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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

MouKarai May 23rd, 2017

Hi, I'm MouKarai! I'm currently an intern on 7 cups :). While not officially diagnosed, I can very much relate to a lot of the struggles of anxiety--social anxiety in particular. I'm here as part of my own journey in confronting that anxiety as well as assisting anyone else going through the same things. I'd love to get to know everyone on this forum over the course of the next few weeks :)

Lorilly May 23rd, 2017

Hi, just joined. 2 fold anxiety - mine and my kids (which adds to mine). Looking for some sanity.

easyBanana9036 May 23rd, 2017

Hi! I'm Hannah!

I was diagnosed with anxiety a few years ago. I'm probably what's called a high functioning anxious person (haha probably said that wrong), I kind of take that as almost everyone around me thinks that I'm perfectly normal but head feels like it's about to burst from all of the overthinking I do everyday.

I'm nervous but excited to get to know people who may be like me :)

cj99 May 24th, 2017

Hi, my name's Caroline. I don't know what I should put in this... So um, I just joined 7 cups, and I was diagnosed with anxiety, and now ive been rediagnosed with depression ontop of my anxiety.

I just kind of downloaded this app without knowing what to expect. If you read this thanks I guess? Hope you have a good day.

13th May 25th, 2017

Hi im Shifa.

I hate talking to people.

Help me!

helpfulSoul64 May 25th, 2017

Hi I am Soul. I am new here.

forcefulFarm3424 May 25th, 2017

Hey everyone !

I am newbie in 7 cups. Seems like a great place. I am facing social anxiety. I love having strong friendships more than Anything but I recently broke off a 9 year friendship with my best friend so now I feel lonely and really no one is there who I talk to except family. I need to make friends or get back my old one or else I might lose my concentration over everything else.

EdgarAllan May 26th, 2017

I'm EdgarAllan, a new listener! Pleased to make your acquaintance!


Skitten May 26th, 2017

Hiya! My name's Skitten, a.k.a Braeden. I've revently been diagnosed with SEVERE ANXIETY, about less than a week ago as of today (5/26/17). I wish the best for all of those who are suffering from this case, it is not fun at all! I'd love to reach out to people who have the same situation! 💞

/Skitten ❤

ParisaK May 26th, 2017

Hello people!

I'm a Listener at 7 cups, very new and have faced anxiety in the past

I would love to hear from all of you on this thread smiley

ParisaK May 26th, 2017

Hi everyone! I'm Parisa

I'm a listener and new here,

I have had anxiety issues in the past, and would love to take a part in this thread! :)

StarryNoir May 26th, 2017

Hello, I'm new here but extremely happy to have found somewhere to talk about what's been on my mind.

ObsessivelyCreativeDragon May 27th, 2017

Hi! I'm introducing myself, despite the fact that that's a scary concept.


I'm not very good at this, and I don't know where to start...

Would anyone like a cup of tea?

EdgarAllan May 27th, 2017

I forgot to add something interesting about myself. I'm a mental health professional by day, and I'm a beatmaster/music composer for national artists by night!

scoads4 May 27th, 2017

Hi! I'm Sean :) I'm new here. I'm hoping to get the opportunity to understand and help myself more through this community <3

WaltDisneyAnimations May 27th, 2017

Hello, everyone. I've been using Seven Cups since Dec 08, 2016. I am a listener, and I am proud to be apart of the community. Talk to me anytime.

Simple7 May 28th, 2017

I think i suffer with anxiety and I would like to be apart f this group to find different coping mechanisms

Kaitlynmcc12 May 28th, 2017

Hi I'm kaitlyn and I'm 15 and I have really bad anxiety and have panic attacks all the time.

sasha0210 May 28th, 2017

Hey, I'm Sasha.

I'm really glad I found 7 cups. Looking forward to talking to all of you.

Fips May 29th, 2017

Hey guys.

Peekapeeks May 29th, 2017

Hi everyone, i don't go anywhere unless with my husband or neice. I get extreme anxitey attacks where i can't breath, cry, hyperventilate, shake, & my teeth chatter uncontrollable. Any suggestions?

adaptableJet6205 May 30th, 2017

@Peekapeeks Hi, I suffer from Severe Anxiety and Severe Depression as well as obviously Anxiety/Panic attacks so i can understand how hard it is. Have you tried seeing a theraphist or looked into getting on medication

Peekapeeks June 1st, 2017

@adaptableJet6205 i am on depression medication as well as antiphyscotic medication to help me to sleep. But it isn't helping this issue.

Natasha00 June 3rd, 2017

@Peekapeeks hi. I understand how you feel. I'm here if you want to talk

PandaBelle98 June 1st, 2017

@adaptableJet6205 Yeah I see a therapist and take both anxiety and mood control medication

brightowl2109 May 30th, 2017

@Peekapeeks, try visiting a therapist. Medication is a good beginning and later on when the issue subsides, you can try talk therapy/meditation etc. My personal experience says that medication is most effective when the issue is severe. Also, your therapist will be able to guide you on a recovery path.

Peekapeeks June 1st, 2017

@brightowl2109 i am on depression medication and antiphyscotic medication to help me sleep. But they aren't helping me with this issue

brightowl2109 June 1st, 2017

@Peekapeeks, did you talk to your doctor who prescribed the medication about it not helping. May be a change of medication/dosage is required. Happens sometime when one medication doesn't work, doctors change the dosage or medication itself.

you can also try medication/physical exercises along with medication.

MommaD71216 June 6th, 2017

@Peekapeeks i have the same problem! I've just been forcing myself to get out and deal with the crushing, suffocating feeling but I know that's not the right way to handle it.

emotionalMoon9511 June 7th, 2017

@Peekapeeks Hi learn to breathe its not as bad as you feel

goodBlackberry9681 May 29th, 2017

Hi everyone, I'm S. I have been diagnosed with GAD and Panic Disorder with agoraphobia for 14 years now. Had a relapse recently and cannot leave the comfort of my small town.

MommaD71216 June 6th, 2017

@goodBlackberry9681 hi S, I was diagnosed woth GAD

Pandora77 May 29th, 2017

Hi everyone. I'm Anita and I've been dealing with anxiety since I was 13. I'm 23 now. It started out as social anxiety, but now it's more general anxiety. My anxiety has gotten a lot worse in the last 2 months due to chronic pain.

Emotionalkitten47 June 1st, 2017

@Pandora77, first of all , what chronic pain ? Can you explain something more about it ? And have you talked to your therapist ?

Onni May 29th, 2017

Hi everyone :)

I can bounce from having severe anxiety and not being able to leave my house to being extremely independent and travelling to Europe alone. So hot and cold, right? Anyone else get like this? The anxiety attacks come on so strong and out of nowhere that it frightens my friends and, obv myself.

I feel like this site is a good place to be right now, though. :)

fighter23 June 4th, 2017

@Onni Hi! I can totally relate to my anixety being hot and cold. Recently mine was so bad I was in my boss's office almost all besides attending my classses (college student) because I didn't want to be alone and couldn't figure out what causing all this pain. Then a couple day later it was as if nothing happened. Some days little things can set me off and other times I can take on the world and not get anxious. Glad I am not alone with this. I think as we begin to learn more about ourselves we can learn what causes the attacks and what is helpful to lessen the attack quicker. I am here if you would like to talk! All the best!

fighter23 June 4th, 2017

@Onni Hi! I can totally relate to my anixety being hot and cold. Recently mine was so bad I was in my boss's office almost all besides attending my classses (college student) because I didn't want to be alone and couldn't figure out what causing all this pain. Then a couple day later it was as if nothing happened. Some days little things can set me off and other times I can take on the world and not get anxious. Glad I am not alone with this. I think as we begin to learn more about ourselves we can learn what causes the attacks and what is helpful to lessen the attack quicker. I am here if you would like to talk! All the best!

PandaBelle98 May 30th, 2017

Hi everyone. I'm not really sure how to do this so I'll just do my best. I have nearly constant hand shaking and headaches. My vision is getting increasingly worse because of the damage my anxiety has caused to my nervous system. One of my biggest fears, out of the thousands, is breathing. It scares me so much. I just know that I need help but doing that is one of the scariest things of all

SabreL June 1st, 2017


Hey there dear, I dont want to scare you or anything but have you been tested for MS (Multiple Sclerosis)? If it something I can attest for is if people have diagnosed you incorrectly they treat you incorrectly and you feel worse. Anxiety included.

PandaBelle98 June 1st, 2017

@SabreL I haven't been tested for that. What is it?