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Facing failure...

Blahblah1805 May 5th

I was having a very important exam today. I gave the same exam last year and failed, I could have gotten into any university randomly but I had a specific dream uni so I didn't take admission and took a drop year. At the same time while preparing for this exam I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I went to see a psychologist and was taking therapy sessions but my parents didn't knew anything about my situation as they'd never understand the term mental health. So we told them that I need guidance for exam and I have exam fear. But today my exam went very bad I may score less than my previous exam. I was sad but mean words from my dad broke me more. 

He kept on scolding me and said 'Why did you take drop in the first place? You never focused on studies did you? Why did you waste time with psychologist it's useless...? Why were you faking to work hard? You know what you should stop studying now.. People like you who can't handle pressure and stress are not meant for education. You ruined my handwork etc. '

It broke me I know he's not wrong but agh I'm lost honestly I cried and cried and still want to cry I have no idea what else to do where to go. But the only thing that hurt me is my anxiety is not taken seriously. I have panic attacks I'm taking medication for that. My parents know that I'm taking medicines but they never asked why so I never mentioned. 

Tinywhisper11 May 6th

@Blahblah1805 hey sweetie ❤ you may not of passed your exam, but in no way did you fail. Failing would of been you last year, just settling for any old college, instead of focusing on doing the exam again and following your dream college. So I think your very brave very clever, and that this is just a setback not a failure ❤ your young, you have plenty of time in the future to resit that test in your own time, even when your 50. You are struggling with mental health with no support from the people who should be giving you support😟 that's very sad, I'm sorry sweetie ❤

So ok for now, doesn't mean you have to go down a completely different career path, or if you want to them that's fine too. Now it's time to think of a second plan, how you can make this work, what you want to do next. It's like a new chapter, could be fun hey?

what your dad said was pretty heartless😞 you are not and have not failed, you did not waste a year (I don't believe time can ever be wasted) you did study, you did try your best,and that's more than anyone could ask for ❤ hugs you tightly ❤ are you feeling ok today?

Blahblah1805 OP May 7th

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you so much for your words Lola. My cousin called me yesterday and she was very sweet she told me your career is important but not more important than you. You are the key. So I'm feeling better now. I'm still kind of lost for what I'd do and how I'll persuade my parents but I'll get through this setback. 

You're very sweet. Thank you for cheering me up🥰. Btw how are you doing? 

Tinywhisper11 May 7th

@Blahblah1805 awww! A big Thank you to your cousin ❤❤ I know you might be a bit disappointed right now, but things have a funny way of working out ok ❤❤hugs you tightly ❤ I love you ❤

I'm doing ok ❤❤

Blahblah1805 OP May 8th

@Tinywhisper11 Love you too ❤. Hugs you back 🤗

littlePlum7318 May 8th

@Blahblah1805 I'm so sorry to hear that. Firstly that your exam didn't go as you'd hoped but also your fathers reaction which must have been so painful for you. You didn't deserve to be spoken to in this way. You were suffering from anxiety and depression and needed support and understanding, and in a very stressful situation of re-sitting an exam and I'm so sorry you didn't receive that from him. Your fathers words sound very hurtful, have you ever considered trying to communicate with them why you were taking medication and the extent to which your depression and anxiety have affected you? They might be more understanding and empathetic if they had the full picture perhaps? Also it's not correct for him to say that people who suffer from anxiety and depression can't handle pressure and stress for education. Anxiety and depression can affect absolutely anybody. None of us are immune. 

Seeing professionals for depression and anxiety are very healthy ways of dealing with those issues and I applaud you for seeking out their help. It's also important to know that we aren't defined by how we perform in exams. If you want to talk 1 to 1 on this or any issue please do let me know! 

Blahblah1805 OP May 9th

@littlePlum7318 Thank you so much you're so kind❤. I actually tried talking to them but my dad just shut me by saying what depression huh? Have you ever even seen the miseries of the world? You know what let me send you to camping alone and you'll get to know what problems or difficulties mean.. So yeah he won't get it but I'm better now. I cried yesterday night because of his words but it's fine I want to focus on what I can do now first. 

181005 May 10th

@Blahblah1805 I can understand how hurtful it must be for you. At first, you tried to work hard despite facing challenges of mental health and secondly your parents didn't understand you and rather were mean. I'm so sorry for all the things you've gone through. I hope you don't take too much pressure on yourself as it's fine. Everyone faces a setback it's not as bad. You can get through it. It'd be better if you take some days off, take a break and then carefully think of what you want to do now. You have plenty of opportunities and you can go back to give the exam too. Try to focus on future rather than dwelling on past. It's all okay when you're okay. 

Take care sweetheart and we're all here for you❤. 

Blahblah1805 OP May 12th

@181005 Aww you're so sweet. Thank you for understanding me❤. Yes I'm trying not to think too much of it and move on and see what my next step can be. 

sugarySoulDisha May 10th


I'm really sorry to hear about the tough time you're having, especially with your exam and your dad's hurtful words. It's incredibly tough when our struggles aren't understood by those closest to us. You're dealing with a lot, from anxiety and depression to academic pressure. Remember, your worth isn't defined by exam scores or others' opinions.

It's concerning that your parents aren't fully aware of what you're going through. Opening up to them might be hard, but it could help you get the support you need. If that feels too difficult, consider reaching out to a trusted teacher or counselor who could help facilitate the conversationRemember, you're not alone. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. You're stronger than you know, and you'll get through this.

Blahblah1805 OP May 12th

@sugarySoulDisha Thank you so much for your sweet words🥰. Yeah like I don't think they'll get it because they don't see depression as a thing you know they think it's all ridiculous so it's difficult and somewhere I think pointless to explain it to them. It's not like I've completely given up on them but not just right now maybe later when I feel better I'd talk to them. 

Have a great day 😊.