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Still confused.

moonligt July 19th

I'm started thinking about that I'm a bad person. Not this was the first similar situation when a friend became mad because I didn't want to hook up with them. I feel I tried everything to be fair and to be kind as well, but I think I should accept that I'll never be good enough, doesn't matter how much I try. Ovbiously there are also expentions (respect the expections) and It would be legitimate If somemone say that I should focus the positive, because It s true, but that situation still hurts me, even though it happened periovus month

ASilentObserver July 22nd

@moonligt It seems like you are experiencing difficult emotions after a recent situation with a friend. Feeling misunderstood can sting. What thoughts come up for you when you think about being a "bad person"?

moonligt OP July 22nd

It was because If I couldn't make enough happy my then friends and I broke their heart. But I didn't want this, I just wanted to be honest with them, they were noticed it anyways If I lied about that.

And that's not the only reason that I'm here. I also try to make new friends, even If I'm shy I came here and I try. And I also want to help others. Because I had bad experiences, that doesn't mean that I have right to treat people like that, everyone are different person, personalities. But same time I'm also afraid If I hurt people with my stories but I need help, I really don't want to be disrespectful to anyone. Everyone have their own problems, I know it. I just wanna talk about my feelings