What are you doing this weekend to take care of yourself?
@Hope I am going to do some yoga cause my mental state is not at a good spot.😒
@Hope Taking a break from everything.
@Hope I'm going to try and read a book I checked out from the library weeks ago and practice my henna art.
@Hope I am staying home and watching my favorite movies
د something I need to do
@Hope honestly, i have no clue.
i dont think i have the motivation to do what i really need to do i mean my hygiene been pretty poor and for some reason i cant just bring myself to get up.
ive been procrastinating, cant really get things done even though i could but i cant. its been pretty rough lately but I'll manage, i always do and i want it to stop
@Hope spending time with family 🫶🏼
@HopeI just feel awful. my house is falling apart.
@Hope tried to detox gadgets