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Anxiety and alcohol

tealMelon1154 June 19th, 2023

Hi all, I have been drinking alcohol a lot recently to suppress my emotions but it doesn't help that I have anxiety. I'm at a really bad place where I have to have some drinks in my system at least a couple times per week to feel okay. Ik I shouldn't do this but anyone have any recommendations on how to relax without drinking? I have bee hiding this from people I know but drinking helps me feel better somewhat.

7motivation June 19th, 2023


Yes, relaxing sure can be challenging sometimes.

Alcohol can seem like the easy way, but it's really just sedation.

Off the top of my head, I'd say that there are many ways to relax without alcohol.

The one that's better for a particular person
depends on the person and the situation.

Some people find that:

  • Physical activity like stretching or walking or dancing to fun music helps one relax sometimes.

If one needs other ideas that are just right for their situation,
then one can also search the internet
and get lots and lots of ideas to pick from.

Of course, one should always check the results of any advice for accuracy and safety before using any ideas.

If I search Bing Search using using their new Bing Search Chat feature with the Edge browser for:

  • Any recommendations on how to relax without drinking alcohol?

Bing Search Chat feature says:

  • Searching for: how to relax without alcohol
  • Generating answers for you…
  • There are many effective ways to relax without alcohol. Some suggestions include:
  • Exercise and mindfulness-based practices such as meditation1.
  • Spending time in nature to boost your mood2.
  • Self-hypnosis or a guided meditation to switch off the mind and help you relax3.
  • Preparing ahead of time for challenging evenings by setting up coping mechanisms4.
  • These are just a few suggestions, but there are many more ways to relax without alcohol. Is there anything specific you had in mind?

Then I can chat with Bing Search Chat,
for example,
I can ask it a follow up question:

  • What exercise is relaxing and also fun?

Then Bing Search Chat said:

  • Searching for: relaxing and fun exercise
  • Generating answers for you…
  • There are many exercises that can be both relaxing and fun. Some suggestions include:
  • Practicing relaxing yoga asanas such as Balasana (Child pose), Makarasana (Crocodile pose), Cat-Cow pose, or Legs up the wall pose1.
  • Going for a walk in nature and being mindful of each step you take, the sights, sounds, and smells1.
  • Mindful drawing such as mandala coloring2.
  • These are just a few suggestions, but there are many more exercises that can be both relaxing and fun. Is there anything specific you had in mind?
Then I asked Bing Search Chat:
  • What makes the above fun?

Then Bing Search Chat replied:

  • What makes an activity fun is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some people may find the above activities fun because they provide a sense of relaxation, accomplishment, or enjoyment.
    For example, practicing yoga can be fun because it allows you to focus on your body and breath, and can provide a sense of calm and relaxation.
    Going for a walk in nature can be fun because it allows you to connect with the natural world and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells around you.
    Mindful drawing can be fun because it allows you to express your creativity and focus on the present moment.

  • Ultimately, what makes an activity fun is up to the individual and their personal preferences. It’s important to try different activities and find what works for you.

So there are may ways to get ideas here and from internet search engines.

Please remember to always check any ideas appropriately before using them.

I hope this gives you some ideas
and resources to find your own best solutions
for your unique situations.

thoughtfulmomma June 19th, 2023


The alcohol thing is a tough subject. I have known many people who use alcohol as a crutch/coping mechanism much too often and it only makes things worse in their lives and relationships. But, I have also read about some studies talking about how mild/moderate drinking may help with anxiety. Of course, they also say you shouldn't start drinking to help with anxiety either!

I struggle with the question of alcohol for anxiety. I mean, what's the difference of me taking a prescription each day to help with anxiety versus having one drink each day? Both are drugs, both are generally not good for my body.

I am not condoning or judging medication or alcohol or cannabis, for that matter. We each individually need to decide what works for us WITHOUT hurting us or our lives/relationships.

Beyond medicating yourself with your drug of choice, what do YOU like to do? I know some people who suffer from anxiety that LOVE running. They'll run for miles each day. Others go to the gym and work out for a couple of hours. Neither of those things are things I like doing. I find my own things, because then I'll know they'll work.

I go for regular walks. They don't have to be long. It could be down the road and back. It could be a nature trail. It could be window shopping in the city. Just get out of the house, don't take the anxiety with you, and enjoy your time.

Swimming, kayaking, walk your dog (or offer to be a dog walker for someone else). Volunteer at an animal shelter where you have to be around a lot of dogs and cats that just want someone to cuddle or play or talk to them.

Hobbies that keep you busy - textiles (knitting), cooking, woodworking. I'm not a huge fan of reading but so many other people use it to help with their anxiety.

Is something broken around your house? A mower? A coffee maker? Dig into YouTube, start watching videos, and repair it. (I LOVE IT when I fix something. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment.)

tealMelon1154 OP June 19th, 2023

@thoughtfulmomma I think I just need to try new things. I like exercising but recently that has gotten boring for me. Drawing well I'm really good at it but that bores me too. Maybe I'll try fixing things around the house? That seems like a good idea that I could try. Besides that it has gotten hard to do the things I enjoyed and so I'm pushing people away. I feel like I'm boring but really anything I do just feels dull.