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Weekly Poll, Week 5: Which of these learning styles suits you the best?

Hope September 9th

Hi everyone! I am here to share the weekly poll with you. I will try to put them out every week. 

Reminder: The poll closes on Friday. Get your answers in before Friday. You can still take part afterward, it just won't be counted in the final poll results once they are posted. Please select only 1 option, choose the most relevant one! 

Which of these learning styles suits you the best?

a) Visual (I need to see it!)

b) Auditory (Talk me through it!)

c) Kinesthetic (Let me try it!)

d) Reading/Writing (Give me notes!)

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Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 9th


C for practical things and D otherwise!

CaringEzra September 9th


mix of all them but definitely C! 

trueconfidant123 September 9th


D, I love to read and write

reliableeagle6670 September 9th


a and c

reliableeagle6670 September 9th


But mostly a visual for my one answer

maia102 September 9th

C and D work best for me I've realised!

WeEarth September 9th


It depends on the subject. Its difficult to choose one as I love a perfect mix of these styles.


emotionalBlueberry9 September 9th

C) Kinesthetic (let me try it)

Practicaly doing it is the best way to learn for me

Heather225 September 9th


reallyoverallofit September 9th


I like to think I am a little of everything?

In my pre-med courses I would heavily rely on seeing in my mind's eye, though. ex: "How do I spell... olecranon?" I would see/visualize it how I wrote it on the note page or flashcard in my mind.

But then there are weird moments where I hear a voice or a sound sample in a song and am immediately like I know who that is - I heard them in this other thing. And I do that a lot more than most people. 

Then there's smell memory. 

I guess I am all of them. I need to hear, see, and take notes to memorize. 

Starling120 September 9th



yourbuddy30 September 10th

@Hope I think B. When someone explains it, I better understand

sunnyTalker6138 September 10th

@Hope C!

blueketchup31 September 10th

@Hope B! I can picture things myself to visual lectures aren't much use to me. But if something is repeated to me a few times I'll understand it better!

MistyMagic September 10th

@Hope  A, but then I like to take my own notes lol!

ChrisAmerica September 10th


“There is no evidence that supports teaching to a person’s specified learning style results in better learning .”

r3x1 September 11th

A and c

Angelanj September 11th

@Hope a mix of all of them but mostly visual and kinesthetic I think!

Navynav September 11th


a mix of a and c!

LightWhisper September 11th

a and b

GoodTrouble19 September 11th

@Hope C

daydreammemories September 11th


I would go with visual for me!

JollyRacher September 11th



Hope OP Friday

Thank you for taking part! (Anyone who comes after this comment is welcome to still take part, the results won't be updated but this is still a fun poll for you to take part in)

Here are the votes

a) Visual - 5

b) Auditory - 3

c) Kinesthetic - 4

d) Reading/Writing - 2

Note: Any answers that did not choose one option were not counted. 

Our clear winner is the visual learning style!

Thank you for taking part!

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @CaringEzra @trueconfidant123 @reliableeagle6670 @maia102 @WeEarth @emotionalBlueberry9 @Heather225 @reallyoverallofit @Starling120 @yourbuddy30 @sunnyTalker6138 @blueketchup31 @MistyMagic @r3x1 @Angelanj @Navynav @LightWhisper @GoodTrouble19 @daydreammemories @JollyRacher