path through healing and so far I've already learned a few things about me that never hit me before. I am joining this community in hopes of learning more to heal better. Nice to meet you all!

bestMango8273 August 8th, 2017


I have a lot of anxiety about social relationships and my dynamic with other people. I have anxiety about my self value, and the meaning of my life. I just want to talk to someone who can help me understand what I feel, and who understands what I am going through myself.

Hope to meet some great people.

understandingHuman1470 August 8th, 2017

Hi, I am new here, I have experienced anxiety for as long as I can remember. I seriously need help because it will destroy everything if I don't change things soon. I am just too scared and confused about where to start.

goldenSpring51 August 9th, 2017

Hi I'm Samantha and I'm new on here I'm about to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Zockorion August 9th, 2017

I'm new here got slot of anxiety problems at the minute not winning at all .

Marshmallow16 August 11th, 2017

I'm new here I just need relief from anxiety depression stress and am thinking about a breakup

I need help

Vanessa91 August 11th, 2017

Hii,I'm Vanessa.I'm here for everyone ,if you just need anything you can come to talk to me,I will always give you the best advice and cheer you up,cause I've suffered a lot and been into so much and I really know how does it feel to be in your place. All the love.

plumWalker3542 August 11th, 2017

Hey everyone! I'm new here on 7cups. I'm never the one to open up to others so since it's to hard for me to talk about things I thought that maybe writing about them on here might help. I've never been to councelling or officially been diagnosed with anything, but I feel like I have some sort of generalized anxiety and some phobias.

gregariousMango8490 August 11th, 2017

@plumWalker3542 hey! how have you been? i think it's harder to actually think about what you might have. Maybe talking what triggers you and how you react to them might help you. it helps me when i review mine in my head. i think you try with all your might afterwards to not let that happen again. So what has been going on with you?

plumWalker3542 August 12th, 2017


Hey! Aw, thanks for the reply! I think there's lots of things that trigger me because I am so afraid of judgement. So basically everytime I leave my house I feel anxious since anyone could judge me for the way I look, the way I'm dressed, etc. When I have a set routine (ex. like during the school year), I'm less anxious about that stuff since I see the same people all the time. Also I have emetophobia (fear of vomit) so that also causes me a bit of anxiety everytime I leave the house because I can't control other people, so there's nothing I can do and I can't predict if someone is going to feel sick and throw up. I know all my fears are completely irrational...but I don't know how to stop my mind!

Lauralisten August 17th, 2017


Hi there! I also suffer from anxiety and emetophobia. If you ever want to chat, just drop me a line :)

gregariousMango8490 August 11th, 2017

hi! i'm new. i really don't know how or who to open up to. lol a littlle help would be really appreciated. really glad to be a part of this community

sunshinesarah89 August 11th, 2017


Feel free to open up to me! ❤️

florenceelsie August 11th, 2017

Hi, i'm new here. I have had anxiety for nearly a year now and it has really strained my friendships however I chatted with them today and we're basically having a fresh start and thats why i'm here and doing something about it. My rants and worries are now mostly going to be here and our friendship is going back to normal which i'm so happy about. Here is where I will come when i worry :)

plumWalker3542 August 12th, 2017


Happy to hear that your friendships seem to be getting back together!! I find my friends are so important for my anxiety. None of them actually know about it, but just hanging out with people and being distracted helps. So hope you and your friends can do lots of fun stuff together :)

SillyBlue32 August 12th, 2017

Hi , ive been on 7cups for around 7 months now. I recently decided to join this community, mainly because my path suggested it.

Wynta62 August 13th, 2017

Hi there. I'm new to the group, and have been experiencing some major anxiety (GAD) for almost 2 months now. I've definitely been struggling trying to manage it. I'm hoping that being able to interact in this group will help me as I attempt to manage my thoughts, worry, etc.

evergreen222 August 14th, 2017

Hi Everyone! I am a woman with Bipolar Disorder, but I also have social anxiety and relationship anxiety. My wife has GAD and Medical Anxiety, so a lot of our relationship centers around supporting each other through our attacks. We are very lucky to have each other. I am hoping to make connections online (which feels more comfortable for me most times because it can be deeper) with people who can understand me and my type of struggles. I do have many loving friends and family, but it can still feel lonely when you worry about turning people off with your problems. I'm also here to listen heart Glad to be here!