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Hi there, I am hermione. An Indian, who knows English and Hindi. Though I can't type in Hindi. 

Life can be really tough. I know. Sometimes you just don't feel anything positive. Or feel that things aren't at their best state. So at such times everybody reacts differently. But yeah a common reaction is wanting to talk, to share. And I am here for that.

I promise I will try my best to listen to you and not judge you for what happened. 

With regards,


Recent forum posts
optimism. for those who want happiness
IDG 7 Cups Community Hub / by Hermionetps
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1 day ago
...See more As a child, I was always jumping with joy here and there. I had this radiance about me gosh, you wouldn't believe the joy. my outlook on life tainted by nothing but the brightest of hues. I remember one particular incident that might help you guys realise my never endind everylasting joy. I must have been roughly 7 or 8 years old when I found a stray dog wandering the streets near my home. Without a moment's hesitation, I scooped up the pup, determined to provide it with food, shelter and a loving home. Despite my limited means as a child, I refused to give in to the notion that I couldn't make a difference. You wouldn't believe what i did. i found a card board Amazon box which had just come in with a delivery and made it that sweet puppies home. i even shared my food with it. though i knew not to give him chocalates. In the end, my mom and i were able to connect the dog with a nearby animal rescue, overjoyed that I had played a role in giving the creature a second chance. Somewhere along the way, however, that unwavering optimism began to fade. The daily grind of adult responsibilities, the discouraging news cycles, and the general negativity that can surf into our lives all took a toll. I found myself becoming more rude, asserive, always afraid of  betrayal and what not also,less willing to believe that positive change was possible. This course has been a revelation, reminding me of the reality of optimism. Through reflection exercises , I've rediscovered the child-like wonder that used to be my default setting. Now, I approach each day with a new sense of hope, believing that I can make a genuine impact, no matter how small the gesture. Discussion Questions: What are some of the key factors that can was away our natural optimism as we grow older? How can we consciously work to maintain a more hopeful outlook? Describe a time when your own optimism and determination helped you overcome a challenge or make a positive difference. What did you learn from that experience? How can we cultivate a culture of optimism within our communities, workplaces, and society at large? What are some concrete steps we can take?
empathy and compassion
IDG 7 Cups Community Hub / by Hermionetps
Last post
...See more Hi everyone. this is going to be my first post so please be helpful if you could.  So I am sure that already a million people have written on this. But I still want to. Before the course there was a certain bleakness around me. I mean all was just going on. I remember pondering about how things came to this extent. I am pretty sure this has happened to quite a few, so the catch was quite easy to understand, but equally difficult to find. So yeah, apparently it is human tendencies to be kind. As a kid I am sure most of you have had candies and when somebody walks in you offer it to them. Well so did I. and apart from that many small acts of kindness. Those were the days I was happy.  As I grew up. I stopped, and so did the happiness stop. Then came competition. The life is a race stuff. And with that went the happiness. The moral being sharing which is an act of kindness and many such small miniscule things are what make a person happy. then comes self love. As the self love decreases so does the happiness. It is in scientific terms directly proportional to happiness. Just one affirmation a day. One positive thought in a journal helps. And although many people say this. The course made me do it. And guess what I am loving this so much that I am continuing this. Next and last is the active listening. As I am sure almost all here are listeners. Has it ever happened to you that you listen to one person whose situation is so much so similar and when he feels peace you do too.  A lot more than him/her. It happens with me every time. every single time. And although I never realized this before this course made me realise. the power of active listening has been illuminated. When I truly engage with others, even if their circumstances are vastly different from my own, I find that I can experience a deep sense of peace and understanding. This empathetic connection is a true source of joy. Ultimately, this course has reminded me of the basic ingredients for a fulfilling life - kindness, self-acceptance, and compassionate engagement with the world around me. I'm grateful for these invaluable lessons now lastly, 1.what were such moments in your life when you felt peace 2.what were those things in childhood that you just ceased doing
Feedback & Reviews
Absolutely wonderful convo, just like how i prefer. Kind understanding listener. Dont regret coming here!
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how amazing you are. You're such a great listener—so professional, yet incredibly polite and sweet. It’s obvious how much effort you put into truly understanding and making me feel comfortable. Your patience and calmness are like a breath of fresh air, and your wisdom and life experience shine through in every conversation. I'm so happy to have met you, and you've genuinely helped me deal with my issues in such an effective way. Thank you for everything!
She was really sweet and was trying to make sure she understood everything I said. She really cared about what I had to say and really help me to feel heard❤️
Very helpful, non judgemental
Loved it awesome chat. It was the best. I felt really great talking to her. Plus her ability to reconnect and be true to her word. I loved her...
thanks alot for your time , she was very lovely :)
One of the best.Been a great help!👍
She was probably the best listener I have met. Also, I have been with at least 25 listeners
exactly what I needed
She is an honest and sweet listener, she listened to my issues calmly and is open-minded and empathetic.
The listener was very attentive and helpful
She was very helpful Love , Jolina
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