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Meeting People

My therapist wants me to get out more and socialize.  I have been going to events.

I went to one last night. I don't get lonely from being alone but I do feel lonely from being in a group I don't feel I belong in. I managed to last just over an hour in total before I became so depressed that I could no longer stand it. I am still depressed nearly a full day later.

Tinywhisper11 May 30th

@Gettingbettertoday being pushed out of your comfort zone like that, no wonder you feel depressed. Sometimes therapists are not always right,  they are the big picture not the little. Honey at the end of the day, you alone knows what you need and what's best for you ❤❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

iloveyouxx May 30th

@Tinywhisper11 @Gettingbettertoday

awe. I agree with teenie❤️and- idk what else to say cos teenie always manages to phrase everything perfectly :p❤️❤️optional hugs for both of you.❤️

Tinywhisper11 May 30th

@iloveyouxx hugs you tightly ❤

chuchuMAN July 13th

Can i get a hug as well 🥹🙏 you so beautiful..😢

Ugh. That sucks, but at least you went. I've been on forever and I've barely made it to any events. The ones that I did make it to and enjoyed were all really specific topics that were me. Unicorns. I found a camping weekend for black families with kids and I had a blast. I also found a flat bike path trip for out of shape people in their 50s. That one was perfect. I've also gone on the random group of strangers going out to dinner and those are bad. Really bad. Would leave anyone depressed. I hope you can find an activity that is worth putting yourself out there. Keep looking. I'm still trying.

Gettingbettertoday OP June 10th


There are no activities that appeal to me so I have just been going to coffee chats. It would be great to have something I am interested in to talk about about with others. As it is now when someone asks what i am into my only answer is nothing. 

I went to a party this weekend with my wife. It was her old work friends that have retired. We stayed for 4 hours. I spent about 15 minutes total talking to people and the rest either eating or just sitting around. I was exhausted afterwards. 


Work events are the worst.  Your a good spouse for going.  I would have happily let my spouse go alone.  I guess that might be why I'm not married.  Its very awkward to show up at an event where people have an entire lifetime of shared experiences together and they haven't seen each other in a while.  

I spent last weekend at an awful girl scout event. 25 adults and kids in a one room cabin for the entire weekend.  No alone time.  Luckily I forgot I had a dog and didn't book a kennel for the weekend.  I wound up staying at a nearby campground with the dog, but spent 12 hours everyday at the Girl Scout event.

I figured at least I would get to have some grown up adult conversation.  I recently moved to the area, but these women have known each other for years.  They were all teachers and the only things they talked about were their kids, teaching other people's kids, girl scouts and the girls softball team.  I couldn't believe that this is what they talked about and they were drinking!  I was not, which probably made it worse.  I already told my daughter that we were never doing that trip again.  

royalPiano4520 June 28th

@Gettingbettertoday I personally believe it's time for people to understand the mindset of introverts, who often find more fulfillment in their own company than in superficial relationships with others who don't share their wavelength. It's empowering to cultivate a healthy relationship with oneself rather than force connections that don't resonate.

While others may have good intentions when suggesting things to us, ultimately, we know ourselves best. As an introvert myself, I've often felt out of place and struggled through forced smiles and conversations that held no interest for me. I completely empathize with your perspective. Sometimes, it's perfectly okay to choose solitude over trying to fit into situations that don't come naturally to us.

Being comfortable with who you are is key; things will eventually fall into place. Don't worry.

jinx2095 July 10th

Maybe you haven't matched with someone with similar interests or hobbies. What do you like to do? Or what ur favorite thing in the world even though u think is silly share a little bit. Maybe one of us have similar interests. I really understand how you are feeling bc I don't have friends who like the videogames or watching series of Minecraft for example. So some days I feel like my friends are not totally my friends. And I feel lonely.

Gettingbettertoday OP July 12th


Nothing interests me and I have no hobbies. I have not had either in the last 5 years. 

jinx2095 July 12th

Well what do you do in your daily life? I can talk with u anytime you want. Don't worry to try to fit in just be you and enjoy.

Gettingbettertoday OP July 14th


I mostly just survive. My wife and i have been invited to a party today. I will not be going as i have been struggling to simply to get by. 

Gettingbettertoday OP July 17th


"I can talk with u anytime you want.". You are not marked as a Listener. How would I contact you?

easyMaple3687 July 13th


That's awesome!

LoneWolf91 July 17th

Proud of you for pushing yourself and doing that, regardless of the result.

> "I don't get lonely from being alone but I do feel lonely from being in a group I don't feel I belong in"

I felt that. So real.

specialDreamer97 July 17th

I’m so proud of you for getting out there and trying! Hopefully with time you’ll find a group that allows you to feel included and supported. Have you considered taking a known person with you to groups for added comfort?

GummyDropSunShine July 21st

@Gettingbettertoday  I feel the same way you do I'm fine alone but I don't do well in large groups sorry to hear that your down a day after it happened.  Wishing you much happiness be well

peacefulPower79 July 21st


Being lonely in a crowd is logical when the feeling of belolong is not there. Often just one other empathetic person is just the thing.

TU100OT July 23rd


Are there online meetup events to attend?

Gettingbettertoday OP July 23rd


There are online Meetups. I have chosen not to go that route myself. 

TU100OT July 24th


I guess if you keep going to the offline Meets, you'll kind of get used to it at one point, even if you come out of the Meets 15 minutes after, or 30 minutes after. You can maybe note down some points, every meet you go to, on how you're feeling, what happened during that period when you were there, what you think you can shed some light on to improve on or extend a bit more or shorten. Sticking to people with similarities also helps sometimes or small talk. Doing things you like in the meetups if it's a place with activities to do so you get people with the same interests doing the same activities so you make connections even if it's short conversations. Hope this helps

armmeoisa July 27th

It's important to remember that finding the right social fit can take time. Each step you take is progress, even if it doesn't always feel like it. Continue to communicate with your therapist about your experiences and feelings, as they can offer guidance tailored to your specific situation.

armmeoisa July 28th

It is important to remember that finding the right social environment can take time. Every step you take is progress, even if it is not always felt. Keep talking to your therapist about your experiences and feelings, as he or she may be able to offer suggestions tailored to your particular situation. I have heard that, for example, when girls go to work in an Istanbul escort, they are psychologically more relaxed in life.

courteousHouse174 August 22nd
@armmeoisa  also intrigues this question, as for me, the escort is engaged in escorting men to various events, thus confirming the status of influential people, for example, on this site, the girls know how to do a lot of things, I’ve tested them from personal experience, so if you want to use such services, I recommend it here. 
ElectricTheory August 3rd

same sнiт

Jewelmoon17 August 5th


I feel the same.  I have friends from work, from my school years and former people I had met.  But only a few I could consider friends that I am comfortable with.  

I don't feel good at office parties and events cause most of my real/ close friends had already moved to new jobs.  It gets lonely not having somebody to really mingle at parties.  But I do feel the isolation when they take group photos and I feel like a photo bomber.