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Discussion 1: Introduction to Group Support

Hope March 18th

Hi everyone! This is the first post of the course. Before we embark on the leadership and development aspects of groups, let's step back and immerse ourselves in the heart of 7Cups: Group Support.

Group support transcends the dictionary definition of a mere collection of individuals. It's a dynamic arena where attitudes, behaviors, and growth intertwine to create a powerful tapestry of connection and transformation.

At 7Cups, we started with personalized 1-on-1 support, but our community yearned for more. Recognizing the unique power of collective interaction, we nurtured group support as a safe haven for learning, sharing, and collective growth. We meticulously crafted chat rooms – not just as communication channels, but as embraceable spaces where diverse needs and aspirations blossom.

Today, over 150 dedicated chat rooms cater to a spectrum of purposes, catering to both adults and teens, listeners and members. From finding solace and navigating challenges to celebrating milestones and forging vibrant bonds, these rooms ignite the magic of belonging.

Moving forward, we identified the needs of moderating these rooms, so we introduced the chat room moderator role, figured out we need facilitators to lead different sessions in the chat rooms, so added Support Session Leader and On-spot Host as the recent addition to it. We figured out the safety issues in the chat rooms, and we badge locked the rooms. So as we learned more about the needs and demands, we kept iterating and evolving group support for better experiences and support for everyone. We are on a journey to build the best group support. And, we will continue to progress …

Remember, active participation in these discussions and activities is your stepping stone to implementing your learnings within the chat rooms, actively contributing to the vibrant landscape of group support.

Let's embark on this collaborative journey, where growth happens not just individually, but in the pulsating heart of our empowered community!

Question for reflection - Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why?

This post is part of the Group Dynamics Course's requirements. More information on the course can be found here. (Not yet launched)
WeEarth March 21st


I prefer spending time in the LSR because it provides an opportunity for mutual learning and support. By engaging with others' doubts and providing support, I get chance to enhance my understanding. 

YourCaringConfidant March 22nd

@Hope I like to spend my time in the happy room when it's open. My answer is simple-- Positivity Corner has the atmosphere that I love the most. I know it's because of the beautiful people in there but when the room is just vibing well, it's my happy place. People are kind and welcoming in there and, when the room is open, I know it makes many people happy. The happy room has one of the best mods ever. We all know who it is. ♡ So hands down, this is my favorite room. Other rooms/sessions I enjoy is LSR, Mindfulness, and Listener Sharing Circle. 

PetiteSouris March 22nd


Question for reflection - Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why? My favorite group room is the Mindfulness room. In this room, there are informative and interactive discussions led by @soulsings @amiablePeace77 and @adventorousBranch3786. It's a pity I didn't learn about the practice of mindfulness as a child. I believe it would have helped me during many stressful and traumatic times. However, since joining the site in 2019, I have been able to use mindfulness in my day to day life; and most of the times it has been effective in calming the mind. I am greatful for Ami, Soul and Branch in facilitating these discussions for our community. Mindfulness helps us to relax the body and mind, which in turn may reduce stress. Stress can lead to many physical, emotional and mental health problems. Participating in mindfulness discussions helps me to relax the mind and body. Ironically, I dont spend most of my time in this room, however this room has been the most impactful during my time spent on cups. I would encourage everyone to attend one of the mindfulness discussions and truly be present while participating in it. 

❤︎✨♡ ✨❤︎✨♡✨❤︎✨♡✨❤︎

soulsings March 22nd

@PetiteSouris thanks for the shoutout. Great to have you in those discussions. 

MistyMagic March 22nd

@Hope Question for reflection - Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why?
I spend most of my time in a few rooms. My favorite 'fun' room is of course the Hobby Zone Room, we have lots of interesting and fun discussions on different hobbies from cooking pizzas to gardening and painting. 
The other room is the Disability Support Room, I have started afternoon 'catch-ups' and gradually I am building up a discussion schedule there, of course, the other one is Teen Listener Room. :)


Listening - One Step At A Time! 

SoothingLight99 March 22nd

I tend to pop in and out of the Listener Support room, although I haven't needed to respond or post in there. I seem to have gravitated and stayed with the Anxiety Support Group. I found that they have a journaling and one-line-a-day prompt that gets me excited. I enjoy writing and being about people who need to journal or use written words to convey their feelings. I like the anxiety group because that is where I feel most of my MHI and often times need to connect and group myself in practice self-care. 

sky2Ocean20 March 25th


Question for reflection - Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why?

I definitely spent most of my time in "group support 24X7". I decided to volunteer as a room supporter last month because according to me when members come here for venting, emotional support, or for a light-hearted chat, as a room supporter it gives me an opportunity to make them feel welcome and safe. A supportive comment or simple upvote can sometimes make someone's mood much better when they feel overwhelmed by life in general. 

other than that I spend time in the listener support room too. Mostly If I have something to ask. Community mods, peer-support have always delivered answers, and I have learned so many things through this group which otherwise I would not have known all by myself about navigating chats with members. 

Kettajohnson23 April 1st

I am still very new to 7 Cups but so far I've got to say I have enjoyed the Motivational.


 For me  the teen rooms and lsr

1 listener support room since so welcoming and I seen so much growth in that rooms.

2 teenie rooms  teenie town have unique  vribe to it that makes it special.

3. 50+ and mindfulness is how well the discussions  are hosted , how supportive every is and the hosts.

Newbie hub On the 18+ side have a very unique dynamic that you have to like to help those rooms out.

Countrygirl095 April 3rd

@Hope Question for reflection - Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why?

I like to spend time with the disability group room because I get to like connect with others like me


I would go with LSR, TL, and anxiety support. The first two since I'd like the interaction and exchanging experience there. And the anxiety room since I have personal experience with and I'd love to improve the less anxiety quality. 

WifeofPTSDvet May 13th

I am still exploring rooms right now as a newbie, however the Group Support is a great space for people to vent and connect on a variety of issues. I also enjoy the 35 and Older room, as that age room shares similar childhood experiences, and I like to give tips and encouragement so people people adjust, interpret, and connect with younger generations, which I have a lot of experience and skills in.

Filmlover12 May 21st

 I really like the sharing circle room garden room 50+ room  and mindfulness room since they are so welcoming

unassumingEyes June 21st

@Hope I like spending time in the LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support room as it has very inclusive and calm vibes. 

Gargi07 June 22nd

@Hope I enjoy spending time in the Teen Community Room (TCR) for light-hearted chats. Whenever I feel depressed and anxious, I go there and feel a bit lighter. I have a lot of fun there; it's a coping mechanism for me.

CalmRosebud June 24th


My favorite group is Sharing Circle, because I believe this provides the most honest microcosm of society within a group.


I am still new to 7 cups and still trying to navigate around in the way that works best for my neurodiverse mind ;-) I have found myself in the poetry room and the 35 and older room slightly more than others. I love the power of words and the magic that is created when we “feel” those words (with feelings) and share them! And because I’m older experienced, I feel like the 35 and up crowd understands me best ;-) 

pamharley003 August 3rd


 Which group room do you like to spend the most time in and why?

I like being in the depression chat room. As someone who suffers with depression, I want to give back and be a shining light to others who are going through it . I feel by the chat room knowing I suffer too then maybe they will be comfortable to open up and maybe talk with me so I may help them.